The Department of Electrical Engineering at O P Jindal University leads to shape graduates into competent professionals and responsible citizens, who would become effective leaders and noteworthy innovators in the recent technology areas of Electrical Engineering. It is also our endeavor to ensure that our graduates adhere to ethical values in life and be sensitive to environmental and social issues.

The department is providing education in Electrical Engineering for B. Tech, Diploma, M. Tech and PhD students. The department started in 2008 with the name "Electrical and Electronics Engineering" under OP Jindal Institute of Technology (OPJIT) and Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University (CSVTU) for B. Tech students. In 2014 the Institute gained the status of full-fledged University (UGC & AICTE approved) & named OP Jindal University (OPJU). M.Tech in "Power Electronic & Power System" started in 2014 with sanctioned seats of 18. Subsequently PhD in 2017 and Diploma in 2019 started and the department was renamed as Electrical Engineering Department.

Program Outcomes(B.Tech.)

  •  PO-1: Engineering Knowledge and Problem Analysis: Apply the knowledge of the engineering domain with the adequate amalgamation of science, mathematics, and management to identify, formulate, and critically analyze complex engineering problems.
  •  PO-2: Modern tools and techniques for investigating complex problems: Apply appropriate tools and techniques to analyze, predict and simulate the data for valid conclusions with a clear understanding of limitations.
  •  PO-3: Design and development of innovative systems: Design and develop system components or processes to provide solutions to complex engineering problems that meet the specified conditions of societal, health, safety, and environmental needs.
  •  PO-4: Communication and Teamwork: Develop skills to communicate effectively to diverse platforms and contribute meaningfully to different capacities as a leader, team member, or individual.
  •  PO-5: Project management and finance: Develop and apply knowledge of engineering, management, and finance principles to handle a project in a multidisciplinary environment.
  •  PO-6: Life-long learning: Acquire fundamental knowledge for lifelong learning to participate in the extensive context of socio-technological change as a self-directed member and a leader.
  •  PO-7: Ethics and citizenship: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, norms, and responsibilities of the engineering practice; and act with informed awareness to participate in civic life activities.
  •  PO-8: Society, Sustainability, and Environment: Understand the impact of various solutions in the context of societal, economical, health, safety legal and environmental impact for sustainable development.

Programme Specific Outcomes(B.Tech.)

  •  PSO-1:Apply the fundamentals of mathematics, science and engineering knowledge to identify, formulate, design and investigate complex problems of electrical engineering and allied domains.
  •  PSO-2: Apply the appropriate techniques and use modern hardware and software tools in electrical engineering to adapt in multi-disciplinary environments.
  •  PSO-3: Solve Ethically and Professionally various Electrical Engineering problems in Social and Environmental context and communicate effectively.

Program Outcomes(M.Tech.)

  •  PO-1: Disciplinary knowledge: Accomplish vertical expertise in chosen discipline and enhance ability to function in multidisciplinary domains.
  •  PO-2: Research aptitude: Ability and aptitude to exercise research intelligence in investigations/ innovations and to communicate the findings in a clear, concise manner.
  •  PO-3: Project management: Develop and apply knowledge of engineering and management principles to manage a project in a multidisciplinary environment.
  •  PO-4: Ethics: Gain knowledge of ethical principles and commit to professional ethics
  •  PO-5: Self-directed lifelong learning: Ability to identify appropriate resources and learn independently for projects, research etc. using online resources.

Programme Specific Outcomes(M.Tech.)

  •  PSO-1:Design, Implement, Protect, Test, and Validate the Power Electronic system for the applications of Power Systems, Electric Drives, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and Renewable Energy Applications
  •  PSO-2: Acquire research competence and leadership to enable personal and professional growth and to pursue a career in a broad area of power system engineering globally.
  •  PSO-3: Attain competence in using novel tools and Artificial Intelligence in analysis and design of grid connected renewable energy systems and drives control systems.

Program Outcomes(Ph.D.)

  •  PO-1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics in engineering for the analysis of complex problems.
  •  PO-2: Problem analysis: To find, formulate, and investigate complex problems and research-based knowledge, including innovative experiments in engineering disciplines to provide valid conclusions.
  •  PO-3: Design and development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and develop the system components with appropriate techniques and resources consideration for society's benefit.
  •  PO-4: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions and environmental contexts, validate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.
  •  PO-5: Individual and teamwork: Function effectively with contextual knowledge as an individual and member in diverse teams, professional ethics and responsibilities towards engineering practices.
  •  PO-6: Execution of Project management: To identify the funding agencies' knowledge in executing the proposal individually or collaborating with industrial/academic personalities at the national or international level.

Programme Specific Outcomes(Ph.D.)

