Mechanical Engineering

The Mechanical Engineering Department is well known for its quality of teaching and supportive environment provided to the students. The state-of-the-art laboratories, highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty members in all specializations of Mechanical Engineering, make this Department a vibrant place to study. Our programs provides flexible curriculum enabling the students to achieve their goals and make them industry ready. Presently department is active in various thrust areas of research in Mechanical Engineering and allied branches.

The Department organizes number of short term training programs, workshop and seminars from time to time for faculties and students for sharing and updating their technical knowledge in a regular and periodic manner. The programs are not only imparting technical expertise to the students but also are intended to provide a professional experience through industry linked projects, in-plant trainings, industry personnel expert lectures and industrial visits. The Department fosters a culture of innovative teaching methodologies to improve the skills required for the student’s career.

Major Recruiter


Department Highlights

  • Well qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty and staff with an inclination towards adopting innovative teaching techniques.

  • State of art laboratories and infrastructural facilities. To name few advanced laboratories are CAD/CAM, Robotics, and Vibration/Noise and Renewable energy etc.

  • Very strong industries connect not only with the Jindal group but other industries as well.

  • Different Clubs, Societies, professional chapters and extramural activities, etc for the overall development of the students.

  • Comprehensive student-centric learning approach, designed to add significant value to the learner's understanding in an integrated manner through workshops, lab sessions, assignments, industrial training, research seminars, projects etc.

  • Broad and flexible program allows students to customize the program to meet their objectives and intended career goals.

Programmes offered

  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  • B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering Specialization in:
    (a) Robotics & Artificial Intelligence:
    Robotics and Artificial Intelligence deal with the design and development of intelligent autonomous Robots that can interact with their environment. It enables students to gain expertise in advanced robotics systems, and have applications in several fields including manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, space exploration, and the defense sector.

    (b) Mechatronics & Automation : The program strengthens the students with the skill that allow them to design, construct and run automation systems and factory production lines. The student can work in various fields such as industrial automation, digital manufacturing, Automotive, Pharmaceuticals, Robotics, and aerospace.

    (c) Automotive Design & Engineering: Automotive design and engineering encompass the creative and technical processes involved in developing vehicles. Designers and engineers work together to create visually appealing and aerodynamically efficient exteriors, while also focusing on optimizing performance, safety, and comfort. They collaborate on everything from chassis and powertrain development to interior layouts and electronic systems, aiming to deliver innovative and reliable automobiles that meet the evolving needs of consumers. This harmonious blend of artistry and precision defines the fascinating world of automotive design and engineering.

  • M. Tech.
    (a) Manufacturing Technology and Automation
    (b) Power Plant Engineering & Energy Management

  • Ph. D.

Insights of Mechanical @ OPJU

  • AICTE-CII Industry Linked Award 2021

  • Highest star rating (3.5) in Institutional Innovation Council- 4.0

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning

  • Mechatronics, Robotics & Automation

  • Industry 4.0 and Data Science

  • Six Sigma & Reliability

  • Theory of Constraints in Manufacturing

  • Experiential learning – 6-month long term internship in the final year

  • Design Thinking & Innovation

  • Industrial Engineering & Production Management

  • Certificate course on Emerging technologies

Centre of Excellences

Student Clubs

  • SAE Collegiate Club

Inspiring moments of:

Session 2019-20 : Video

Session 2020-21 : Video

Session 2021-22 : Video

Annual Report 2021-22 : Click here

Placements Highlights : Video

Industry Tailored Courses

  • Digital Manufacturing

  • Solar Energy Technology

  • Design and Development of Electric Vehicles

  • Advanced Welding Technology

  • CNC & Additive Manufacturing

  • CAD/CAE Certificate courses

  • Six Sigma & Reliability

  • Plant Maintenance & Safety

  • Stainless Steel with JSL

Major Laboratories

  • Centre of Excellence in Manufacturing & Automation

  • Centre of Excellence in Robotics

  • Material Design and Tribology Lab

  • Mechanical Vibration Lab

  • Electric Vehicle Lab

  • CAD/CAM Lab

  • 15MW Turbine-Generator Lab

  • Energy Systems Lab

  • Modelling & Simulation Lab

  • Mechanical Characterization Lab

  • Aerodynamics and Solar Energy Lab

Program Outcomes(B.Tech.)

