Taniya Sengupta Rathore (2022) Factors Responsible for Spatial Distribution of Enzyme Activity in Soil. Climate Change & Microbial Diversity Adv. & Chal., Apple Academic Press with collaboration with CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group)., pp 143-161, ISBN 978-1-77461-782-1(hbk),ISBN978-1-77473-783-8(sbk).
Rathore TS, Jain S, Chouhan S (2020) Phytotherapies for Thyroidism: An Overview. Adv. In pharma. Biotech, Spinger Nature pub., pp 101-114, ISBN:- 978-981-15-2195-9. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-15- 2195-9_9
Sharma S, Sengupta T (2015) Impact of sociobiological activities on Narmada River flowing from Omkareshwar to Khalghat (M.P). Limnology and Fisheries publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-5056-731-8(79-104).
Sharma S, Sengupta T (2013) Antibacterial activities of Green Algae (Chlorophyceae) from Narmada River. Floral diversity and their conservation, D. K Agencies (P) LTD, New Delhi. ISBN- 987-81-7622-236-0.
Sharma S, Sengupta T, Sunar K Bacterial Isolation and Characterization of Narmada River flowing from Omkareshwar to Badwani (M.P), India. Fresh Water Ecosystem and Xenobiotics, Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi ISBN-978-93-5056-299-4.
Project Title: Development of Bio Extract Coating for Prolonging Shelf Life of Papaya Fruit Project Amount: Rs.28,000/- Funding Agency: Innovation, Incubation and Intellectual Property Rights Cell, Mandsaur University Principal Investigator: Dr. Taniya Sengupta Rathore Co-Principal Investigator: Nil Department: Biotechnology
Ambedkar Kumar Verma, Niraj Kumari and Anal Kant Jha, Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Milk Whey and its Applications. IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC) e-ISSN: 2278-5736.Volume 15, Issue 3 Ser. I (March 2022), PP 60-66.
Rathore TS, Patidar S (2020) Identification of Soil Bacteria Producing a Potent Catalyst for Biotransformation of L-Tyrosine into L-DOPA, an Antiparkinson’s Drug. Proc. Zool. Sc. India. http://www.ugcjournals.com19(1): Pp-19-24, ISSN:-2456- 6589.
Rathore TS, Kumawat T, Rathod A, Patidar V (2018) Dynamics of Carbon Cycling Enzymes and Humus Content in plant Litter Incubated With Soil. J. Rec. Sci. Res; 9(9(C)):28812-28814.
Rathore TS (2018) Quality assessment of Narmada River in Omkareshwar under socio biological stress through grading and indexing. Res. Analysis & Evaluation; Sp. Issue: 102-105. ISSN: 0974-2832.
Rathore TS (2017 ) Indexing Hydrological Parameters of Narmada River influenced by Socio Biological Activities. Int. J. Adv. Res. Idea. Inn. Tech.; 3(4):160-164.
Sharma S, Sengupta T (2015) Bacterial Population in Narmada River flowing from Omkareshwar to Badwani. Biomedicine and Nursing (2015); 1(1):55-57.
Masto RE, Sengupta T ,George J, Ram LC, Sunar K, Selvi VA, Sinha AK (2014)Impact of Fly ash amendment on soil carbon. Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2014); Taylor & Francis Group; 36(5):554-562.
Sengupta T, Sharma S (2014) NSF water quality indexing of central and catchment flowing Narmada River from Moretakka, M.P. India. proceeding of National Conference on Various Aspects of Riverine Fisheries in India with reference to economic upliftment of Tribal population organized by ShaheedBheemaNayak Govt. PG College, Barwani, Sponsored by UGC regional Centre, Bhopal.
Sengupta T, Sharma S (2013) Isolation and Biochemical identification of Yersinia species of Narmada River from Khalghat M.P. Int. J. Adv. Reas. (2013), 1(3): 159-161. ISSN:- 2320-5407.
Masto RE, Ram LC, Selvi VA, Sengupta T, Sunar, K, George J, Sinha AK (2013)Soil carbon sequestration through fly ash. Climate change &Env.(2013). Scientific researcher publ.250-259.
Sharma S, Mudgal LK, Mimrot K, Sengupta T, Shankar V, Gandhi T, Dave V (2013)Water Quality Assessment of River Narmada using Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Climate Change Effects on Agriculture and Economy, Biotech Books, New Delhi. 249- 257.
Masto RE, Sunar K, Sengupta T, Ram LC, Rout TK, Selvi VA, George J, Sinha AK (2012)Evaluation of the co-application of fly ash and sewage sludge on soil biological and biochemical quality. Env. Tech. Taylor & Francis Pub. 33(8): 897-905.
Sharma S, Sengupta T, Sunar K, Berk U (2012) Agnihotra Ash Amended with Yellow Soil as The Growth Regulator for Zea Mays. J Am Sci. 8(1s):43-45. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Sharma S, Sengupta T, Sunar K (2011) Somayag Influences on Different Parameters of Narmada River. Indian Research Communication.55-56.