  •  PSO-1:Developing knowledge of the literature and a comprehensive understanding of scientific methods and techniques to teach problem-solving skills and critical thinking in Electrical Engineering.
  •  PSO-2: Provide scope for interaction with international researchers and developing Collaborations in multidisciplinary domains.


B.Tech. 2019-23


B.Tech. 2021-25

B.Tech. 2022-26

B.Tech. 2023-27

M.Tech. 2018-20

M.Tech. 2019-21

M.Tech. 2020-22

M.Tech. 2021-23

M.Tech. 2022-24

M.Tech. 2023-25

Ph.D. 2022-23

B.Tech 1st Year (2023-27) As per NEP

1st Semester
Subject Code Subject
SOS-B-MAT-23-101  Engg. Mathematics-1
SOS-B-PHY-23-102  Applied Physics
SOE-B-EE-23-103  Basic Electrical & Electronics 
SOE-B-CSE-23-104 Basic Computing
SOE-B-ME-23-101  Engineering Graphics 
SOS-B-HUM-23106  Communicative English 
SOE-B-CE-23-107  Environmental Science 
SOE-B-EE-23-108  Basic Electrical & Electronics Lab 
SOE-B-CSE-23-109 Basic Computing Lab 
SOS-B-PHY-23-110  Applied Physics Lab 
2nd Semester
Subject Code Subject
SOS-B-MAT-23-201  Engg. Mathematics-2 
SOS-B-CHE-23-202 Engineering Chemistry 
SOE-B-ME-23-201  Engineering Mechanics 
SOE-B-CSE-23-205  Python Programming 
SOM-B-MBA-23-207 Problem Solving & Design Thinking 
SOS-B-HUM-23-206 Indian Knowledge System
SOE-B-ME-23-202  Workshop Practice 
SOE-B-ME-23-208  Applied Chemistry Lab 
SOS-B-ME-23-203  Engineering Mechanics Lab 
SOE-B-CSE-23-209  Python Programming Lab 


Provide high quality electrical engineering education recognized nationally and internationally.

Conduct excellent applied scientific electrical engineering research, contribute to solving electrical engineering problems and meet industry needs for nation development.

Engage with his profession and continue to develop professionally, socially and personally.


To emerge as a leading department of Electrical Engineering that caters the latest needs of Steel Industries, Power sectors, Automobile sectors, Electrical and allied industries, to serve the future demands and challenges of society.


To nurture the students providing conducive atmosphere of creativity, innovation and skill development in the recent technologies of Electrical Engineering with continuous improvement and sustainable development for socio-economic growth of the nation.


Inculcate following values at the end of course completion











Courses Offered

S. No.


Est. Year



Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




M.Tech in Power Electronics and Power System




B. Tech in Electrical Engineering



Faculty and staffs:

The Department has experienced and energetic faculties with specialization in recent technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Electric vehicle and the core areas like Power Electronics, Electric drives, Generation, Protection, Distribution systems, Neural Networks, System Control, Modelling and Simulation, On-line control including load and switching control, impact of non-conventional systems, Embedded Systems and man-machine interfaces in both in academics & industry. 80% Faculty members are with Doctorate from various reputed institutes.

Class and Laboratories:

Department is equipped with latest hardware-software and teaching learning tools to make the students ready as per the need of the industry, higher education and research or for entrepreneurship. Some main features are:

  • Smart class rooms & seminar halls for conducting workshops, STTP and guest lecture

  • Advanced software (Lab view, Mi-Power, MATLAB, PSCAD,OPAL-RT) for R & D work

  • Advanced infrastructure and state-of- the- art Twenty-Two Laboratories with analog as well as digital equipment

  • Virtual laboratory infrastructure, which is an Initiative of Ministry of Education Under the National Mission on Education through ICT to have virtual laboratories exposure

  • Every class room is equipped with projectors

  • Wi-Fi/Port internet is accessible in every class room

Centre of Excellence

  • Power Electronics and Drives based advance Centre of excellence is available to have industrial exposure as well as research work. The center serves as a platform for collaborative research and knowledge sharing activities among the different research groups scattered over several major departments facilitating faster developments, nurturing new ideas and supporting each other in coercive manner.

  • Remote center for conducing courses under NMEICT

Department Library:

The Department library has a strong collection of textbooks with over two hundreds of titles on a variety of topics. Library also possesses journals, magazines, project and seminar reports, lab manuals and question banks and CDs of e-journals and e-books. The students are allotted special hours in a week wherein, they sit in the library and read the topics of their interest based on research projects, literature, competitive exams, etc.

Live Projects:

We provide various facilities to make live projects so that our students can excel in their respective fields and get practical exposures. There is a complete in- house set of facilities in the form of additional components, apparatus, training models and teachers’ assistance to achieve this task. These practices raise the confidence of the students’ and also help them to think for the higher qualification such as Gate exams and appearing boldly before society.