  •  PO-1: Engineering Knowledge and Problem Analysis -- Apply the knowledge of engineering domain with adequate amalgamation of science, mathematics, and management to Identify, formulate, and critically analyze complex engineering problems.
  •  PO-2: Modern tools and techniques for investigating complex problems – Apply appropriate tools and techniques to analyze, predict and simulate the data for valid conclusion with clear understanding of limitations.
  •  PO-3: Design and development of innovative systems: design and develop system components or processes to provide solutions of complex engineering problems that meet the specified conditions of societal, health, safety, and environmental needs.
  •  PO-4: Communication and Teamwork - Develop skills to communicate effectively to diverse platforms and contribute meaningfully to different capacities as a leader, team member or individual.
  •  PO-5: Project management and finance: Develop and apply knowledge of engineering, management, and finance principles to handle a project in a multidisciplinary environment.
  •  PO-6: Life-long learning: Acquire fundamental knowledge for lifelong learning to participate in the extensive context of socio-technological change as a self-directed member and a leader.
  •  PO-7: Ethics and citizenship: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, norms, and responsibilities of the engineering practice; and act with informed awareness to participate in civic life activities.
  •  PO-8: Society, Sustainability and Environment -- Understand the impact of various solutions in the context of societal, economical, health, safety legal and environmental impact for sustainable development.

Programme Specific Outcomes(B.Tech.)

  •  PSO-1:Develop an attitude to meet global challenges and apply the knowledge of mechanical engineering to solve problem related with thermal, design, manufacturing and interdisciplinary field.
  •  PSO-2: Demonstrate knowledge and skill for solving social, real industrial problems using modern software and hardware tools.

Program Outcomes(M.Tech.)

  •  PO-1: Disciplinary knowledge: Accomplish vertical expertise in chosen discipline and enhance ability to function in multidisciplinary domains.
  •  PO-2: Research aptitude: Ability and aptitude to exercise research intelligence in investigations/ innovations and to communicate the findings in a clear, concise manner.
  •  PO-3: Project management: Develop and apply knowledge of engineering and management principles to manage a project in a multidisciplinary environment.
  •  PO-4: Ethics: Gain knowledge of ethical principles and commit to professional ethics
  •  PO-5: Self-directed lifelong learning: Ability to identify appropriate resources and learn independently for projects, research etc. using online resources.

Programme Specific Outcomes(M.Tech.)

  •  PSO-1:Use engineering knowledge to design and analyse energy systems for different energy sources; suggest measures for energy conservation and management in industry and research organization.
  •  PSO-2: Apply the knowledge of science and engineering to develop efficient, clean and sustainable ways to supply energy for social and industrial need.
  •  PSO-3: Practice as professionals by applying the state of the art research tools & techniques to analyse real-life industry problems.

Program Outcomes(Ph.D.)

  •  PO-1: Disciplinary knowledge and problem solving: Accomplish in-depth knowledge of a Mechanical Engineering domain and apply it to identify, analyze and address the related research problems.
  •  PO-2: Scientific Reasoning and analytical approach: Apply theories, methodologies, knowledge, critical thinking, and inductive and deductive reasoning to design and drive research projects with appropriate hypothesis, experimental design, simulation, survey, case studies etc.
  •  PO-3: Communication and digital skills: Instill oral, written communication skills and life-long digital learning to prepare grant proposals; and publish and present their work.
  •  PO-4: Moral and Ethics: Imbibe moral/ ethical values for research, publications, and patents etc.
  •  PO-5: Project management and finance: Develop and apply knowledge of Mechanical engineering, finance, and management principles throughout the R&D projects.
  •  PO-6: Leadership Readiness: Interact with people from diverse backgrounds as both leaders/mentors and team members with integrity and professionalism.

Programme Specific Outcomes(Ph.D.)

  •  PSO-1: Develops the ability to critically evaluate his current research topic, research techniques and methodologies.
  •  PSO-2: Analyze information/data and synthesize information to generate new knowledge/understanding.
  •  PSO-3: Learn about the research publications and present experimental findings to a peer review group.
  •  PSO-4: Proficiency to effectively communicate research findings orally, graphically and in writing at diverse levels.

