Computer Science and Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at OP Jindal University imparts quality education at undergraduate and post graduate level with emphasis on basic computing principles, rapidly evolving technology, and continuous need for innovation in this field. To ensure that students are sought by IT companies, the department provides training in various cutting edge technologies, inculcate professional behavior, instill ethical values and develop leadership and team working capabilities. Our program provides flexible curriculum enabling the students to achieve their goals and make them industry ready.

Department has experienced and energetic faculty with specialization in different areas like Computer networks, Embedded and IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining etc. Department has got state of the art laboratories, latest hardware-software and teaching learning tools to create a learning environment and impart quality education.

Courses Offered

Program Outcomes(B.Tech.)

  •  PO-1: Engineering Knowledge and Problem Analysis - Apply the knowledge of engineering domain with adequate amalgamation of science, mathematics, and management to Identify, formulate, and critically analyze complex engineering problems.
  •  PO-2: Modern tools and techniques for investigating complex problems – Apply appropriate tools and techniques to analyze, predict and simulate the data for valid conclusion with clear understanding of limitations.
  •  PO-3: Design and development of innovative systems - design and develop system components or processes to provide solutions of complex engineering problems that meet the specified conditions of societal, health, safety, and environmental needs.
  •  PO-4: Communication and Teamwork - Develop skills to communicate effectively to diverse platforms and contribute meaningfully to different capacities as a leader, team member or individual.
  •  PO-5: Project management and finance - Develop and apply knowledge of engineering, management, and finance principles to handle a project in a multidisciplinary environment.
  •  PO-6: ife-long learning - L Acquire fundamental knowledge for lifelong learning to participate in the extensive context of socio-technological change as a self-directed member and a leader.
  •  PO-7: Ethics and citizenship - Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, norms, and responsibilities of the engineering practice; and act with informed awareness to participate in civic life activities.
  •  PO-8: Society, Sustainability and Environment - Understand the impact of various solutions in the context of societal, economical, health, safety legal and environmental impact for sustainable development.

Programme Specific Outcomes(B.Tech.)

  •  PSO-1:Inculcate strong fundamental knowledge and foundation skills of computer systems, hardware, software, networks, data structures, algorithms and different aspects of the core computing and allied domains.
  •  PSO-2: Ability to analyze, design, develop and deploy elementary programs and projects, individually and collaboratively, in the areas related to web and app development, artificial intelligence and analytics, databases and cloud computing and for other IT / ITeS with proper structure and development methodologies.
  •  PSO-3: Ability to analyze and think critically and apply emerging tools, technologies and computing knowledge under a multidisciplinary environment for creating innovative solutions and startups.
  •  PSO-4: ability to adapt and quickly learn rapidly changing technologies and work environment to cater the contemporary needs of global IT industry and entrepreneurship.

Program Outcomes(M.Tech.)

  •  PO-1: Disciplinary knowledge-Accomplish vertical expertise in chosen discipline and enhance ability to function in multidisciplinary domains.
  •  PO-2: Research aptitude-Research aptitude- Ability and aptitude to exercise research intelligence in investigations/ innovations and to communicate the findings in a clear, concise manner.
  •  PO-3: Project management- Develop and apply knowledge of engineering and management principles to manage a project in a multidisciplinary environment.
  •  PO-4: Ethics- Gain knowledge of ethical principles and commit to professional ethics
  •  PO-5: Self-directed lifelong learning- Ability to identify appropriate resources and learn independently for projects, research etc. using online resources.

Programme Specific Outcomes(M.Tech.)

  •  PSO-1:Having an ability to apply advanced techniques and tools and computation to effectively solve multi-disciplinary challenges in industry and society.
  •  PSO-2: Having an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, and synthesis of information.
  •  PSO-3:Having computational thinking (Ability to translate vast data in to abstract concepts and to understand database reasoning.

Program Outcomes(Ph.D.)

  •  PO1: Disciplinary knowledge and problem solving: Accomplish in-depth knowledge of a specific domain and apply it to identify, analyze and address the related research problems.
  •  PO2: Scientific Reasoning and analytical approach: Apply theories, methodologies, knowledge, critical thinking and; inductive and deductive reasoning to design and drive research projects with appropriate hypothesis, experimental design, simulation, survey, case studies etc.
  •  PO3: Communication and digital skills: Instill oral, written communication skills and life-long digital learning to prepare grant proposals; and publish and present their work.
  •  PO4: Moral and Ethics: Imbibe moral/ ethical values for research, publications, and patents etc.
  •  PO5: Project management and finance: Develop and apply knowledge of engineering, finance, and management principles throughout the R&D projects.
  •  PO6: Leadership Readiness: Interact with people from diverse backgrounds as both leaders/mentors and team members with integrity and professionalism.

