Main Author
Title of Paper with Journal Details
Dr. M. Kalyan Phani "Optimizing Process Parameters for Head-Hardened Rail Steels: Development of a Heat Treatment Setup”, Trans Indian Natl. Acad. Eng. (2025). DOI-
Dr. Nidhi Khobragade “A review on advancement in mechanical and structural properties of graphene reinforced aluminium matrix composites”, International Journal of Materials Research (2025). DOI-
Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Sahu "Heat propagation phenomenon of compressed natural gas /air premixed laminar flame impinging on a flat surface", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 64 (2024) 105571, DOI -
Dr. Vatsala Chaturvedi, Dr. Deepak Patel and Dr. Trinath Talapaneni "Evaluating the Mechanical Properties of Silico–Manganese Slag-Blended Silica Sand Molds for Foundry Applications", Trans Indian Inst Met 78, 75 (2025), DOI-
Dr. Jitesh Singh Development and analysis of Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticle-infused sisal fiber reinforced hybrid polymer composites for high-performance sound absorption and thermal insulation applications, Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 222, Part 3, 2024, 119763
Dr. Mahasakti Mahamaya Development and characterization of alkali activated controlled low strength material using mining waste, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 452, 22 (2024),13892,
Dr. Anurag Sharma Sustainable mortar into paver block using agricultural waste ash and recycled glass: ANN-based prediction of mechanical properties. Asian J Civ Eng (2024).
Dr. M Kalyan Phani Reuse of spilled-out metal powder from LMD in making hybrid mining tools”, Advanced Materials & Processes 182 (8), ASM International, 2024
Dr. Rajesh Jha “Investigation of effect of post weld heat treatment on microhardness and microstructure of auto TIG welded stabilized SA213 TP347H weldments”, Welding International, Vol. 38, Issue 5, pp. 366-382, Apr. 2024
Mr. Asim kiran Dandapat "Design of Intrusion Detection System Using GA and CNN for MQTT-Based IoT Networks", Springer Journal International Publisher, Apr. 2024
Dr. Mithilesh Sahu “Implementation of lean manufacturing methods to improve rolling mill productivity", International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration, Vol 11(111) ISSN: 2394-7454, PP 243-256, March 2024
Dr. Mukesh Shamkant Desai “Application of Modified Single Minute Exchange of Die for the Reduction of Ambulance Response Time”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol. 53, Issue 2, No. 4, (2024), PP 158-176, March 2024
Dr. M Kalyan Phani Welding Processes in Advanced Manufacturing. Int J Conf Proc. 3(5), March 2024
Dr. Bhupesh Dewangan Assessment of respiratory disorders using MFCC and LPC applied to machine learning algorithms. Nonlinear Studies, 31(1), March 2024
Dr. Bhupesh Dewangan Continuous hand gesture segmentation and acknowledgement of hand gesture path for innovative effort interfaces. International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES). Vol 13. No. 2, March 2024
Dr. Bhupesh Dewangan Comparative Analysis of ARIMA Time Series Model and Other Techniques for Cloud Workloads Performance Prediction. In the International Conference on Computer & Communication Technologies (pp. 343-350). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, March 2024
Dr. Bhupesh Dewangan Reinforcement Learning Approach to Solve: PBL Markov Model. In International Conference on Computer & Communication Technologies (pp. 333-342). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, March 2024
Dr. Bhupesh Dewangan A Lightweight Encryption Method for Preserving E-Healthcare Data Privacy Using Dual Signature on Twisted Edwards Curves. In International Conference on Computer & Communication Technologies (pp. 69-82). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, March 2024
Dr. Saroj Kumar "Implementation of Trajectory Control Algorithm in a Dynamic Environment," 2023 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS), Greater Noida, India, 2023, pp. 609-613, Feb. 2024
Dr. Mithilesh Sahu “Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance to Improve Productivity of Rolling Mill", Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences (IJEMS), 30(6), 882-882, Feb. 2024
Mr Akash Pandey “Impact of anthracite blending and SDS addition on slurry ability and stability of Indian high ash coal water slurry", International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, Jan 2024
Dr. Mithilesh Sahu “A numerical study on effect of intra and inter spaced winding configuration on performance of oil forced transformer cooling system" Journal of Power and Energy., Jan 2024
Dr. S.S. Chakrabarti, Dr. Satish Kanhed “Enhancing Efficiency and Power Output of a Typical Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal System.", Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review. Jan 2024
Dr. Anurag Sharma “Seismic Assessment of Vertically Irregular RC Buildings Designed using DDBD and FBD Approaches”, 13th Structural Engineering Convention – An International Event (SEC-2023), organized by Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur, Maharashtra, India on 07th – 09th December 2023.
Dr.Siddharth S Chakrabarti, Dr Satish Kanhed EnhancingPower Output through the Development of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal System,Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Nov. 2023
Dr. MukeshShyamkant Desai MathematicalModelling for The Cost of Quality: A Case of Steel Plant Activities,Mathematical Modelling for The Cost of Quality: A Case of Steel PlantActivities, Nov 2023
Dr. MukeshShyamkant Desai TheCompatibility Gap Between the Steps of Single Minute Exchange of Die andActivities of Ambulance Response Time, Industrial Engineering Journal, Oct.2023
Dr.Siddharth Chakrabarti HeatTransfer Analysis in Sound-Enhanced Fluidized Beds Containing Geldart BCBinary Mixtures" has been published in " International Journal ofMembrane Science and Technology, Oct 2023
Dr. MukeshShyamkant Desai Modelling Of ReverseLogistic Approaches: A Proposed Framework, IndustrialEngineering Journal, Sep. 2023
Prof. Dharmender SinghSaini TribologicalPerformance Evaluation Of Greases On Four Ball Tester With NanoparticlesGraphene Oxide, Acs Omega, Aug. 2023
Dr. M.K. Bhiwapurkar Development and Analysisof Rolling Contact Fatigue Squat Crack in Wheel/Rail-Weld System Using FiniteElement Modelling, European Chemical Bulletin, Aug. 2023
Prof. Jitesh Singh Thermal stability anddynamic mechanical analysis of nano-biofillers blended hybrid compositesreinforced by cellulosic Borassus flabellifer L. fiber, International Journalof Polymer Analysis and Characterization, Aug. 2023
Dr. Mithilesh Sahu Design and Developmentof Novel Solar Concentrating Spittoon to Control the Spread of COVID-19 Virusat Public Places, EVERGREEN - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences& Green Asia Strategy, Aug. 2023
Dr. Swapna Sarit Kar Estimation ofshear resistance offered by EB-FRP U-jackets: An approach based onfuzzy-inference system (Volume 32, Number 1, July 2023 , pages 027-44). 2023
Dr. R DPatidar and Dr. Sandeep Biswal A Robust Single Ended DisturbanceDetection Scheme For Superconducting Fault Current Limiter Integrated UPFCCompensated Line”, Electric Power System Research, Elsevier,July 2023
DharmendraSingh Saini “TribologicalPerformance Evaluation of Greases on Four Ball Tester with NanoparticlesGraphene Oxide” in the journal ACS Omega, Aug. 2023
Dr. MaheshBhiwapurkar “Developmentand Analysis of Rolling Contact Fatigue Squat Crack in Wheel/Rail-Weld SystemUsing Finite Element Modelling” in European Chemical Bulletin, Aug. 2023