B.Tech: PO, PSO and CO

BTech Scheme 2020-24

BTech Scheme 2021-25

BTech Scheme 2022-26

M.Tech: PO, PSO and CO

MTech MTA Scheme 2022-24

MTech MTA Scheme 2023-25

MTech PPE Scheme 2022-24

MTech PPE Scheme 2023-25

PhD: PO, PSO and CO

PhD Scheme 2022-23

PhD Scheme 2023-24

B.Tech 1st Year (2023-27) As per NEP

1st Semester
Subject Code Subject
SOS-B-MAT-23-101  Engg. Mathematics-1
SOS-B-PHY-23-102  Applied Physics
SOE-B-EE-23-103  Basic Electrical & Electronics 
SOE-B-CSE-23-106 Basic Computing
SOE-B-ME-23-101  Engineering Graphics 
SOS-B-HUM-23-106  Communicative English 
SOE-B-CE-23-107  Environmental Science 
SOE-B-EE-23-108  Basic Electrical & Electronics Lab 
SOE-B-CSE-23-109 Basic Computing Lab 
SOS-B-PHY-23-110  Applied Physics Lab 
2nd Semester
Subject Code Subject
SOS-B-MAT-23-201  Engg. Mathematics-2 
SOS-B-CHE-23-202 Engineering Chemistry 
SOE-B-ME-23-201  Engineering Mechanics 
SOE-B-CSE-23-205  Python Programming 
SOM-B-MBA-23-207 Problem Solving & Design Thinking 
SOS-B-HUM-23-206 Indian Knowledge System
SOE-B-ME-23-202  Workshop Practice 
SOE-B-ME-23-208  Applied Chemistry Lab 
SOS-B-ME-23-203  Engineering Mechanics Lab 
SOE-B-CSE-23-209  Python Programming Lab 

Inspiring moments of:

