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Faculty Profile
PhD in Physics (Luminescnce) from Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur - 2018.
M.Phil in Physics from Open University , Nagaland – 2011.
M.Sc in Physics Specialization Electronics from Pt. Ravi Shankar University, Raipur - 2002.
B.Sc in PCM from Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University , Raipur - 2000.
Working as an Assistant Professor in O.P Jindal University Raigarh , from Sep. 2019 to till date.
Worked as an Assistant Professor in ITM University Raipur, from Jan 2019 to Sept. 2019.
Worked as an Assistant Professor in B.I.T Raipur , from July 2009 to Jan 2013.
Worked as an Assistant Professor in SRI Raipur , from Nov. 2008 to July 2009.
Worked as an Assistant Professor in Kalyan Science Arts & Commerce College Bhilai (C.G), from July 2002 to Nov 2008.
Optical Properties (PL , ML , TL )
Structure Properties (XRD , SEM ,FTIR & EDX)
Customized Applied Physics -1 in Pearson Publication Mumbai.
Synthesis and Optical properties of CaSo4 doped rare earth material .AICTE new Delhi & CG COST on July 2010.
Nano and bulk crystals of ZnO synthesis and characterization. AICTE new Delhi & CGCOST June 2011.
Thermoluminescence and Machno luminescence of gamma irradiated Eu doped Y2O3 nanophosphors. Proceeding of fourth international conference on luminescence & its application ICLA -2012.
Synthesis Photoluminescence study of Ca2MgSi2O7 : Ce, Dy, Eu micro Phosphor , J. Advanced Physics Letter , ISSN (online) 2349-1108, Vol_3, Issue_2, 2016
Study of optical properties of dicalcium- magnesium disilicate based phosphors doped rare earth material , International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 1, 1639- 1646.
Thermoluminescence Properties of Ce3+ and Dy3+ doped Dicalcium - Magnesium Disilicate Phosphors, J. ActaCenicicaIndica (2016), volume 37.
Photoluminescence and Thermoluminescence properties of Ce3+ doped Ca2MgSi2O7 phosphor, J. ActaCenicicaIndica (2016), volume 37.
Comparison study of the thermo-luminescent property of the long after glow phosphors Ca2MgSi2O7:eu with different concentration,
Development of photo-luminescent Nano particle Ca2MgSi2O7:Dy3+ phosphor, International.
National conference on recent advances in Nano science and Nano technology. NCRANT -2009 SRI Tech. Raipur.
National Seminar on Environment science & its application towards water treatment. BIT Durg, 2010.
National Seminar on Current Trends on Nano science and nanotechnology. Rungta Bhilai 2011.
National Conference on advances in Physics .NCAP-2012.
National workshop on Nanoscience & nanotechnology. NWNSNT 2012.
International Workshop on advanced materials Science and Astrophysics Pt. RSS University Raipur & Michigan Tech. University USA 21012.
Best Faculty Award in B.I.T Raipur.
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