Jitesh Singh “Thermal stability and dynamic mechanical analysis ofnano-biofillers blended hybrid composites reinforced by cellulosicBorassus flabellifer L. fiber” in International Journal of Polymer Analysisand Characterization, Aug. 2023
Prasenjit Biswas, Deepak Patel Effect of LowDegree Electromagnetic Field on Solidification Mechanism and MechanicalProperties of Twin Roll Cast Al 7075 Alloy, JOM (2023)
Dr. Mukesh Shamkant Desai “The CompatibilityGap Between the Steps of Single Minute Exchange of Die and Activities ofAmbulance Response Time" in the Industrial Engineering Journal, Oct.2023
Dr. Siddharth Chakrabarti “Heat Transfer Analysis in Sound-EnhancedFluidized Beds Containing Geldart BC Binary Mixtures" in InternationalJournal of Membrane Science and Technology, Oct. 2023
Neeraj Kumar Unfolding the hydrogen gas sensing mechanismacross 2D Pnictogen/graphene heterostructure sensors, Sensors and ActuatorsB: Chemical, 399 (2024) 134807
Dr. SarojKumar Trajectoryexploration of K-III robot employing modified wind driven algorithm, AIP CP,Sep. 2023
Dr. SarojKumar Design andDevelopment of a nano drone-A real-time UAV, Materials Today: Proceedings,Sep. 2023
Dr. Mithilesh Sahu Study ofutilization of power plant fly ash in cement making process and reduction ofpower consumption, AIP CP, Sep. 2023
Dr. Mithilesh Sahu A review onperformance of the thermal power plant for optimized design of surfacecondenser, AIP CP, Sep. 2023
Dr. Mithilesh Sahu, Dr.Siddharth Chakrabarti Experimentalinvestigation of blower speed and number of nozzle’s effect on cooling towerperformance, AIP CP, Sep. 2023
Dr. AbhilashaChaudhuri "AnEffective Feature Selection Technique for detecting Parkinson’s Disease usingBinary Whale Optimization Algorithm”, 2023 IEEE World Conference on AppliedIntelligence and Computing (AIC 2023), July 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan ML-based Anomalies Detection inWireless Network Link Layer of the Internet of Things (IoT), IEEE, June 2023
Dr. Siddharth Chakrabarti Review of Composite Desiccants andTheir Properties for Rotary Dehumidifiers, European Chemical Bulletin, June2023
Mr.. Neeraj KumarVerma Impact of cyano and fluorine groupfunctionalization on the optoelectronic and photovoltaic properties ofdonor-acceptor–π–acceptor benzothiadiazole derived small molecules: A DFT andTD-DFT study, Korean Journal of Materials Research, June 2023
Mr. Dharmendra SinghSaini Optimization of predicted wear andfriction for electroless Ni-P by RSM, Fuzzy logic and ANFIS using TOPSIS,Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals-TIIM (Springer publications)May 2023
Dr. Deepak Patel Wear behavior investigation of Al-B4Cfunctionally graded composite through Taguchi's design of experiment, Journalof Engineering Research, May 2023
Dr. Arti Vaish On some classical and quantummechanical aspects of light in an optical fibre, Springer, May 2023
Mr. U. S. Pandey, Dr. GulshanSoni and Dr. S. K. Chandra The Impact of Alteration ofSuperframe Duration on the Consumption of Energy, IEEE, April 2023
Mr. Uma Shankar Pandey Dynamic duty cycle based MACprotocols-A Comprehensive Survey, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Gulshan Soni A Fuzzy logic based objectivefunction to improve reliability of RPL routing protocol in LLNs, IEEE, May2023
Ms. Princy Diwan A Bibliometric Analysis of NetworkSecurity on Blockchain, IEEE, May 2023
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Shriwas An Approach to Evaluate LoadBalancing and Crucial Data Analysis Through Hadoop Framework, IEEE, May 2023
Ms. Princy Diwan Application of Brain-InspiredComputing for Daily Assistance, IGI Global, May 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan Ensuring data protection usingmachine learning integrating with blockchain technology, Springer, May 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan Hybrid nature-inspired basedoversampling and feature selection approach for imbalance data streamsclassification, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan A bibliometric analysis of networksecurity on blockchain, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan Machine learning securityalgorithms and framework for IoT system, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan Arima time series model vs. k-meansclustering for cloud workloads performance, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan A comparison of feature selectionapproaches for liver disease data, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan Evolution of low - power blockchaintechnology by using iterative sharding for IoT environment, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan Hybrid deep learning based semi-supervisedmodel for medical imaging, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Bhupesh KumarDewangan An approach to evaluate loadbalancing and crucial data analysis through hadoop framework, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Rakesh Nayak A Novel Feature Based Review scoreto Classify True Reviewer, IEEE OTCON 2.0, May 2023
Dr. Rakesh Nayak Generic View of Sentiment AnalysisUsing Machine Leaning Models, IEEE OTCON 2.0, May 2023
Dr. Rakesh Nayak A Novel Design and Developmentmodel for people counting in a Closed Environment with Machine LearningApproach, IEEE OTCON 2.0, May 2023
Dr. Rakesh Nayak Hybrid Recommendation System withEnhanced Generalized Sequential Pattern Algorithm for E-Learning System, IEEEOTCON 2.0, May 2023
Dr. Arti Vaish On some classical and quantummechanical aspects of light in an optical fiber, Springer, May 2023
Dr. Arti Vaish Classical and quantum mechanicalaspects of light in an optical fiber, Springer, May 2023
Mr. Asimkiran Dandapat Machine Learning and Deep Learningbased Stock Market Prediction considering Covid-19 as a Feature, IEEE, May2023
Dr. AbhilashaChaudhuri A Decision-making Framework Modelfor Replacement of Track Switch-point Changing Box using a Multiple AttributeDecision Making Method, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Gulshan Soni Role of Artificial Intelligence andInternet of Things (IoT) in the automobile industry: Research Gaps, IEEE, May2023
Dr. Gulshan Soni A Fuzzy logic based objectivefunction to improve reliability of RPL routing protocol in LLNs, IEEE, May2023
Dr. Gulshan Soni Dynamic duty cycle based MACprotocols-A Comprehensive Survey, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Gulshan Soni Blockchain Enabled Internet ofThings: Current Scenario and Open Challenges for Future, Springer, Cham, May2023
Dr. Gulshan Soni Toward automated machine learningfor genomics: evaluation and comparison of state-of-the-art AutoML approach,Academic Press (Science Direct), May 2023
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Shriwas An Approach to Evaluate LoadBalancing & Crucial Data Analysis through Hadoop Framework, IEEE, May2023
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Shriwas A Bibliometric Analysis of NetworkSecurity on Blockchain, IEEE, May 2023
Dr. Saroj Kumar Better Decision-Making Strategywith Target Seeking Approach of Humanoids using Hybridized SOARANN-FuzzyTechnique” in “Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier) April 2023
Mr. Jitesh Kumar Singh Study on the physical, mechanical,and thermal behaviour of RHN blend epoxy hybrid composites reinforced byBorassus flabellifer L. fibers - Cellulose (Springer) April 2023
Mithilesh Sahu Journal of Thermal Engineering, (Publishedby Yıldız Technical University Press, İstanbul, Turkey), “Thermo-dynamicsensitivity analysis of SOFC integrated with blade cooled gas turbine hybridcycle”, Feb. 2023
Saroj Kumar ISA Transactions (Elsevier), “Multi-targettrajectory planning and control technique for autonomous navigation ofmultiple robots”, Mar. 2023