Programme Specific Outcomes(Ph.D.)

  •  PSO-1:Understand the design of the existing concepts and application of the concepts for efficiency.
  •  PSO-2: Attempts to develop expertise in a certain professional field.
  •  PSO-3: : Individual cognitive activities aimed at acquiring new knowledge, solving theoretical and practical problems, self-education, and self-realization aid in shaping the future of specialists.

PO, PSO and CO

B.Tech. 2020-24

B.Tech. 2021-25

B.Tech. 2022-26

B.Tech. 2023-27

PO, PSO and CO - M.Tech.

PO, PSO and CO - Ph.D.


S. No. Volume Issue Link
1. I I Download
2. I II Download
3. I III Download

Quarterly Report

S. No. Duration Link
1. April - June 2023 Download
2. July - September 2023 Download
3. January - March 2024 Download

Why Computer Science -

Many students in India and abroad choose to study Computer Science because of the bright career prospects. Students studying this discipline learn technical skills such as programming, problem-solving, leadership, and many more. From schools to hospitals and financial companies, computer science has its role everywhere. With the high demand of computer science and technology in the industry, B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering courses have gained potential which land students in various positions- Systems Analyst, Web Developer, Finance Programmer, Software Engineer, Product Manager, Game Developer, and many more.

Benefits of Studying Computer Science & Engineering

Excellent Graduate Prospects
Jobs in Every Industry
Global Career Opportunities
Earning while studying

  • Unique Industry Linked Curriculum for CSE from the very first year with stress on "Learning by Doing". New curriculum has got 40 % Theory and 60% Practicals. (Find attached - First year curriculum)

  • Each semester has a subject related to AI and Analytics and will be taught by Intel Partner trainer. Physical classes of one week (40 hrs) will be followed by online mentoring and hands-on practice/projects/case studies.

  • At the end of each semester students will appear for a certification exam and will be awarded with the Intel certification for the said course.

  • Provision for Internships / case studies in every year and entire final year is meant for projects/Internships.

  • Introduction of High Growth Industry Domains as Elective Theory and Labs for better Internship opportunities like BFSI, Retail Management, Digital Marketing etc.

  • Introduction of MOOCS, Interdisciplinary Sciences, Entrepreneurships etc for personality development and pursuing passion.

  • OPJU will set-up an Intel Center of Excellence for Industry 4.0 and will establish an Intel High Performance Computing Lab. This will help in live projects and research related to AI, ML, Analytics, Big Data, Blockchain etc.

  • Students will get an opportunity to participate in various national / international events conducted by Intel partners.

  • Intel Education partner FICE will help students get access to long term internships in partner companies.

  • Specialization on cutting edge technology like Data and Analytics and IoT to make them industry Ready.

  • The curriculum covers areas that prepare students for most lucrative careers in the space of Data Science, Data Engineering and Advanced Analytics, IoT.

  • Contact-less and safe Online study materials, exams facility and mentoring.

  • Curriculum has been developed with the orientation towards industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing.

  • OPJU will set-up an Intel Center of Excellence for Industry 4.0 and will establish an Intel High Performance Computing Lab. This will help in live projects and research related to AI, ML, Analytics, Big Data etc.

  • The Dissertation/Project in the final semester enables students to apply concepts and techniques learnt during the programme

  • Assured industry internship/placements in various MNCs during final year

  • Certified course on latest technology like Big Data Analytics, Cloud Technology, Machine Learning, IoT in association with companies like Intel, Microsoft,IBM etc.

The Department’s Teaching Learning aims at enabling students to face real-world challenges using Problem-Based Learning (PBL), interactive and participative processes and constant mentoring.

Society / Chapter/ Club

  • NPTEL Student Chapter

  • ACM Student Chapter

  • IEEE student Chapter

  • CSI student chapter

  • UNICODE (Union of Computer Department for Excellence)

  • Android Club

  • IUCEE (Indo Universal Colloboration for Engineering Education)

Activities / Events

  • Industry Visits

  • Programming and Problem-solving Contests

  • Projects and Quiz Competitions

  • Students Seminars and Debates

  • Interviews and Group Discussions

  • Team-building Exercises

  • O2C2 (OPJU Open Coding Competetion)

  • Webinar Conductions

  • In house Training program

Department researchers are working extensively in some of the thrust areas like Digital Image Processing, Data Science, Machine Learing, Cloud Computing, IoT etc. . Department has collaborated with leading Industries and renowned institutes across the India. Students along with the teachers constantly involved in exciting and interesting problems/projects to explore and innovate new methods and finding sustainable solutions, published in various national and international journals.

