The Centre for Social Empowerment works towards socio-economic empowerment, ensuring better quality of life and Equality amongst various sections of the society, livelihood enhancement of the people residing in the target community. CSE Concentrateson empowermentofweaker section of the society and women of the rural areas; the Centre includes the participation of all stakeholders: students, faculty, NSS, NGO and the local community.

CSE at the University encourage and propelfaculty and students to imbibe the qualities of enlightened leadership and thereby instill in them a level of trust and confidence about themselves and the community.


To create a socio-economically empowered society through education, training and holistic development, with special emphasis on rural community, underprivileged, women, Children and Old people.


To promote the individual and collective wellbeing, health and happiness of people living in communities, particularly those suffering from social exclusion, poverty and mental health.


  • Promote literacy, cultural and social activities by Awareness programs, education classes, lectures, competitions, exhibitions, symposiums, seminars, workshops, and cultural programs.

  • Social activities and trainings for girls, women, students, poor people and senior citizens.

  • Extend help/support students from marginalized sections to overcome problems and barriers emanating from discrimination at any level.

  • Create awareness within the community members so that they can be an integral part of governance.

  • Act as a resource base where personal and social development and empowerment techniques can be facilitated.

  • Build capacity local groups and individuals working in the field of education, health, sustainable and ethical living.


  • Health awareness and Cleanliness programs

  • Programmes for Gender Sensitization

  • Capacity Building and Empowerment Programs

  • Soft Skill Development Programs

  • Capacity Building and Empowerment Programs

  • Environment Awareness Programmes

Target Beneficiaries

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Admission Open 2025 - 26