A Grievance Redressal Mechanism for transparent and fair grievance redressal of students or parents of the students is constituted on 15/10/2020 as per UGC Regulation, 2012 as under: The following committee is constituted to handle the student grievances related to examination & academic activities.

About the Cell

Examination Grievances Redressal Cell (EGRC) monitors and responds to students' grievances lodged in regard to all types of grievances, complaints and malpractices related to examination matters and also ensures effective redressal of the grievances.


The grievance(s) of students related to examinations/results/ grading / withholding / higher grade promotions, provoking other students during exam etc. and its redressal only shall be considered by the EGRC.

Functions of EGRC:

To test and analyze the samples received from the in-house members and other organizations.
1. To receive the applications of the students both online and offline.
2. To check the nature/category of grievance(s) related to examination whether genuine or fake.
3. To attend all applications relating to the grievances.
4. To entertain and consider the grievances of the students.
5. It may hear the students in person by giving opportunities of hearing.
6. To hear all the concerned parties and settle grievances as early as possible.
7. To counsel the students whenever necessary to resolve their grievances.
8. To give advice to the students through correspondence.
9. The EGRC shall not discuss with any sub-judice grievances.
10. It shall make efforts to settle the disputes amicably.
11. To prepare and submit the recommendations relating to the redressal of grievances to the concerned authority i.e. CoE/Registrar and if required for final approval of the VC.
12. The Grievance Cell shall examine the grievances and ensures justice to the student.
13. The cell will give a report to the authority about the cases attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.

Role of Exam Grievance Redressal Cell:

1. The complainants should be filed with the grievances either by writing in paper to the Controller of Examination or online on the website of the University (Heading Examination Grievance Redressal Cell) in the prescribed format.
2. Any student may put in their case/concern with name, date and semester/examination in the grievance. Confidentiality and privacy will be maintained.
3. One may refer to the University Circular for more details given in the Examination Grievance Redressal Cell regarding the grievance redressal process from time to time.
4. Online Students Grievance Redressal Portal Facility.
5. The student can access the Online Students Grievance Redressal Portal on the University website to lodge his/her grievance. The link is Grievance Link
6. To keep the dignity of the university high by ensuring free and fair justices.
7. This cell helps Students to record their complaints and solve their problems related to academics-examination related issues freely and frankly.

Definition of Grievances :

The following complaints of the aggrieved students include-
1. Non-transparent or evaluation practices
2. Grading system/award of grades
3. Promotion to higher semesters
4. Withholding of results

Constitution of the Examination Grievance Redressal Cell:

1. Registrar Chairman
2. Dean/HoD of the School Member
3. One Faculty from the Department Member
4. One Faculty from other Department Member
5. Controller of Examination Member Secretary
Online Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Digital Initiatives :                                                                                       
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