Mithilesh Sahu Heat Transfer Journal (WilleyPublication), “Comparative studies on performance of plain, perforated,threaded, and threaded–perforated pin fin: A numerical approach”, Feb. 2023
Siddharth Chakrabarti IEEE Explore, “Development of theEmpirical model and Optimization of parameters for prediction of CondenserVacuum pressure in Thermal Power Plant”, Mar. 2023
Mithilesh Sahu Materials Today: Proceedings, “Comparisonof the effect of CeO2 and CuO2 nanoparticles on performance and emission of adiesel engine fueled with Neochloris oleoabundans algae biodiesel”, Feb. 2023
Anurag Vijayawargiy &Mahesh Bhiwapurkar International Journal ofOccupational Safety and Health, “Effect of Lifting Weight, Height andAsymmetry on Biomechanical Loading during Manual Lifting”, Feb. 2023
Prasenjit Biswas International Journal ofMetalcasting, “Investigation of Effect of the Rheological Parameters on theFlow Behavior of ADC12 Al Alloy in Rheo-Pressure Die-Casting. ”, Jan. 2023
Prasenjit Biswas Materials and ManufacturingProcesses, “Simulation and experimental investigation of centrifugal-castfunctionally graded aluminum-B4C composite”, Feb. 2023
Prasenjit Biswas and DeepakPatel World Journal of Engineering, “Conceptdevelopment, design, and validation of a novel continuous casting equipment”,Mar. 2023
Prasenjit Biswas and DeepakPatel International Journal of MaterialResearch, “Production and characterization of Al-Cu Binary Alloy produced byusing Novel Continuous Casting Process”, Mar. 2023
Deepak Patel and PrasenjitBiswas International Journal of MaterialsResearch, “Synthesis of Al-Sn Alloys by Direct Chill Casting under the effectof Mechanical stirring: An Experimental and Simulation Optimization Study”,Mar. 2023
Nandala Acharjee Journal of Australian CeramicSociety, “A review of various ceramic pigment preparation andcharacterization methodologies for applications”, Mar. 2023
Neeraj Kumar Verma Journal of The Minerals, Metals& Materials Society, “Microstructural heterogeneity and anisotropycontrol of additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloy for aircraft components”,Mar. 2023
Sandeep Biswal IEEE Xplorer, “LSF and GoldenJackal Optimization Algorithm based Optimal Placement and Sizing ofCapacitors in Distribution System”, Feb. 2023
Sandeep Biswal IEEE Xplorer, “Optimal Allocationof DGin Radial_Distribution Network for Power Loss Minimization based on LSFand GJO Algorithm”, Feb. 2023
Prasanta Kumar Jena IEEE Xplorer, “A High Gain Z-SourceConverter with Reduced Device Count for Distributed PV System”, Feb. 2023
Ankireddy Narendra CRC Press, “Isolated BidirectionalDual Active Bridge (DAB) Converter for Photovoltaic System: An overview”,Feb. 2023
Madhusudan Rao
IIP Publishers, “Renewable           Energy Sources”, Mar. 2023
R. S. Singh Silicon, “CO2 Capture by Metal-Decorated Silicon Carbide Nanotubes ”, Mar. 2023
Bhupesh Kumar Dewangan IGI Global, “An Efficient TrajectoryRepresentative Generation Moving Web- Based Data Prediction Using Different ClusteringAlgorithms”, Jan. 2023
Bhupesh Kumar Dewangan MDPI, Intruders Detection in VANETsdata stream Using Federated Learning for Smart City Environment”, Feb. 2023
Gulshan Soni Scopus Indexed, Role of ArtificialIntelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) in the automobile industry”, Feb.2023
Bhupesh Kumar Dewangan IGI Global, “Exploring FutureOpportunities of Brain- Inspired Artificial Intelligence”, Mar. 2023
Bhupesh Kumar Dewangan IIETA, “Recognition of Hand MotionTrajectory Gestures for Novel Input Interfaces”, Jan. 2023
Bhupesh Kumar Dewanganand Princy Diwan IGI Global, “Application of Brain- Inspired Computing for Daily Assistance”, Mar. 2023
SiddharthChakrabarti Review on Nanoporous inorganicdesiccant materials in the context of application in rotary dehumidifiers,Materials Today: Proceedings (Article in Press) January 2022
Siddharth Chakrabarti Performance Analysis of DesiccantMaterial Prepared by Simple Mixing of Silica Gel and Calcium Chloride, RecentAdvances in Mechanical Infrastructure, Springer Publications, Jan 2022, 116,3-15
Siddharth Chakrabarti Parameters influencing theperformance of fluidized bed: A review on thermo-hydraulic properties, EnergySources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1-34.,2021
Mahesh Bhiwapurkar Numerical simulation and Parametricanalysis of fatigue crack in UIC 60 rail thermite welded joint, In IOPConference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1206, No. 1,p. 012027). IOP Publishing. 2021
Mahesh Bhiwapurkar A numerical simulation of UIC 60rail-welds fatigue and crack growth under wheel frictional contact andbending, Advanced Engineering Forum, 2022
Mahesh Bhiwapurkar Parametricfeatures of an UIC60 rail at weld bottom crack in transverse direction underweld-wheel contact forces, Material Today Proceeding: Elsevier.
Mahesh Bhiwapurkar UIC60 rail alumino thermite weld’ssemi elliptical head crack and stress intensity factor using ANSYS, MaterialsToday: Proceedings., 2021
Mahesh Bhiwapurkar Analysingbehaviour of the rail wheel assembly with Alumino thermite weldment withmodel analysis simulation in ANSYS, IOP Science: Journal pf Physics 
Mahesh Bhiwapurkar Estimationof fatigue life parameters of an alumina thermit weld on UIC 60 rail jointusing LEFM, IOP: JOP, 2021
Mahesh Bhiwapurkar A 3-D numericalsimulation of fatigue crack growth in an alumino thermite welded UIC60 railjoint under different loading conditions. Materials Today: Proceedings, 59,405-412., 2021
Mahesh Bhiwapurkar A Fatigue Crack PathAnalysis in Rail Weldment Under Mixed Mode Loading Condition: A ComputationalSimulation,  Lecture Notes inElectrical Engineering book series(LNEE,volume 897)
Anurag Vijayawargiya ErgonomicsEvaluation of Manual Lifting Task on Biomechanical Stress in SymmetricPosture, International Journalof Occupational Safety and Health
Mithilesh Sahu Experimentalinvestigation of thermal potential at diesel engine exhaust and numerical simulationof heat recovery in heat exchangers, Materials Today: Proceedings(Article in Press)
Mithilesh Sahu ComputationalAnalysis of a Heat Transfer Characteristic of a Wavy And Corrugated Channel,Materials Today: Proceedings (Article in Press)
Mithilesh Sahu Exergo-EconomicAnalysis and Optimization of Cooled CGAM Cycle: A Gas Turbine BasedCo-generation Cycle, InternationalJournal of Engine Research
Ajit Singh Industry OrientedQuality Management of Engineering Education: An Integrated QFD-TOPSISApproach, international journal of system assurance engineering andmanagement, 2021
Jitesh Singh Characterization of rawand alkali – treated cellulosic fibers extracted from Borassus flabelliferL., Biomass conversion and bio refinery, 2022
Saroj Chandra CNN Based Architecture for AutomaticallyDetecting Peoples without Face Mask, In 2021 Emerging Trends in Industry4.0 (ETI 4.0) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Saroj Chandra Neural Network Prediction of Slurry Erosion Wear ofNi-WC Coated Stainless Steel 420, Metals Journal
Lipismita Panigrahi Segmented Region based  FeatureExtraction for Image Classification, In 2021 Emerging Trends in Industry4.0 (ETI 4.0) (pp. 1-9). IEEE.
A. Bhansali Embedding Color Watermark byAdjusting DCT using RGB Gray Scale watermarking, In 2021 Emerging Trendsin Industry 4.0 (ETI 4.0) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
A. Bhansali APrototype      of            DoctorRecommendation System using Classification Algorithms, In 2021 EmergingTrends in Industry 4.0 (ETI 4.0) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
A. Bhansali Integrating University Computing Laboratories with AWS forBetter Resource Utilization. In Expert Clouds and Applications (pp. 87-95).Springer, Singapore.
