About R & D Cell

Research and Development Cell (RDC) has been established at OP Jindal University (OPJU), Raigarh which aims to nurture research culture at the university into challenging areas of Engineering, Technology, Science, Humanities and Management, including multidisciplinary fields. The RDC is a faculty-initiated activity at OPJU designed to impact and prominence of scholarly research throughout the university. Under the auspices of the University Research Committee, the RDC will promote advancement, leadership and excellence in the pursuit of all areas of research, university-wide. The core of the RDC will be a group of OPJU faculty experts who are both accomplished and committed to promoting a culture of research excellence at OPJU.


  • Promote a culture of research and scholarship amongst the faculty.
  • Become a central repository of all research related activities.
  • Vet and approve all research related activities.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

The Department is actively involved in various research activities in the emerging areas. The faculty, students and researchers carry out research inthe core domains and inter-disciplinary areas related to computer science The university has state-of-the-art research labs and adequate computing facilities to cater to the needs of Research activities:

  • Intel Intelligence Systems Lab in association with Intel Inc and FICE and serves the purpose of IoTand Embedded systems reserach.
  • We have MATLAB 2011 (30 users) with toolboxes like SIMULINK, Image Processing, DSP, Wavelet, control systems, communication, SIMSCAT etc, TETCOS networks etc, IBM Rational SEED (30 users).
  • Research scholars are encouraged to use Free Open Source Software like NS2, LAMP, PROLOG, HADOOP etc for research and project work
  • High end servers for cloud storage and computing.
  • Access to IEEE, Springer and other scholarly journals and books.

Department of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering, O.P. Jindal University,is providing the Technical support/consultancy services to Jindal Steel &Power Limited , Raigarh for its upcoming four lane road project from Raigarh to Pathalgaon of 110 kms. The dept. is providing testing support for material testing of soil, compressive strengthdetermination, Bitumen testing & many more related fields as per the requirements from JSPL officials from time to time.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories.
We have in EEE department the research facilities in the field of Power electronics, Electric drive and Electrical power system with the simulation facilities through MATLAB and Mi-Power software. Following research facilities are available at the department.


  • Power Electronics.
  • Electric Drives.
  • Transmission Line Simulator.
  • Microprocessor & Microcontroller.
  • MATLAB software.
  • Mi-Power software.

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories.
We, at the department pursue first class research on materials processing as well as materials development. Major fields of research focus is towards ancient iron making, structure property correlations in materials, metal matrix composites, advanced high strength steels, superalloys, powder metallurgy and probing physical properties at nanoscales. The department possess first class equipment which is useful to pursue extensive research in various emerging fields. Following research facilities are available at the department.


  • Metallography laboratory.
  • Materials Processing Laboratory.
  • Materials Testing Laboratory.
  • Met/Chemical Analysis Laboratory.
  • Mineral Dressing Laboratory.
  • Corrosion research Laboratory.
  • Fuels, Furnaces and Refractory Laboratory.
  • Tribology and surface engineering Laboratory.
  • Computer Laboratory.
  • Composite Materials Laboratory.
  • NDT Laboratory.
  • Foundry Laboratory.
  • Heat Treatment Laboratory.
  • Joining of Materials.
  • Materials Engineering Laboratory.
  • Magnetic Materials Research Laboratory.
  • Microscopy and SEM Laboratory.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

There is an excellent research environment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at OP Jindal University, underpinned by very well-established links with industry, and a focus on activity which is agenda setting and aimed at issues of present day industry need. Research is organized into three cross-cutting, inter-disciplinary themes: Sustainable Engineering and Innovation in utilization of solar Energy. Simulation, Modelling and Systems Integration. More burning and upcoming area of Robotics and Automation.


  • CAD/CAM Laboratory.
  • Robotics Laboratory.
  • Materials Testing Laboratory.
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.
  • Solar Energy Laboratory.
  • Energy Conversion Laboratory.
  • Mechanical Vibration Testing Laboratory.
  • Central Workshop.
  • Quality Control and Production Management Laboratory.
  • Advanced Heat Transfer Laboratory.
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory.
  • Machine Design Laboratory.
  • Internal Combustion Engine Lab.
  • Power Plant Engineering Laboratory.