Solar Car


Session Type of the Activity Details of the Activity Number of students attended / participated  
2020-2021 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a session on “Attributes of a Successful Engineer” on 17th August 2021. The session was delivered by Mr. Anil Bhasin, Former President, Havells India Ltd. for the Corporate-Academia interaction session. Mr. Anil Bhasin has over 38 years of extensive experience in Business Development, Sales & Marketing and Project Management. It was been an inspiring session and he spoke on different qualities and preparations that contribute in making one realise one’s dreams. He also discussed different ways of sharpening the skills 17th August, 2021and 118 participants
2020-21 Expert Talk An exploratory and wonderful session on "Digital Manufacturing" by Mr Krishna Prasad, Digital Manufacturing expert, Siemens Centre of Excellence, NIT Kurukshetra for Mechanical Engineering students was conducted on 10th August 2021. The speaker discussed about the new learning opportunities in the field of manufacturing by using Technomatix Plant simulation software. The session was organised by SAE Collegiate Club in association with Department of Mechanical Engineering. 10th August 2021 and 105 participants
2020-21 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with SAE-OPJU Collegiate Club, Team VIDYUT, and Skill Shark organized a session on “E-MOBILITY IN INDIA-Future of Sustainable Transportation” on 31st July 2021. The session was delivered by Mr. Ashhar Ahmed, Co-founder, and Director, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship. The speaker discussed the automotive industry, the electric vehicle ecosystem, and different aspects of designing, manufacturing, simulation, electronics of electric vehicles. The talk was attended by 100+ participants and they gathered a crisp knowledge on E-Mobility. 31st July, 2021 and 110 participants
2020-21 MoU with AWPM The Centre of Excellence in Welding Technology (COEWT), a vertical of the Centre for Steel Technology and Product Development (#CSTPD), #OPJindalUniversity has signed an MoU with Association of Welding Products Manufacturers (AWPM) today. The MoU will help the OPJU and Mechanical students in terms of their Training, Placement, Paid and Unpaid Long Term Internships, and Industry Expert Lectures. 16 July 2021
2020-21 Skill Based Training The Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with the Department of Civil Engineering and SAE OPJU Collegiate Club organised a one week online certificate course on “Basics of AUTOCAD” for the 5th and 6th semester students of Diploma Engineering from 12th-17th July 2021. 12th July t0 17th July, 2021 and 174 participants
2020-21 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with SAE-OPJU Collegiate Club, organised a session on "Design of Mechanical Systems Using CFD" on 11th July 2021. Dr. Satish Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Jamshedpur stressed the fact that CFD is becoming nowadays an important design and research tool in the field of mechanical engineering to test and improve the design of different mechanical systems. The session was attended by 80+ participants comprising of students and industry personnel 11 July 2021 and 85 Participants
2020-21 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with centre of Excellence in Welding Technology (A vertical of Centre for Steel Technology & Product Development) organised a session on "Advances in Arc Welding" on 09th July 2021. Dr. Ramkishor Anant, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MANIT Bhopal discussed in detail the importance of welding in the manufacturing sector and said that the future of welding holds even greater promise as methods are devised for joining dissimilar and non-metallic materials, and for creating products of innovative shapes and designs. It was a very engaging session and was attended by 90+ participants.   09th  July, 2021 and 95 participants
2020-21 International Yoga Day Department of Mechanical Engg celebrated "International Yoga Day" with their members and wished everyone a healthy and peaceful life. 21 June 2021 and 98 participants
2020-21 Alumni Talk Team Vidyut-OPJU in association with SAE-OPJU Collegiate Club and the Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a talk on 'Role of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning projects for placements' on 20th June 2021. The speaker of the session was OPJU alumni Mr. Raj Kapish Gupta, Assistant System Engineer, Tata Consultancy Services. The overall session focused on 'Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning' in inter-discipline areas and especially on Automotive Technology. The session was attended by 100+ participants from different departments of the School of Engineering. 20th June 2021 and 100+ participants
2020-21 Expert Talk The SAE OPJU Collegiate club in association with the Center for Industry-Academia Collaboration on "How to be a Company Fit – A guide to discover the right career path" on 12th June 2021. The session was delivered by Mr. Venkatesh Neelam, Volvo Group Recruitment, Volvo Group India Private Limited, where he gave an insight to "How to discover the right career path? and how to attract potential employers?" He said information is at your fingertips but how you leverage and use it, decides the success you achieve in your life. The session was attended by 90+ participants.  12th June 2021 and 95 participants
2020-21 Inauguration of OPJU-SAE collegiate Club and Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering, OP Jindal University, Raigarh in association with Institutional Innovation Council (IIC) and SAEINDIA inaugurated the OPJU-SAE collegiate Club through online mode on 10th June 2021.The inaugural session was bolstered by the presence of Mr. K Venkatraj, Deputy Director-General SAE-INDIA, Dr. Arun Sampath, Chief Engineer & Head Innovation & Global Technology Centre, Mahindra Electric Mobility Limited, Bengaluru, Dr. Vivek Kaundal, Specialist – Technical Education Global Engineering Academy, L&T Technology Services Limited, Mysore and Mr. Bhavesh Kumar, Director-Dassault System, Chennai.