A. Bhansali Quantum-resistantUniversity Credentials Verification System on Blockchain, 2022 IEEE Nigeria 4th InternationalConference on Disruptive Technologies for Sustainable Development(NIGERCON) 
Bhupesh Dewangan Multi-CriteriaDecision-Making Methodology for Sustainable Creativity in Social Media,Journal of Computer Science Volume 17 No. 11, 2021, 1128-1137
Bhupesh Dewangan Analysis of Blockchain SecurityApplications in Electronic Health Records Standardization, Recent Advances in Computer Science andCommunications (SCOPUS and EBSICO)
Bhupesh Dewangan Improvingsoftware performance by automatic test cases through genetic algorithm, International Journal of ComputerApplications in Technology, 2022
Bhupesh Dewangan Multi-ViewDeep Convolution Neural Network for Automatic Target Recognition and Classificationof Synthetic Aperture Radar Image. Journal of Advances in InformationTechnology, 13(5), Oct 2022
Mahendra Shriwas SystemPowered by Post-Quantum Cryptography (BBVSP-PQC), 2nd InternationalConference on Power, Control, and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T-2022), IEEEXplore.
Abhilasha Chaudhuri BinaryJaya Algorithm based on Dice Similarity for Cancer Classification usingMicroarray Dataset, 2022 IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence andComputing (AIC 2022)" and will be included in the SCOPUS indexed IEEEXplore Digital Library
Sandeep Biswal Taylor series basedprotection starting element for STATCOM compensated transmission line, Electric Power Systems Research, 204, 107700, 2021
Sandeep Biswal A Time-Frequency Algorithm for CT SaturationDetection in the Presence of Noise, In 2021 Emerging Trends in Industry4.0 (ETI 4.0) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Sandeep Biswal Synchronous Generator Out-of-Step ProtectionBased on Savitzky-Golay Filtering Technique, In 2021 Emerging Trends inIndustry 4.0 (ETI 4.0) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.
Sandeep Biswal  ImpedanceBased Directional Relaying For Smart Power Networks Integrating With ConverterInterfaced Photovoltaic Plants, Electric Power Systems Research, Nov 2022
G.M. Rao Designing ofNeuro-Fuzzy Controllers for Brushless DC Motor Drives Operating withMultiswitch Three-Phase Topology, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering,2022
R D Patidar A Secure ECG based Smart Authentication Schemefor IoT Devices, IEEE Explore
R D Patidar Intrinsic TimeDecomposition Based Differential Protection with Adaptive Threshold for UPFCCompensated Transmission Line, InternationalJournal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (IJEEPS)
R D Patidar Parameteroptimization of PV integrated shunt active power filter with taguchi SNR,International Journal of Emerging electric Power systems, 2022
R D Patidar SAPF Parameter optimizationwith the application of Taguchi SNR methods, Electronics, 2022
R D Patidar Adativecontroller based shunt active power filter for power quality enhancement ingrid integrated PV systems, Microgrid Cyber Physical Systems, 2022
Deepak Singh Improved Block Matching Motion EstimationTechnique using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization in Video Coding,In 2021 Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0 (ETI 4.0) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Quadri, I. Optimal Allocation of Capacitor and SVC in RadialDistribution System to reduce power loss and Operational Cost, In 2021Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0 (ETI 4.0) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Pushpanjali Experimental verification of DSTATCOM for variousnon-linear load, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems,2021
Pushpanjali SpaceVector Pulse Width Modulation-Based DSTATCOM for harmonic compensation, Sustainable Energyand Technological Advancements pp 209–219
Mahashakti Mahamaya Comparative studybetween the strength development in alkali-activated and red mud blendedfly ash, 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and GeotechnicalEngineering,2022,ICC, Sydney, Australia
Mahashakti Mahamaya Engineering Properties of Cementless Alkali Activated CLSMusing Ferrochrome Slag, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Dec 2022
A. K. Srivastava Gdand Nd Doped Perovskite – Potential material for Sustainable Energy,In 2021 Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0 (ETI 4.0) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
A. K. Srivastava PulseSpray gas metal arc welding of advanced strength S650MC automotive steel,Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 27 (4), 2021.
M. Kalyan Phani Microstructuraland mechanical characterization of parallel layered WC- NiCr weld overlay on080 M40 steel substrate prepared using additive manufacturing, MaterialsToday: Proceedings, 2022
M. Kalyan Phani TowardsSustainable Solid Wastes Management by Indian Integrated Steel Plants: Acomprehensive review, Indian Journal of Environment Protection, 2022 (ISSN:0253–7141), 2022
S. Das An Innovative Process for Synthesizing Mg-Al alloy- BasedComposites, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis (Springer)
Vatsala Chaturvedi An Overview on the Microstructure and Mechanical Propertiesof Vibrated Magnesium Alloy During Solidification, Smart Technologies forEnergy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Springer Proceedingsin Energy book series (SPE), ICSTEESD 2020, Published in 2022
Trinath Talapaneni Proposing a suitableslag composition by estimating the fusion behavior, viscosity anddesulphurization ability for blast furnaces running with high alumina, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022
Neeraj Verma Influence of Inhibitors on theCorrosion of Al and Al-composites in Chloride-containing Solutions, KoreanJournal of Materials Research (MaterialsSociety of Korea, Korea), 2022
Neeraj Verma Advanced metal and carbonnanostructures for medical, drug delivery and bio-imaging applications,Journal of Nanoscale, Aug. 2022
Neeraj Verma A novel reductionapproach for fabrication of transparent conducting fluorine and tin dopedindium oxide thin film with low sheet resistance, Journal of CeramicsInternational, Aug. 2022
Neeraj Verma Recent Trends inNoble Metal Nanoparticles for Colorimetric Chemical Sensing andMicro-Electronic Packaging Applications. Metals 2021, 11, 329.
Sibnath Kayal Investigation ofMethane Adsorption onto Metal-Organic Frameworks under Subcritical ConditionEmploying Adsorption Isotherm Models, Bulletin of Materials Science, 2022
Sibnath Kayal “Evaluation ofdefect induced surface heterogeneity in Metal-Organic Framework materialswith alkali dopants employing adsorption isotherm modelling”, Journal of theIndian Chemical Society, 99 (2022) 100493.
Sibnath Kayal  “Analysis of CH4 Adsorption Isotherms ontoMIL-101 (Cr) Metal-Organic Framework and Its Derivatives with Alkali IonDopants” Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 58 (2022)478-485.