Key Research Area:

  • Big Data

  • Internet of Things

  • Cloud Computing

  • Network Security

  • Machine Learning

  • Digital Image Processing

Webinar Conducted by successful Alumnus OPJU 2020

A webinar was conducted by alumnus of CSE department on 20/10/2020 at 5 PM under the OPJU-IEEE student chapter. Five students of the 2020 batch successfully placed in top-notch software companies viz. Raj Kapish Gupta(TCS), Aman Patel(TCS and Wipro), Thakur Rupak Singh(IBM and TCS), Kanishk(Wipro), Vinit(Wipro), mentored junior students about technical and interview skills required to crack a placement exam and gave them tips for entry into a good software company. It was a fruitful session where students from final year and pre-final year found the session informative for their upcoming placement drives.

OPJU IEEE Tech Web Series

OP Jindal University Raigarh in association with IEEE Bombay Section conducted "OPJU IEEE Tech Web Series" a series of webinars with the aim to connect industry professionals, academia and students together to get an insight of the future technological trends. The series was presided over by eminent invitee speakers viz. Dr. Ashutosh Dutta from Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Ravi Prakash from University of Texas at Dallas, Dr. Xavier Fernando from Ryerson University, Canada, Dr. PS Bokare, Dr. Saraju Mohanty from University of North Texas, USA, Mr. Mrityunjay Singh from Infosys, Mr. Saurabh Ganeriwala from Jindal Group, Mr. Atul Arya from Panasonic, Mr. Bhavesh Kumar from SIMULIA, Mr. Raghunandan Bokare from OakNorth Bank, Bengaluru, Mr. Kanishk Gaur from India Future Foundation, Gurugram on upcoming topics in technology. We received huge participation in these webinars from across the country and abroad.

Smart India Hackathon

The CSE Department successfully conducted zonal level competition at University in which 4 out of 6 teams selected for participation in idea submission for final round.

Specialized Trainings on ML/Python

The faculty of CSE department conducted various short-term trainings for students and faculty on Machine Learning and Python for Data Analytics. A training program for students on Machine Learning was conducted by Prof. Manish Bhagwani in the month of June and a short-term FDP was conducted by Dr. Gurveen Vaseer on Python for Data Analytics in the month of July. The learners were appraised of these upcoming technologies with hands-on learning.


To promote innovation centric education and perform cutting edge research in Computer Science & Engineering.


Empower students to be successful, effective problem-solvers, life long learners, ethical and positive contributors towards social and economic upliftment of the nation.


Learning by doing is the driving philosophy of the department. The Department has state of the art laboratories, latest hardware-software, round the clock internet connectivity and much more to support teaching –learning. The laboratories are well equipped with LMS system to make lab sessions and learning more effective. Following is a list of different laboratories :

  • Intel Intelligent Systems Lab in partenership with Intel Inc and FICE.

  • Android and App Devloment Lab

  • Cloud Computing Lab

  • Internet Technology Lab

  • Software Engineering Lab

  • Artificial Intelligence Lab

  • Mobile Computing Lab

  • Computer Networks and Network Security Lab

  • Data Structure and Programming Lab

  • LAMP Lab

  • Soft Computing Lab

  • Big Data Analytics & Machine Learning Lab

  • J2EE and Dot Net Lab

  • Hardware Simulation Lab

  • DBMS Lab

  • IoT Lab

B.Tech 1st Year (2023-27) As per NEP

1st Semester
Subject Code Subject
SOS-B-MAT-23-101 Engg. Mathematics-1 (Matrices and Linear Algebra)
SOE-B-CSE-23-102 Digital System Design
SOE-B-EE-23-103 Basic Electrical & Electronics
SOE-B-CSE-23-104 Basic Computation SKills (C-Programming)
SOE-B-CSE-23-105 Computer Fundamentals
SOS-B-HUM-23-106 Communicative English
SOE-B-CIV-23-107 Environmental Sc.
SOE-B-EE-23-108 Basic Electrical & Electronics Lab
SOE-B-CSE-23-109 Basic Computation SKills (C-Programming) Lab)
SOE-B-CSE-23-110 Digital System Design Lab
SOE-B-CSE-23-111 Computer Fundamentals Lab
2nd Semester
Subject Code Subject
SOS-B-MAT-23-201 Calculus and Differential
SOE-B-CSE-23-202 Data Structures
SOE-B-CSE-23-203 Comp. Organization and
SOE-B-CSE-23-204 IT Workshop
SOE-B-CSE-23-205 Python Programming
SOS-B-HUM-23-206 Indian Knowledge System
SOM-B-MBA-23-207 Problem Solving
Design Thinking
SOE-B-CSE-23-208 Data Structures Lab
SOE-B-CSE-23-209 Python Programming Lab
SOE-B-CSE-23-210 Universal Human Values

Digital Initiatives :                                                                                       
Admission Open 2025 - 26