The inauguration was followed by a talk on "Role of Simulation in Electromobility Innovation" by Mr. Bhavesh Kumar. The sessions were attended by 100+ participants and SAE Collegiate Club members.
10th June 2021 and 100+ Participants
2020-21 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering, OPJU organized a webinar in association with Entuple technologies on 18th May 2021 to demonstrate the Research Capabilities of ANSYS Mechanical & CFD Modules and the latest enhancements on the software. Two sessions of 1.5 hrs each were conducted between 10 AM - 1 PM. The 1st session was on ANSYS (structural, thermal, etc) and 2nd Session was on CFD Module. 18th May 2021and 88 participants  
2020-21 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering, OPJU organized a very interactive online session on Thermal Power Plant conducted by Mr. Gajendra Rawat, AVP and Operation Head, Jindal Power Limited, Tamnar for the 8th Semester students of the department on 13th May 2021. He discussed in detail the importance of technical and professional skills for the overall development of the students. 13th May 2021and 105 particpants
2020-21 Skill Based Training Department of Mechanical Engineering, OPJU organized an "Online One week CNC & 3D Printing Certificate Course' in association with Indo-Danish Tool Room Jamshedpur, during 10-14 May 2021. This course was specially designed for Diploma (Polytechnic) final year Mechanical, Production, and Metallurgy students. The key topics covered during the course were CAD/CAM, CNC Technology, CNC Programming Techniques on Lathe, CNC Lathe & 3D Printing Technology (Additive Manufacturing). 10th-14th  May 2021 and 182 participants
2020-21 Quiz Competition The Department of Mechanical Engineering, OP Jindal university successfully organised an Online National Level Quiz on "Green Technology" for the students of class 11th and 12th, in association with ZYPP, CREDA, SESI, SAE India Collegiate Club, and IEE OPJU Chapter. The quiz received an overwhelming response and nearly 450+ students from the different states of India participated in the quiz. 25th April 2021 and 450+ particpants
2020-21 Placement Preparation Training One Month Placement Preparation Training for the 8th semester students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering was organized at JSPL Raigarh. Training included different sessions by the plant experts and visits to different departments of JSPL.  23th Feb 2021- 22nd March 2021, 30 participants
2020-21 GD, PI, Aptitude Test for 8th semester students GD, PI, Aptitude Test and area wise technical sessions were conducted by the Faculty members of the Department of Mechanical Engineering OPJU Raigarh for the 8th semester students, to prepare them for placement drives. 16th Feb 2021
2020-21 Expert Talk The Department of Mechanical Engineering and School of Science in association with the Institution's Innovation Council at OP Jindal University, Raigarh organised a webinar on 30th January 2021 where Dr. D.R. Peshwe, Professor at Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engg., VNIT Nagpur shared his thoughts on “Identifying Intellectual Property Component at the Early Stage of Innovation”. Dr. Peshwe delivered a very informative presentation and explained in detail what we mean by an idea, invention, and innovation. He explained many innovative ideas by giving several examples used in daily life including fields of agriculture, medical, machinery, automobile, and transportation. The webinar was attended by 100+registered participants from industries, students, and faculty members from the University. 30th Jan 2021 and 108 participants
2020-21 Pinacle 2020 (HR Summit) PINNACLE 2020 came to its enormous Valedictory session on 10th Dec 2020, setting a paradigm for Virtual HR summits and industry-academia collaboration. Reveal the best beneficiary tips, insights and information from various industries in the imminent panel discussion. Reap the most of the critical views of experts to share in discussion and enable to make a better precise decision for future. 05th Dec 2020 – 10th Dec 2020
2020-21 Expert Talk The Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Instituion's Innovation Council at OP Jindal University, Raigarh organised a webinar on 25th November 2020 where Mr. Vishal Pillai - Innovation SIG Head, KPIT, Pune shared his thoughts on “Process of Innovation Development” . He discussed in detail about the key steps involved in innovation along with the different tools and techniques used at different stages of innovation.  The webinar was attended by 150+ registered participants from industries, students, and faculty members from the University. 25th Nov 2020 and 158 participants
2020-21 Establishment of Centre of Excellence in Advanced Welding The Department of Mechanical Engineering established a Center of Excellence in Advanced Welding under Centre for Steel Technology and Product Development (CSTPD). The installation work has started and the centre will surely add to our initiatives towards Weld 4.0, major placement opportunities for students, research work, easiness in fabrication and projects, consultancies and training facility to industries. 20th Nov 2020
2020-21 Alumni Talk The Department of Mechanical Engineering organised its 3rd Alumni talk series on 6th November 2020, where Mr. Devopam Dasgupta (2011-2015 batch) presently working as the Compliance Specialist at, Greater Paris Metropolitan Region, discussed in detail the opportunities available for higher education in the Foriegn Universities with the existing students of the department. He also showed some light on the employment opportunities available abroad after completing the higher studies 06th Nov 2020 and 89 participants  
2020-21 Expert Talk An excellent session on Overview of Rebar in Steel Industries with a special focus on technological advances made by JSPL delivered by Mr. Krishna Ballabh Singh, JSPL Patratu to seventh semester Mechanical students on 3rd Nov 2020. It was a real great learning experience for seventh semester students 03rd Nov 2020 and 33 participants
2020-21 Alumni Talk During the Alumni talk series organized on 30th October 2020, it was an excellent experience listening to our Mechanical Alumni-Batch 2014, Mr Pranjal Soni, Zonal Manager, Saint Gobain, Mumbai. He shared his valuable experiences with the young budding engineers. 30th Oct 2020