Sibnath Kayal “Benign Synthesisof Metal-Organic Framework (MIL-101-Cr) and Evaluation of Carbon-dioxideAdsorption Behaviour Employing Adsorption Isotherm Models’, Current OrganicSynthesis, (2022),
Rajesh Jha AI-guidedOptimization of Manufacturing Protocols for AHSS Coils, Materials andManufacturing Processes, 2022
Rajesh Jha AHSS applicationin Industry 4.0: Determination of optimum processing parameters duringcoiling process through un supervised Machine Learning approach, MaterialsToday communications
Saroj Kumar InternationalJournal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems (Emerald), “Modified invasive weedoptimization-based path exploration for mobile robot:, Oct 2022
Saroj Kumar Institution ofmechanical engineering; Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, “PathPlanning and obstacle avoidance of multi-robotic system in static and dynamicenvironments”, Oct 2022
Ankireddy Electric PowerComponents and Systems, Taylor and Francis, “A Combinational Sequence DutyRatio Control of SPV Fed Variable Speed Induction Motor Drive Using FieldOriented Control”, Oct 2022
Deepankar Panda Journal ofElectronic Material, “Resonance Photoemission Spectroscopic Study ofThermally Evaporated NiTiO3 Thin Film”, Oct 2022
Anurag Vijayawargiya InternationalJournal of Occupational Safety and Health, “Effect of Lifting Weight, Heightand Asymmetry on Biomechanical Loading during Manual Lifting”, Nov 2022
G. M. Rao Neuro-Quantology,“Design and Development of Remora Optimization Based Controller for SpeedManagement in Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor”, Nov 2022
G. M. Rao Journal ofNortheastern University, “Optimized Evaluation of Brushless Motor DriveSystem using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy, PSO & Inference of Genetic Algorithm”,Nov 2022
G. M. Rao Springer bookSeries, “Virtual Development of Maximum Torque per Ampere by ANFIS withPI-Based Induction Motor Drive”, Nov 2022
Neeraj Verma Journal ofMaterials, “Influence of Different Aqueous Media on the Corrosion Behavior ofB4C-Modified Lightweight Al-Mg-Si Matrix Composites”, Nov 2022
Saroj Kr. Chandra “SentimentAnalysis for Depression Detection and Suicide Prevention Using MachineLearning Models”, Nov 2022
Asimkiran Dandapat GMHPHCI, “Analysisof Heart Diseases Prediction Using Machine Learning”, Nov 2022
Gulshan Soni IGI GlobalPublisher, “Toward automated machine learning for genomics: evaluation andcomparison of state-of-the-art- AutoML approaches”, Nov 2022
Umesh Vishwakarma Advances inEngineering Research and Application, “Wear Analysis and MicrostructuralCharacterization of Al-MMC Manufactured by Stir Casting”, Dec 2022
Sandeep Biswal InternationalJournal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, “A reconstruction basedadaptive fault detection scheme for distribution system containing ACmicrogrid”, Dec 2022
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Bhawana Deshmukh InternationalJournal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, “A reconstruction basedadaptive fault detection scheme for distribution system containing ACmicrogrid”, Dec 2022
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M. K. Phani, A.Kumar and V. Shankar “Elasticitymapping of precipitates in nickel based alloys using atomic force acousticmicroscopy”, Journal of Material Science, 51(18), pp. 1-14, 2016 .
M. K. Phani, A.Kumar, W. Arnold and K.Samwer “Elasticstiffness and damping measurements in titanium alloys using atomic forceacoustic microscopy”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 697, pp. 397 –406, 2016.
M. K. Phani, A.Kumar, T. Jayakumar, W. Arnold and K. Samwer “Mapping ofelasticity and damping in an α + β titanium alloy using atomic force acousticmicroscopy”, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6, pp. 767–776, 2015.
K. K.Mehta , U. Sinha, A. K. Shriwastava “Real TimeImplementation for Monitoring Drowsiness Condition of a Train Driver UsingBrain Wave Sensor”, International Journal of Computer Applications, 139(9),pp. 25-30, 2016.
K. K.Mehta , A. Sanjeevni, K. Verma “Multiple object clusteringusing FCM and K-means algorithms”, International Journal of ComputationalVision and Robotics, 6(4), pp. 134-137, 2016.
K. K.Mehta , S. Neware “Finger KnuckleFeature Extraction using Radon like Features”, International Journal ofComputational Science and Engineering, 5(2), pp. 134-137, 2014.
Main Author
Title of Paper with Journal Details
Dr. Debasis Mohanty "Unveiling the Aggregated effect of Entreprenerial Orientation on Enterprise Performance" is published in a prestigious journal- Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, Volume 18, Issue 2 (Scopus Elsevier)
Dr. Deepti Sharma "Fire detection and surveillance system with cloud-based alert to enhance safety in commercials and home. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 23(1), 185-191(2025)
Dr. Deepti Sharma "Spotlighting recruitments: is AI dominating human resource practices? Qualitative research using NVIVO. Quality & Quantity, 1-20. (2025)
Vikash Kumar "Performing a bibliometric analysis to investigate the knowledge landscape of agricultural mechanisation: a comprehensive examination of performance and scientific mapping. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 16(1), 50-75. (2025)
Dr. Saurabh Gupta Evaluating E-leadership Self-efficacy ThroughSocial Media Efficacy and Participation, Management and Labour Studies, June2023
Dr. Saurabh Gupta Virtual communication adoption by educationalleaders: moderating role of perceived risk and benefits, InternationalJournal of Information and Learning Technology, April 2023
Sunil Kumar Factors Affecting Adoption of M – Wallets:Moderating role of Financial Incentives, Ramanujan International Journal ofBusiness and Research, 6, 132-143.
Sunil Kumar Reviews Posted And Ratings Given By ConsumerEndorsers: Gaining Customer Value, Ramanujan International Journal ofBusiness and Research, 6, 144-155.
Sunil Kumar Citizen Empowerment and Adoption ofE-Governance Services: The Role of Online Citizen Skills, Awareness, andEngagement, International Journal of Electronic Governance
Sunil Kumar Impact of Digitalization on Youth ConsumerDynamics: A Review of Literature Using R-software, International Journal ofPublic Sector and Performance Management
J.P. Rath Knowledge Management implementation at HindalcoIndustries Limited (Aditya Aluminium): A Case Study Approach, The Journal ofArchaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 2022
Saket Jeswani How Employees Raise Voice? A Model ofEmployee Voice Regulation, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 2022
Saurabh Gupta Tourist participation, well-being andsatisfaction: the mediating roles of service experience and touristempowerment, Journal of ‘Current Issues in Tourism’ (ABDC-A, Scopus, Q1,WoS), 2022
Adil Khan Teachers’ intention to continue the use of onlineteaching tools post Covid-19, Cogent Education, 8(1), 2002130, 2021
Adil Khan Does Social Legitimacy Matter in an Indian’sDecision to Start a New Venture?. Journal of Entrepreneurship andInnovation in Emerging Economies
Tanweer Ahmad andSandeep Mondal Dynamic Supplier Selection Approach forMining Equipment Company, Journal of Modelling in Management, Sept 2018.
AparnaChoudhary, S mondal and K Mukherjee “Analysis of critical factors influencing themanagement of green supply chain practice in small and medium enterprises”,International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 28(2), 2017.
PallaviPandey, Singh S. and Pathak P Factors affecting turnover intention amongfront end employees in the Indian retail industry. International journal ofHuman resource development and management, Accepted for publication in ABDC,Category C., 2017.
PallaviPandey, Singh S. and Pathak P. Devising retention strategy for front lineemployees in retail: An application of Analytic Hierarchy Process.International journal of service, economics and management,Accepted forpublication in ABDC, Category C., 2017.
Suresh K.Sahoo and Jagannath Panda Impact of Corporate Disclosure on investor’sattractiveness, Amity Business Journal, 6(2), pp. 15-19, 2017.
Suresh K.Sahoo and Pooja Shree Bhuyan A Comparative Study on Assets Quality ofBanks with special reference to Public and Private Sector Banks Operating inIndia, Journal of Research, Extension and Development, 5(11), pp.14-18, 2017.
Saket Jeswani Assessment of Employability Skills amongFresh Engineering Graduates: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach, The IUPJournal of Soft Skills, 10(2), 2016.
Saket Jeswani Do Intrinsic Motivation Influence TurnoverIntention? Structural Equation Modelling Approach Among Technical FacultyMembers, International Journal of Business and General Management, SpecialEdition, 2016 .
AparnaChoudhary, S mondal and K mukherjee “Green Supply Chain Management: Genesis,Trends and Phases, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences.11 (3),450-460, 2016 .
Main Author
Title of Paper with Journal Details
Dr. Ram Sevak Singh "Fermi-level tuning in graphene via green synthesized h-MoO3: Enhanced supercapacitor performance of h-MoO3 doped graphene" in a SCI indexed high impact factor journal: Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Impact Factor = 5.8).
Dr. Dipti Shukla “Leading AI Applications in the Sustainable Energy Sector” in the book entitled “AI and Blockchain in Smart Grids” (Taylor and Francis Group). ISBN: 9781003500391.
Dr. G. C. Mishra “Effect of Dopant Concentration on Luminescence Properties of Na3Ca2(SO4)3F: RE (RE = Eu3+, Dy3+) Phosphor for Solid- State Lighting published, Journal of Luminescence: Biological and chemiluminescence(Wiley & Sons).