Oral presentation titled “NSF water quality indexing of central and catchment flowing Narmada River from Moretakka, M.P. India.” in two days National Conference on Various Aspects of Riverine Fisheries in India with reference to economic upliftment of Tribal population organized by Shaheed Bheema Nayak Govt. PG College, Barwani, Sponsored by UGC regional Centre, Bhopal, February 2014.
Oral presentation titled “Identification of Soil Bacteria Producing a Potent Catalyst for Biotransformation of L-Tyrosine into L-DOPA, an Antiparkinson’s Drug” In three days 32nd All India Congress of Zoology and International Conference on " Life Security on Earth" organized by Adarsh Institute of Management and Science, Dhamnod (M.P), India and Zoological Society of India (ZSI), Gaya, India, in collaboration with School of Life Science, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, February 2020.
Oral presentation titled “Effect of Light music on Escherichia coli growth isolated from Narmada River.” In three days International Conference on Scientific impact of Music and Environment on sustainable development organized by School of Energy and Environmental studies, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (M.P) collaboration with Shri Sadhna Parmarthik Sansthan, Sanskar Bharati and Vijnana Bharati, January 2018.
Oral presentation titled “Regression Modeling on Bacterial and physiochemical water quality data of Narmada River flowing at Maheshwar (M.P), India.” In three days International Conference on Ecosystem Responses to Global Environmental changes and their Impact organized by School of Life Sciences, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (M.P) collaboration with Zoological Society of India (ZSI), Gaya, February 2017.
Oral presentation titled “Study of bacterial fauna of house fly Musca Domestica of Mandleshwar market, M.P.” in two days International science congress Conference organized by Maharaja Ranjit Singh college of Professional Sciences, Indore, December 2011 5. Oral Presentation titled “Population Dynamics and Seasonal Abundance of Zooplankton Community in Omkareshwar Dam.” in seven days International Conference (ECOREC) Organised by Kathmandu University Nepal, Nov 2010.
Participated in two days National workshop on “Research Methodology and SPSS” Organized by Department of Business management and Commerce, Mandsaur University, September 2019.
Participated as Guide for two oral presentations by students in one day National Seminar on “Promising Sustainability through Green Management” by St. Paul Institute of Professional Studies, Indore (M.P), February 2019.
Oral presentation titled “Quality assessment of Narmada River in Omkareshwar under socio biological stress through grading and indexing.” In two days National Seminar on Impact of changing scenario on Agriculture, Social Infrastructure, Environment along with International Business, Information Technology and Education Training organized by Shri Rewa Gurjar Bal Niketan College Sanawad Dist Khargone (M.P), February 2018.
Participated in two days National Seminar on “Vidhyalain Siksha kavartman Swarup avam Samaj ke Kamjor warg: Chunautiya avam Sanmbhavanaen (Anusuchit jatiyon ke vishesh sandrbha me)” by M.P. Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain (M.P.), January 2014.
Participated in two days National Seminar on “Effects of Environmental Changes on Biodiversity and Importance of Gene Pool Preservation.” in Choithram College of Professional Studies, Indore, Mar 2011.
Online Certificate Course “Primer Design for Polymerase Chain Reaction” through Udemy platform 2020.
Online Certificate Course “Bioprinting for Beginners” through Udemy platform 2020.
Online Certificate Course “Drug Development” through Coursera platform 2020.
Online Certificate Course “Beyond Genes: Epigenetics, Environment and Health” through The Jackson Laboratory platform 2020.
Online Certificate Course “Basics of CRISPR/Cas9” through The Jackson Laboratory platform 2020.
Five Days FDP on “Emerging Strategies in waste Management Solutions” by Atal Academy 2021.
Five Days FDP on “Novel Applications of waste Technology Systems for Sustainable Future” by Atal Academy 2021.
Five Days FDP on “COVID 19 outbreak: Challenges and opportunities in Higher Education” by B R Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur 2020.
Five Days FDP on “Preparation and publication of Research Articles” by UGC-Academic Staff College DAVV University, Indore, 2011.
Reviewer of Advances in Science, Technology and Emerging Systems Journal, ISSN: 2415-6698.
Coordinator of National Webinar “Role of Microorganisms in Accelerating or Mitigating the Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change” on 18th June 2021.
Coordinator of National hands-on workshop “Microbial Biotechnology Approach for Profiling Industrial Important Fungi” on 9th- 10th March 2021.
Coordinator of International Webinar “Effects of Agnihotra on our Environment, Agriculture and Human Health” on 7th July 2020.
Coordinator of National virtual workshop “Molecular Detection of Plant Pathogen Using PCR” on 18th- 19th June 2020.
Organizing secretary of Regional workshop “Instrumental Aspects of Biotechnology” on 23rd Sep 2010.
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