2020-21 Skill based training O.P. Jindal University and Dept. Of mechanical engineering in association with IDTR, JAMSEDHPUR, and CREDA organized a Design Challenge 2020 so that the students can come up with 3D CAD skills through models and win attractive exciting prizes along with a chance to undergo CAD, CAE software courses. 07th November 2020 and 78 participants
2020-21 Expert Talk The Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Centre for Industry-Academia Collaboration at OP Jindal University, Raigarh organised a webinar on 10th October 2020 where Mr. Anurag Tiwari - Director & Vice President, Vedanta Group, BALCO shared his thoughts on “Industry 4.0 in Metals and Mining Industry”. He stressed on the importance of implementing Industry 4.0 and discussed the opportunities in processing, mining and suggested an exclusive pathway for successful implementation of it in metals and mining industry.  The webinar was attended by 150+ registered participants from industries, students, and faculty members from the University. 10th Oct 2020 and 126 participants
2020-21 Expert Talk The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized an expert talk on the topic “Development of Solar Energy in India” on 26th September 2020.  Dr Arun K Tripathi Director General, National Institute of Solar Energy (An Autonomous Institute of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India), Gurugram, Haryana delivered the talk. 26th September 2020 and 110 participants
2020-21 Placement preparation To hone the skills of final year students of Mechanical Engineering department a series of Technical and aptitude tests, Presentations, and GD sessions were organized on the online mode. 24th September 2020 and 30 participants
2020-21 Alumni Talk During the Alumni talk series organized on 19th September 2020, it was an excellent experience listening to our Mechanical Alumni-Batch 2013, Mr Ashish Khairkar, Module Lead- Persistent Systems Private Limited, Nagpur. He discussed in detail the different career paths for Mechanical Engineers in the field of Artificial intelligence and how they can be easily picked by software and Automation industries. 19th September 2020 and 85  participants
2020-21 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering organised a webinar on “Design, Development and Testing of a Modern Combat Aircraft from Structural Dynamics & Aeroelastic Point of View” on 10th September 2020. Mr. T.M Naidu, Ex. Director, ADA and Advisor NAL Bangalore was the resource person. His team was responsible for design, development, testing and airworthiness clearance of the entire structure of Tejas aircraft. It was a wonderful technical session attended by 120+ participants. 10th September 2020 and 127 participants
2020-21 National level competition Team SOLARIC of OPJU participated in India's largest SAE India Efficycle 2020 ( and successfully encountered the first round with the generality of the team. 6th September 2020
2020-21 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with the Centre for Industry-Academia Collaboration (CIAC) organized an interesting session on "Future workforce" by Mr. Sanjay Chandel, Senior Vice President & Head HR- Sterling India on 29th August. The takeaway from the session was the need for continuous learning, growth through new experiences, and gaining the ideas for the foundation of a new workforce. Over 350+ participants registered for the webinar and attended by 157 participants from industries, student fraternity, faculty members, and other interested ones. 29th August 2020 and 157 participants
2020-21 Faculty Development Program Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a 5 Days Online Faculty Development Program on Mechatronics, Automation & Robotics in association with IEEE Bombay Section and All India Council for Robotics and Automation (AICRA).August 3-7 2020 witnessed a vibrant and dynamic exchange of knowledge and experience during the Five-Day Online Faculty Development programme on “Mechatronics, Automation and Robotics” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, OP Jindal University, Raigarh in association with IEEE Bombay Section and AICRA. The patron of the FDP was Dr R.D. Patidar (Vice-Chancellor, OPJU), Chairman of the FDP was Dr Siddharth S Chakraborty (Director of Centre for Industry-Academia Collaboration; Professor and Head-Department of Mechanical Engineering, OPJU); Convener of FDP was Dr Mahesh Bhiwapurkar, (Professor, Mechanical Engineering OPJU) and the Organizing Secretary was Dr. Satish Kanhed (Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering OPJU). Many eminent speakers from institutes of national repute and leading industries shared their views and expertise to make the participants aware of the state-of-the-art, new research results, perspectives of future developments, and innovative applications relevant to mechatronics, robotics, automation, industrial electronics, and related areas. The course was aimed at industry persons, faculty members, entrepreneurs, and research scholars. With over 900+ participants and 16+ renowned speakers, the programme was a huge success and helped the participants to identify the future research needs in this interdisciplinary emerging field. 3rd-7th August 2020
2020-21 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering organised a webinar on “Online Teaching Methodology” on 23rd July 2020. Dr. Rajib Kumar Panda, Associate Professor & Head, School of Management @NIT, Rourkela discussed in detail about the various tools and techniques that are available to make the learning more impactful and interesting. 23rd July 2020 and 112 participants
    First private university in India to be associated with Jindal Stainless Ltd. in introducing Stainless steel course in the B.Tech curriculum. A great value added to the experiential learning for Batch 2019, 2020, and 2021, ESVC Solaric team of OPJU. 18TH JULY 2020
2020-21 Quiz Competition Department of Mechanical Engineering organised a national level online quiz on " Power Generation Technologies" in the month of July 2020. The quiz received an overwhelming response and more than 4000 participants from different states of India attempted the quiz. 7th July 2020 and 4000 participants