Mr. Shivam Pandey Effect of process parameters on the rheological properties of banana (Musa acuminata) fiber and optimization using response surface methodology”, Journal of Agriculture and Food Research,
Dr. R. S Singh Solution-processable PEDOT:PSS/WS2 nanocomposite electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage 103, Part B, (2024), 114348,
Dr. R. S Singh
Dr. R. D Patidar
Influence of CuO Layer on the Performance of Thin-Film Copper Indium Gallium Selenide Solar Cells: A Numerical Analysis. J. Electron. Mater. 54, 609–619 (2025).
Dr. R. S. Singh "Acetone Gas Sensing with Pt-Doped SiC Nanotubes for Diabetes Detection at Room- Temperature" in a SCI indexed journal: Silicon.
Dr. R. S. Singh "Acetone Gas Sensing with Pt-Doped SiC Nanotubes for Diabetes Detection at Room- Temperature" in a SCI indexed journal: Silicon.
Dr. R. S. Singh “Aggregation Induced Strong Photoluminescence at Room Temperature in Large-Area C8BTBT Thin Films” in a SCI indexed journal: Synthetic Metals.
Dr. R. S. Singh " Influence of Nano-CeO2 and Graphene Nanoplatelets on the Conductivity and Dielectric Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Nanocomposite Films" in a SCI indexed reputed journal: Langmuir (ACS Publications), Jan 2024
Dr. R.S.Singh “Modelingand Simulation of Thin Film InP/GaAs Dual Junction Solar Cells“ in a SCIjournal: Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (2023). DOI: 10.30492/IJCCE.2023.563052.5625
Dr. R. S.Singh and Dr. R. D. Patidar “SimpleThermal Annealing Assisted Direct Synthesis and Optical Property Study of CuONanoparticles Incorporated PVA Films” in a SCI journal: physica status solidi(a)(Wiley) DOI:
Dr. GirishC. Mishra “Lyoluminescence study of γ-ray irradiated Cu doped YCa4O(BO3)3microcrystalline phosphors for Radiation Dosimetry applications"in Scopus indexed journal: European Chemical Bulletin. DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si6.677
M. R. Mishra, Dr. D. Samal and Dr. S. Singh "LaplaceTransform Approach for an Impulsively Moving Plate on a Copper-Water BasedMagneto-Nanofluid with Isothermal and Ramped Temperature” in a scopus indexedjounal: China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, Vol.23, Issue 2, July 2023.
Dr. Kavita Patel "Comparative Study of Physico- chemical Parameters of Groundwater of Residential and Industrial area of Sirgitti in Bilaspur District”, InternationalJournal of Membrane Science and Technology, 10, 1128 (2023).
Dr Debasmita Samal and M. R. Mishra “ARamp-Type Deterioration EOQ Model with On- Hand Inventory" in a Scopus indexed journal: Kepes, 21, 763 (2023).
Dr. R. S. Singh “X-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy and tunable photoluminescence study of goldnanoparticles embedded in PVA films”, in a SCI indexed journal: Luminescence,2023 (Wiley). DOI:
Dr. Dipti Shukla "Luminescence Properties of Ce doped Di- CalciumMagnesium Disilicate Ca2MgSi2O7" in a SCOPUS-indexed journal: ResearchJournal of Chemistry and Environment, Nov. 2023
Dr. G. C. Mishra Photoluminescence and thermoluminescence study ofCa1.02Sr1.98Al2O6: Dyphosphor synthesized by combustion method, Materials Letters: X, May 2023
Dr. Swati Verma A New Ntru Cryptosystem With BlockMatrix Formulation,  European ChemicalBulletin, May 2023
Dr.Dipti Shukla Effectof Autoclave and Non-Autoclave Hydrothermal Synthesis Methods on theStructural Properties and Optical Properties of LiBaF3 Phosphor: AComparative Study, Materials Today: Proceedings, May 2023
Dr.K. N. Singh Effect of B-site disorderon the electrical properties of Barium Zirconium Titanate Ceramics composites, ES Materials and Manufacturing,April 2023
Dipti Shukla To Study of the effect ofreheating on structural characterization and Photo luminescence, GIS ScienceJournal, 9, 2318.
Dipti Shukla Evaluation of the novel Blue EmittingPhosphor with High Thermal Stability and High Color Purity for Solid StateLighting Applications - Ca2MgSi2O7: Eu2 +, Journal of chemistry andenvironment.
Dipti Shukla To Study Thermo-LuminescenceProperties, And Dosimetry Features of Fluoro-Perovskites (BaLiF3), GISScience Journal, 9, 2325.
Girish Mishra Novel red colour emittingCa0.995Mg2(SO4)3:0.5Eu2+ phosphor under UV, blue and green excitation forplant growth LEDs, Luminescence:The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence (John Wiley & Sons).
Girish Mishra Enhancedluminescence in co-doped LaCa4O(BO3)3 phosphor: Photoluminescence,Mechanoluminescence and Thermoluminescence study, Optik: InternationalJournal for Light and Electrons Optics (Elsevier)
Girish Mishra Improvementof self-activated luminescence properties ofCa2KZn2(VO4)3 down-conversion materials by SSR method based on co-dopedEu3+,Dy3+ rare earth ions concentrations, Journal of Molecular Structure
R.S. Singh Sulfur-doped silicon carbide nanotubeas a sensor for detecting liquefied petroleum gas at room temperature,Diamond and Related Materials 124 (2022): 108932.
R.S. Singh Shellac derived graphene on solid,flexible, and porous substrates for high performance bipolar plates andsupercapacitor electrodes, Renewable Energy (Elsevier), 2022
R.S. Singh Engineeringthe Electronic Structure in Titanium Dioxide via Scandium Doping Based onDensity Functional Theory Approach for the Photocatalysis and PhotovoltaicApplications, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2022
R.S. Singh RecentDevelopments in Chemical Doping of Graphene using Experimental Approaches andits Applications, AdvancedEngineering Materials, 2022
Manas Ranjan Mishra Dynamics of heat absorbing and radiativehydromagnetic nanofluids through a stretching surface with chemical reactionand viscous dissipation , Journal of ProcessMechanical Engineering, 2022
K.N. Singh Ferroelectric Relaxor Behavior and DielectricRelaxation in Strontium Barium Niobate–A Lead-Free Relaxor CeramicMaterial, Engineered Science, 2022
Swati Verma Management of the Oil and Gas Industry Usingthe Chameleon Hash Algorithm for Blockchain Technology, Neuro Quantology,2022
Girish C. Mishra MaterialsScience and Engineering, “Synthesis characterization and LuminescenceProperties of B2BiMg2V3O12 based phosphors with rare earth activated Dy3+phosphor for solid state lighting”, Oct 2022
R. S. Singh Iranian Journal of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering, “Impact of Post-Processing Technologies in AdditiveManufacturing for Aerospace Applications – A review”, Dec 2022
R. S. Singh CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, “EmergingTwo Dimensional Materials and Applications (Book)”, Dec 2022
R. S. Singh Emerging Two Dimensional Materials andApplications (CRC Press), “Overview of 2D Materials.”, Dec 2022
R. S. Singh Emerging Two Dimensional Materials andApplications (CRC Press), “Role of 2D Materials in Environmental Monitoring.”, Dec 2022
Singh, R. S.  “Sulfur-dopedsilicon carbide nanotube as a sensor for detecting liquefied petroleum gas atroom temperature”. Diamond and Related Materials, 124,108932, 2022
Singh, R. S. ,Jansen, M., Ganguly, D., Kulkarni, G. U., Ramaprabhu, S., Choudhary, S. K.,& Pramanik, C “Shellacderived graphene films on solid, flexible, and porous substrates for high performancebipolar plates and supercapacitor electrodes”. Renewable Energy, 181,1008-1022
Bargat, S. R.,Parauha, Y. R., Shirbhate, N. S., Mishra, G. C., & Dhoble, S. J. “Novelred color emitting Ca0. 995Mg2 (SO4) 3: 0.5 Eu2+ phosphor under UV, blue andgreen excitation for plant growth LEDs. Luminescence, 37, 463-471, 2022.