Industrial Exposure:

  • Regular industrial visit of students

  • Inviting industry experts at various platforms

  • Interdepartmental internship facilities

  • Strong industrial support for doing industrial training, problem and project base learning

  • Paid internship of 5 months to all 7th semester students.

Various committees for Student development:

  • Anti-raging

  • Extracurricular activity

  • Training and Placement

  • Board of Study(BoS)

  • Departmental Research Committee(DRC)

  • Departmental Information & Archives

  • Registered Alumni Association (OPJURAA)

  • Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship Development

  • Departmental Library

Competition and Placement Assistance:

  • National & state level competitive examination preparation

  • Non-technical preparation

  • Mock interview through industry HR & technical experts

  • Lab facilities for extracurricular activities like E-bike competition, Technorollix etc.

  • Workshops, webinar, India/State level competition

The Department’s Teaching Learning strategy is to engage students in creative activities and to improve their ability to apply learning in meaningful ways. This related learning strategy is known as Problem & Project Based Learning (PPBL) which provides learning in a way that is fundamentally different from traditional classroom practice.

Society / Chapter/ Club

  • NPTEL Student Chapter

  • ISTE Student Chapter

  • IEEE student Chapter

Activities / Events

  • Projects and Quiz Competitions

  • Case Studies

  • Students Seminars and Debates

  • Interviews and Group Discussions

  • In house Training Program

  • Team-building Exercises

  • Industrial Training Program

Department researchers are working extensively in some of the thrust areas like Power electronics, MATLAB, Simulation etc. Department has collaborated with leading Industries and renowned Institutes across the India. Faculty & students are together involved in case studies & projects to integrate knowledge, techniques, methods and experiences from many fields. They present/publish papers in conferences & national and international journals.

Key Research Area:

  • Power Electronics

  • Electrical Drives

  • Embedded Systems

  • Signal processing

  • Power Systems

  • IoT

  • Soft computing

  • VLSI

  • Non-conventional Energy systems

Webinar Conducted by successful Aluminus on "Fundamental of Solar Energy"

Two webinar on the Topic "Fundamentals of solar energy" was organized by Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, OP Jindal University on Saturday & Sunday 16th-17th may 2020 for the students . On which the basics of solar energy ,PV panel design and construction of PV panel. About the power generations with solar PV systems integration with grid. Scenario of solar power in now a days future expansion of solar P-V systems was also discussed.. Business aspects of the solar market are also discussed. Panelist also gave the tips for internship. They assured about conducting internships of students.

One week e- Faculty Development Program on "Emerging Trends in Power Electronics and Power System (ETPEPS-2020)"

An online e-Faculty Development Program (e-FDP) On “Emerging Trends in Power Electronics and Power System (ETPEPS-2020)” from Department of Electrical Engineering at O P Jindal University Raigarh, CG, India has conducted from 24th August to 29th August 2020. The objective of the e-FDP was to disseminate the knowledge in the field of Power Electronics and Power System on the recent research areas by eminent experts across the globe. The e-FDP has conducted in 12 sessions in six days by the experts across the globally renowned universities like IIT Roorkee, IIT Delhi, Cranfield University, United Kingdom University of Brazilia, Brazil , Atomic Energy Authority, & Nuclear Research Centre, Egypt, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, NIT AP, NIT Raipur, NIT Jamshedpur in the field of Power Electronics and Power System from various world’s renowned.

State level competition “OPJU Electrica Hackathon 2020” conducted for diploma students.

O P Jindal University, Raigarh has set up to bring high quality education to its students based on a world class curriculum, the latest teaching methodology and committed faculty members. The multidisciplinary university aims to develop young professionals and future leaders who will not only power growth and development in the state, but also make a mark globally. At the core of the university's philosophy and approach lies the belief that students learn best when exposed to real world situations and when nurtured through enriching interactions with practitioners and professors. We at OPJU believe that every student has innate potential that can be unlocked through quality teaching and mentorship.

A student of department of EE, SAJID KHAN of 5th semester, OPJU started a start-up.

A student of department of EE, SAJID KHAN of 5th semester, OPJU started a start-up. made an e-commerce website during COVID-19 Pandemic period(about website(.He made an e-commerce website on 23rd July 2020 .In which we sell only made in India or product from Indian sellers. As one can see many small sellers on Instagram or Facebook trying to sell their products. So on this website they get the platform to showcase their products to the worldwide. He only allow the India sellers to sell. He gave the best customer support and shipping facilities to worldwide.In this pandemic everyone knows that the Indian market and specially the small business suffer a lot so he is trying to help them through this platform. To gain the customer trust for their product.He inspire this idea from our Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi given idea like MAKE IN INDIA movement and atmanirbharbharatmovement) .


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