2019-2020 Expert Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with IEEE Bombay Section, and Center for Industry Academia Collaboration conducted "OPJU IEEE Tech Web Series" to connect industry professionals, academia and students together to get an insight of the future technological trends.
Dr. Ashutosh Dutta, Scientist and Professor, Maryland United States and Mr. Mritunjay Singh, Sr. VP Infosys, Pune discussed in detail about the 5G Technologies and it’s impact.
27th June 2020 and 155 participants
2019-2020 Skill based training Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Indo-Danish Tool Room organized an online internship for OPJU students on ANSYS 16.0. 25th May – 20th June 2020 and 55 participants
2019-2020 Expert Talk A webinar on "Electric Vehicles and the Way Forward" was conducted by OP Jindal University, Raigarh in association with IEEE-Mumbai Section and IEEE@OPJU on 20th June witnessed more than 150 participants. The esteemed Panelist for the webinar were Mr. Atul Arya, Head Energy System Division, Panasonic India, Gurgoan, and Mr. Bhavesh Kumar, Director- SIMULIA, Dassault Systems, Chennai. They gave a great insight to most of the aspects of Electric vehicles including battery system, safety issues, and their solutions, policies, framework, simulation, and the way it reduces testing and prototyping, AI and ML in the EV segment. 20th June 2020 and 150 participants
2019-2020 Expert Talk The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a Webinar on “Vision 2030, Challenges and Opportunities in Realizing Transition to Full EVs”. The session was conducted by Dr. Arun Kumar Sampath, Mahindra Electric Mobility Limited, Chief Engineer & Head, Innovation & Global EV Tech Center, Bengaluru on 19th June 2020. He gave a clear picture of strength, opportunities, and challenges to adopting the EV technology and further push to make India Atamnirbhar Bharat (Self- Reliant India). 19th June 2020 and 112 participants
2019-20 Quiz Competition Mechanical Engineering Department, OP Jindal University, Raigarh- An initiative of JSPL Group conducted an international level online quiz on "Digital Manufacturing" 14th June 2020 – 24th June 2020
2019-20 Expert Talk The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a webinar on the topic " 3D Printing- A revolution in Manufacturing Technology". The session was delivered by Dr Surya S, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. 06th June 2020 and 95 participants
2019-20 Expert Talk The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a webinar on the topic “Impact of post Covid-19 on Industry 4.0” Mr. Sabyasachi Biswas, Executive Director, IBM, Kolkata gave an excellent coverage of basics with fruitful insights over the accelerated future of Industry 4.0 16th May 2020 and 115 participants
2019-20 Expert Talk A fruitful and informative panel discussion held in the webinar on "COVID-19 could be an accelerant to the adaption of digitization in Manufacturing " organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at OP Jindal University, Raigarh. It was a real pleasure to hear all the esteemed panelists from renowned industries. 12th May 2020 and 124 participants
2019-20 Alumni Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering OPJU organized an expert talk on "Importance of Non-Conventional Energy Sources". The external speaker was Mr. Ranadeep Sarkar, M.Sc.(Wind Energy), Oldenburg University, Germany an OPJU Alumni.  Students understood the importance of Renewable energy resources and the career opportunities available in this field in India as well as outside India.The Course duration was 2 hrs. and students were benefited from it. 19th April 2020 and 85 participants. https://
2019-20 Skill based training A Certification program on "Machine Learning using Python” was launched on 5th Feb 2020 for OPJU Students in order to
Make the students ready for a great career ahead and getting good exposure on Machine learning and Artificial intelligence along with project building.
05th 2020 35 participants
    Students with their innovative mind coming with new ideals - Hybrid Electric Cycle
Visit- Tech Model Exhibition @Technorollix 2020 with more than 80+ Models by OPJU students
18TH FEB 2020 https://
2019-20 Student placement preparation A series of Technical and aptitude tests, Training Presentation, GD Preparation, and mock PI were organized for the final year students of Mechanical Engineering department. The initiative was taken by Mechanical departmental placement coordinator, faculty and staff members accompanied with support from career development cell. 03rd-07th February 2020 and 40 participants
2019-20 Industry Visit 4th semester and 6th semester- Mechanical Engineering Department visited both DCPP, Dongamahua, and JSPL Raigarh on 31st Jan and 7th Feb, 2020 and got good exposure to the processes. 31st Jan 2020 and 07th February 2020 and 71 participants
2019-20 GATE Preparation Mock GATE Exam conducted in the Department of Mechanical Engineering for the final year students on 22nd Jan 2020 to boost their confidence. 22nd Jan 2020 and 35 participants
2019-2020 Skill Development Training The Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with the Department of Electrical Engineering organized the Electric Bike Racing Championship 2020 (EBRC) Season – 5 during the period 13th to 16th January 2020 in collaboration with AMT MotoCorp. Students from different universities participated in the event and also learned the fundamentals of electric bike. 13th Jan – 16th Jan 2020
2019-20 Expert Talk Students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering had an opportunity of interacting with Mr. Karan Sandhu, Chief Learning Officer, JSPL. He guided the students to make the best out of the resources and about future-advancement in the steel industry. 09th Jan 2020 and 175 participants
2019-20 Plantation Drive One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
― William Shakespeare
To protect the nature earth the Mechanical Team members actively participated in the plantation drive organized by the Admin team of OPJU.
01st Jan 2020