Singh, R. S., Rasheed,A., Gautam, A., Singh, A. K., & Rai, V. “Enhancedoptical and electrical properties of graphene oxide-silver nanoparticlesnanocomposite film by thermal annealing in the air”, Russian Journal ofApplied Chemistry, 94(3), 402-409, 2021
Gautam, A., Komal, P.,Singh, R. S., Gautam, P., Manjari, S. K. V., & Ningthoujam, R. S. “Hardcore proof of the polyvinyl alcohol as a reducer for the formation of gold nanoparticles”.Journal of Molecular Liquids, 334, 116112, 2021.
Bargat, S. R.,Parauha, Y. R., Mishra, G. C., Dhoble, S. B., & Dhoble, S. J. “PhotoluminescenceProperties of Eu3+ doped KAl (SO4) 2 Phosphor”, Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 1913(1), pp. 012027, IOP Publishing, May 2021
Kadam, A. R., Kohale,R. L., Mishra, G. C., & Dhoble, S. J. Eu(iii)-Doped tri-calcium Ca 3 (1− X− Z) MZ (PO 4) 2 AX: X host array: opticalinvestigations of down-conversion red phosphor for boosting display intensityand high color purity. New Journal of Chemistry, 45(16), 7285-7307, 2021
Sharma, R., Mishra, G.C., Dhoble, S. J., & Srivastava, A. K. Studyof europium doped CaAl2Si2O8 phosphor prepared by solution combustionsynthesis: Optical, fracto-mechanoluminescence and thermoluminescence. Optik,226, 165946, 2021
Rai, V., Singh, R. S.,Blackwood, D. J., & Zhili, D. Areview on recent advances in electrochromic devices: a material approach.Advanced Engineering Materials, 22(8), 2000082, 2020
Mishra, M. R.,Hussain, S. M., Makinde, O. D., & Seth, G. S. Stabilityanalysis and multiple solutions of a hydromagnetic dissipative flow over astretching/shrinking sheet. Bul Chem Commun, 52, 259-271, 2020
Hussain, S. M.,Sharma, R., Mishra, M. R., & Alrashidy, S. S. Hydromagneticdissipative and radiative graphene maxwell nanofluid flow past a stretchedsheet-numerical and statistical analysis. Mathematics, 8(11), 1929, 2020
Rastogi, A., Anurag,Nayan, R. “Studieson nickel(II) and mixed nickel(II)-copper(II) complexes of cylindricalmacrocycle consisting of four fused cyclen rings”. Research Journal ofChemistry and Environment, 24, 72-86, 2020
Patel, K., Khunte, K.L. “AnAntioxidant Properties of Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)”, InternationalJournal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 9, C163, 2021
Verma, S., Das, G. “AnEfficient Proxy-Multi Signature Scheme Based On Discrete Logarithm Problem”.International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 9, c818, 2021
Shukla, D., Pandey, A. Studyof Mechno-luminescence, thermoluminescence properties of solid state reactionderived Ce3+co-doped Ca2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ microphosphors and application formechnoluminescent display device technology. American Journal of ChemicalResearch, 4. 18, 2020
Sao, G.S., Verma, S. Contraction,Lebesgue and Common Fixed Point Property of Fuzzy Metric Spaces.International Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 5, 10-14, 2020
Shukla, D., Pandey, A. Synthesisof Ca2M`gSi2O7: Eu 2+ activated and Ce 3+ doped Phosphor for Energy Storage.Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 6, 549-554, 2019
Shukla, D., Pandey, A. Synthesisand photoluminescent characteristics of EU2+-activated dicalciummagnesiumdisilicate blue-emitting phosphors for high power. white LEDs.International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ,6,549-554, 2019
Chandan Ghanty ,Chaitali M. Mehare, V. Chopra, N. S. Dhoble & S. J. Dhoble “Luminescencecharacteristics of O6+ ion beam and γ-ray irradiated Ca9La(PO4)5(SiO4)F2:Euphosphor”, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids (Taylor &Francis), 2020 .
Chandan Ghanty ,Chaitali M. Mehare, Yatish R. Parauha, Vibha Chopra, Sudeshna Ray, N. S.Dhoble, S. J. Dhoble “Tailoringthe luminescent properties of Ca9La(PO4)5(SiO4) F2:1 mol%Eu3+ phosphor viadoping of chloride, molybdate, vanadate, sulfate, and tungstate ions”,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Springer), 31, 3426,2020 .
 Girish C.Mishra, A.R. Kadama , S.J. Dhoble “Thermoluminescencestudy of Eu3+ doped Na2Sr2Al2PO4Cl9 phosphor via doping of singly, doubly andtriply ionized ions” Ceramic International (Elsevier), 46,132, 2020 .
Ram Sevak Singh,Anurag Gautam, and Varun Rai “Graphene-basedbipolar plates for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells”, Frontiers ofMaterials Science (Springer), 13, 217, 2019 .
Neeraj Kumar, AnuragGautam, Ram Sevak Singh , Manoranjan Kumar Manoj “Studyof B4C/Al-Mg-Si composites as highly hard and corrosion resistance materialsfor industrial applications, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 72,2495, 2019 .
Anurag Gautam, RamSevak Singh , and Pragya Komal “Futuredemands for High Field MRI Diagonostic” Journal of Chemical Sciences, 131,1 2019 .
Girish C. Mishra, A.R.Kadam, and S.J. Dhoble “Effectof singly, doubly and triply ionized ions on downconversion photoluminescencein Eu3+ doped Na2Sr2Al2PO4Cl9 phosphor: A comparative study”,CeremicInternational (Elsevier), Acceptance 4, October 2019 .
S. M. Hussain, M. R.Mishra, R. Sharma and G. S. Seth Numericaland Statistical Analysis of MHD Boundary Layer Nanofluid Flow over anExponentially Stretching Sheet, International Journal of Heat and Technology,36(4), pp. 1163-1173, 2018 .
A. Gautam, and P.Komal “Probableideal size of Ln3+-based upconversion nanoparticles for single and multimodalimaging” Coord. Chem. Rev. 376, 393, 2018.
Saumya Singh andM. Darus  Onsome new classes of Bi-univalent functions, Journal of Applied Mathematics,Statistics and Informatics, 14(2), 2018.
M. R. Mishra, S. M.Hussain, R. Sharma and G. S. Seth Effectof heat absorption on Cu-water based magneto-nanofluid over an impulsivelymoving ramped temperature plate, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 50(4),pp. 621-630, 2018 .
S. M. Hussain, R.Sharma and G. Mishra Soretand Dufour effects on viscoelastic radiative and heat absorbing nanofluiddriven by a stretched sheet with inclined magnetic field, Defect andDiffusion Forum, 388, pp. 223-245, 2018.
S. M. Hussain, J.Jain, G. S. Seth, M. M. Rashidi Effectof Thermal Radiation on Magneto-Nanofluids Free Convective Flow over anAccelerated Moving Ramped Temperature Plate, Scientia Iranica B, 25(3), pp.1243-1257, 2018.
G.C. Mishra, AshokKumar Srivastava, Surendra Kumar Dwiwedi ,S. J. Dhoble, and R. S. Kher “Studyof Lyoluminescence of gamma-irradiated GdCa4O(BO3)3:Ce phosphors: Mass ofsolute and pH of solvent as a key factor”, Published in ‘Optik (ISSN:0030-4026)’, 158, pp 826-830, 2018.
S. M. Hussain, H. J.Joshi ,G. S. Seth RadiationEffect on MHD Convective Flow of Nanofluids over an Exponentially AcceleratedMoving Ramped Temperature Plate. In: Singh M., Kushvah B., Seth G., PrakashJ. (eds) Applications of Fluid Dynamics, Lecture Notes in MechanicalEngineering. Springer, Singapore, 2018.
S. M. Hussain,R.Sharma, H. Joshi and G. S. Seth Analysisof Radiative Magneto-Nanofluid over an Accelerated Plate in a Rotating Mediumwith Hall Effects, Diffusion Foundations, 11, pp 129-145, 2017.
S. M. Hussain, J.Jain, G. S. Seth and M. M. Rashidi FreeConvective Heat Transfer with Hall effects, Heat Absorption and ChemicalReaction over an Accelerated Moving Plate in a Rotating System, Journal ofMagnetism and Magnetic Material, 422, pp. 112–123, 2017
S. M. Hussain, , R.Sharma, M. K. Mishra and G. S. Seth Radiativemagneto-nanofluid over an accelerated moving ramped temperature plate withHall effects, Journal of Nanofluid, 6(5), pp. 840-851, 2017 .
S. M. Hussain, J. Jainand G. S. Seth Halleffects on MHD Natural Convection Flow with Heat and Mass Transfer of HeatAbsorbing and Chemically Reacting Fluid past a Vertical Plate with RampedTemperature and Ramped Surface Concentration, Bulgarian ChemicalCommunications. 48(4), pp. 659-670, 2016 .
 S. M. Hussain,G. S. Seth and S. Sarkar HydromagneticNatural Convection Flow with Heat and Mass Transfer of a Chemically Reactingand Heat Absorbing fluid past an Accelerated Moving Vertical Plate withRamped Temperature and Ramped Surface Concentration through a Porous Medium,Journal of Egyptian Mathematical Society, 23(1), pp. 197-207 2015.
S. M. Hussain, and G.K. Mahato Effectsof Hall Current and Rotation on Hydromagnetic Natural Convection Flow withHeat and Mass Transfer of a Heat Absorbing Fluid Past an Impulsively MovingVertical Plate with Ramped Temperature, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 8(1),pp. 159-171, 2015 .
S. M. Hussain, G. S.Seth and S. Sarkar Hydromagneticoscillatory Couette flow in a rotating system with induced magnetic field,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 35(10), pp. 1331-1344, 2014 .
 S. M. Hussain,G. S. Seth and S. Sarkar Effectsof Hall Current, Radiation and Rotation on Natural Convection Heat and MassTransfer Flow past a Moving Vertical Plate, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 4(2),pp. 489-503, 2014 .
S. M. Hussain, G. S.Seth and S. Sarkar Effectsof Hall Current and Rotation on MHD Natural Convection Flow with Heat andMass Transfer past an Impulsively Moving Vertical Plate in the Presence ofRadiation and Chemical Reaction, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 46(4),pp. 704-718, 2014.
S. M. Hussain, G. S.Seth and S. Sarkar Hydromagneticnatural convection flow with radiative heat transfer past an acceleratedmoving vertical plate with ramped temperature in a porous medium, Journal ofPorous Media, 17(1), pp. 67-79, 2014 .
S. M. Hussain, G. S.Seth and R. Sharma Halleffects on unsteady MHD natural convection flow of a heat absorbing fluidpast an accelerated moving vertical plate with ramped temperature, EmiratesJournal for Engineering Research, 19(2), pp. 19-32, 2014.
S. M. Hussain, G. S.Seth, R. Sharma and S. Sarkar Halleffects on unsteady MHD natural convection flow of a heat absorbing andradiating fluid past an accelerated moving vertical plate with rampedtemperature, International Journal of Energy & Technology, 6(12), pp.1-13, 2014 .
R. Sharma , G. S.Seth and B. Kumbhakar  HydromagneticFlow of Heat Absorbing and Radiating Fluid over Exponentially StretchingSheet with Partial Slip and Viscous and Joule Dissipation, EngineeringComputations, 33(3), pp. 907-925 2016.
R. Sharma , G. S.Seth and B. Kumbhakar Effectsof Hall Current on Unsteady MHD Convective Couette Flow of Heat AbsorbingFluid Due to Accelerated Movement of One of the Plates of the Channel in aPorous Medium, Journal of Porous Media, 19(1), pp. 13-30, 2016 .
R. Sharma , G. S.Seth and B. Kumbhakar Heatand Mass Transfer Effects on Unsteady MHD Natural Convection Flow of aChemically Reactive and Radiating Fluid through a Porous Medium Past a MovingVertical Plate with Arbitrary Ramped Temperature,Journalof Applied FluidMechanics, 9(1), pp. 103-117, 2016.
R. Sharma , G. S.Seth and B. Kumbhakar UnsteadyHydromagnetic Natural Convection Flow Of A Heat Absorbing Fluid Within ARotating Vertical Channel In Porous Medium With Hall Effects,Journal ofApplied Fluid Mechanics, 8(4), pp. 767-779, 2015 .
R. Sharma , G. S.Seth and S. Sarkar Naturalconvection heat and mass transfer flow with Hall current, rotation, radiationand heat absorption past an accelerated moving vertical plate with rampedtemperature, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 8(1), pp. 7-20, 2015.
R. Sharma , G. S.Seth and R. Tripathi MHDDouble Diffusive Natural Convection Flow over Exponentially AcceleratedInclined Plate, Journal of Mechanics, 33(2), pp. 613-629, 2017 .
R. Sharma , G. S.Seth and R. Tripathi Effectsof a Heat Absorbing, Radiating and Rotating Fluid over an ExponentiallyAccelerated Moving vertical Plate with Ramped Temperature, Bulgarian ChemicalCommunications, 48(4), pp. 770-778, 2016.
G. C. Mishra, K. K.Satapathy, S. J. Dhoble and R. S. Kher UreaAssisted Self Combustion Synthesis of CaAl2O4: Eu Phosphor And ItsMechanoluminescence Characterization, NJC: Royal Society of Chemistry,  41, pp. 2193-2197, 2017 .
K. K. Satapathy, G. C.Mishra, R. S. Kher and S. J. Dhoble  Mechanoluminescenceand thermoluminescence characterization of Tb3+ doped CaAl2O4: a theoreticaland experimental study, RSC Advance: Royal Society of Chemistry, 5, pp.79391-79396, 2015.
K. K. Satapathy, G. C.Mishra PreparationRoute, characterization and Dose measurement of MAl2O4 (M=Ba, Ca, Mg)phosphors activated with Dy3+, Journal Of Optoelectronics and AdvancedMaterials, Vol. 17, No. 5-6, 2015 .
K. K. Satapathy, G. C.Mishra and F. Khan ZnAl2O4:Eunovel phosphor: SEM and Mechanoluminescence characterization synthesized bysolution combustion technique, LUMINESCENCE: The journal of Biological andChemical Luminescence, 30, pp. 564-567, 2015 .
 K. N. Singh, P.K. Bajpai and M. Pastor DiffusePhase Transition and Electrical Conductivity in Pb (Ca1/3Nb2/3)O3, Journal ofElectronic Materials, 43, pp. 1403, 2014.
K. N. Singh, V. Saoand P. K. Bajpai Structuraland Raman Spectroscopic Study of Antimony Doped Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3Electroceramic, Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering. 3, pp.43-49, 2015 .
K. N. Singh, P.Tamrakar and P. K. Bajpai Relaxorbehaviour and dielectric relaxation in Lead-free solid solution(1-x)(Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3)─x(SrNb2O6), Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(2), pp.928-939, 2016.
 K. N.Singh S. Agrawal, U. Shrivastava and P. Sharma Dielectriccharacterization of Pb (Ni1/3Nb2/3) O3 multiferroic material, Indian Journalof applied research, 6(3), pp. 335-337, 2016 .
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