The Department has properly equipped and well maintained laboratories & workshop which are over and above the mandatory norms. We strongly believe in learning by doing and all the labs are upgraded regularly according to the requirements. Our important labs are :

Thermal Group

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab
  • Heat and Mass Transfer Lab
  • Thermal Engineering Lab
  • Solar Energy Lab
  • IC Engines Lab
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab

Machine Design Group

  • Robotics and Automation Lab
  • Machine Design Lab
  • UG and PG CAD Lab
  • UG and PG CAM Lab
  • Metrology and Measurement Lab
  • Automobile Lab

Manufacturing Group

  • Central Workshop
  • CNC Machine Lab
  • Industrial Engineering Lab
  • Advanced Manufacturing Lab
  • Centre for Excellence in Welding

Computer Software Group

  • PRO-E

Currently we are in tie up with the following Society / Chapter/ Clubs

Society / Chapter/ Club

  • ISTE student Chapter

  • Solar Energy Society of India(SESI)

  • Centre of excellence in Robotics and Automation with a world-class facility of Central Workshop including CNC Machines

  • MOU with Indo-German Institute of Advanced Technology (IGIAT), Vishakhapatnam

  • MOU with Indo-Danish Tool Room IDTR Jamshedpur

  • MOU with Centre for Rapid Prototyping of Osmania University, Hyderabad

  • MoU with Fronius India Private Limited to develop a Center for Excellence in Advanced Welding

  • MOU with Innosapiens India Private Limited, Pune

  • Collaboration with Central Tool Room and Training centre (CTTC), Bhubaneswar

  • Collaboration with 36 Inc (Incubation Center)

  • Collaboration with CFD Virtual Reality Institute, Dharamsala, and others

Activities / Events

  • Industrial visits Every semester and Six weeks of industrial training after IV and VI- Semester

  • Internships at DRDO, Siemens, India, Volvo Eicher, Tata Steel, Tata Motors, L&T, HAL and other renowned organization. The department is having a pool of around 40 companies offering summer internships to the students.

  • Live/Industrial Projects and Quiz Competitions

  • Research Seminar Series

  • Mock Interviews and Group Discussions (HR expert from JPL/JSPL)

  • Webinar from renowned universities

  • In-house training program

  • Initiatives in Solar Electric vehicle fabrication, Renewable Energy, industry-based projects and learning, IoT applications and others

  • Special Industry oriented courses such as “Introduction to Stainless Steel”, Solar Energy Technology”, “Industry 4.0”, 'Industrial Vibrations" and others offered to the students in association with industries.

  • Students are motivated to take the minor subject on Fuzzy logic, Machine learning, Data Science, Industry 4.0, Mechatronics, and other emerging areas.

The department's R&D activity aims at innovation and technological development through academic and research collaborations with other universities and industries to meet the immediate as well as futuristic needs of the society and industry. Department has collaborated with leading Industries and renowned institutes. Students along with the teachers constantly involve in exciting and interesting problems/projects to explore innovation. The Papers published in some of the leading journals by faculty is a testimony to this fact.

Some of the trust areas of ongoing research in the Department:

  • Solar energy utilization

  • Evaporative cooling

  • Noise and Acoustics

  • Fatigue and Fracture

  • Mechanical Vibrations

  • Robotics & Automation

Defence Research & Development Organisation

Adani power Limited

JSW Steel Ltd

Jindal Steel and Power Limited

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

Tata Power Company Limited

Bhilai Steel Plant

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

Vedanta Limited

National Thermal Power Corporation's Limited

Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd.

Larsen & Toubro Limited

Industrial Training / Internship / Placements





S. No. Volume Issue Link
1. I Jan - June 2023 Download
1. I July - December 2023 Download

Quarterly Report

S. No. Duration Link
1. April - June 2023 Download
2. July - September 2023 Download

Student Success Stories:                                                                                                                                                            

Digital Initiatives :                                                                                       
Admission Open 2025 - 26