  Project Title: Development of a prototype device for oxygen separation from air, a strategic technological solution to control the food spoilage to International Cooperation Bilateral scheme (DST- India and MSTR - Sri Lanka).
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Sibnath Kayal(PI)
Funding Agency: International Cooperation Bilateral scheme
Status:  On-Going

  Project Title: "Tailoring the properties of 2D materials using WO3 and MoO3 nanostructures"
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. R. S. Singh (Co-PI)
Funding Agency: UGC-DAE CSR
Status:  On-Going

  Project Title: Utilization of micro-fines generated in agglomeration process to enhance the plant productivity.
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. M. Kalyan Phani (Subject Matter Expert)
Funding Agency: UGC STRIDE Project, Kazi Nazrul University
Status:  On-Going

  Project Title: Filing Machine Tool.
Name of the Faculty and Role: Prof. Bhandarkar(PI)
Funding Agency: UBA, IIT Delhi
Status:  On-Going

  Project Title: Cancer Therapy by Stimuli-Responsive Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Based Drug Delivery Systems DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance.
Name of the funding agaency: DBT/ Wellcome Trust India Alliance
Name of of the PI/ Co-PI/Name of the person holding the Chair: Dr. Sibnath Kayal
Year of award or sanction: 2020
Amount in INR.: 331031
Link to Documents:  Click Here

  Project Title: Sonic Solaric Transportation is transforming so we are
Name of the funding agaency: Yukti Innovation Challenge
Name of of the PI/ Co-PI/Name of the person holding the Chair: Prof. Dharmendra Singh Saini
Year of award or sanction: 2023
Amount in INR.: 700000
Link to Documents:  Click Here

  Project Title: Slurry Transportation
Name of the funding agaency: DBT/ Wellcome Trust India Alliance
Name of of the PI/ Co-PI/Name of the person holding the Chair: Dr. S.S. Chakrabarti, Dr. M. Klyan Phani, Dr. R.D. Patidar, OPJU Innovation Center
Year of award or sanction: 2023
Amount in INR.: 1000000
Link to Documents:  Click Here

  Project Title: Boiler Tube Failure Analysis
Name of the funding agaency: JSP Raigarh
Name of of the PI/ Co-PI/Name of the person holding the Chair: Dr. Mithilesh Sahu, Dr. S.S. Chakrabarti, Dr. M. Klyan Phani, Dr. S. Das
Year of award or sanction: 2023
Amount in INR.: 75000
Link to Documents:  Click Here

  Project Title: Controlled in-line cooling of JSPL Rails - Inconsistency in hardness of Head Hardened Steel
Name of the funding agaency: JSP Raigarh
Name of of the PI/ Co-PI/Name of the person holding the Chair: Dr. M. Kalyan Phani and Dr. Srivastava
Year of award or sanction: 2021
Amount in INR.: 2250000
Link to Documents:  Click Here

  Project Title: Preparation of a high-temperature non-sticky refractory-based coating material with a low wear rate for use in a rotary kiln to avoid accretion formation and to improve its refractory lining life.
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. S. Das (Steel Chair Professor), Dr. Trinath Talapaneni (Asst. Prof.), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, OPJU
Unit Name: S Das, DRI, JSPL, Raigarh
Current Status:  Samples has been collected from 11 places in the kiln and characterization is being carried out. Final product will also be characterized. Fund is yet to receive.

  Project Title: Optimisation of compositions and processing parameters for reducing crack susceptibility of micro alloyed steel.
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Rajesh Jha (Asso. Prof.), Dr. S. Das (Steel Chair Professor) Department of Metallurgical Engineering, OPJU
Unit Name: Rajesh Jha, SMS, JSPL, Raigarh
Current Status:  Continuous casting Data requested and awaiting for the data for simulation work.

  Project Title: Utilization of Submerged Arc Furnace Slag
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Trinath Talapaneni (Asst. Prof.), Dr. S. Das (Steel Chair Professor), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, OPJU
Unit Name: Trinath Talapaneni, SAF, JSPL, Raigarh
Current Status:  Samples have been prepared and mechanical testing need to be carried out.

  Project Title: Value added utilization of Fly Ash for sustainable solution
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Sibnath Kayal (Asso. Prof.), Dr. Trinath Talapaneni (Asst. Prof.) Dr. Mahashakti Mahamaya (Asst. Prof.) and Dr. S. Das (Steel Chair Professor), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, OPJU
Unit Name: Sibnath Kayal, Plant No. 2, Jindal Power Ltd. (JPL), Tamnar
Current Status:  Initial samples were prepared and characterization part has to be completed

  Project Title: Controlled in-line cooling of JSPL Rails - Inconsistency in hardness of Head Hardened Steel
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. M. Kalyan Phani (Assoc. Prof.), Dr. S. Das (Steel Chair Professor), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, OPJU
Unit Name: M. Kalyan Phani, RUBM and TSD, JSPL, Raigarh
Current Status:  Repairing work of the trolley and track pending. Installation of Air compressor completed

  Project Title: Application of Water Sprinkler and Bent Chimnies for Air Pollution (Coal dust) Reduction
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Satish Kanhed (Asst. Prof.), Prof. Akash Pandey (Asst. Prof.), Dr. Umesh Vishwakarma (Asso. Prof.), Department of Mechanical Engineering, OPJU
Unit Name: Satish Kanhed, NSPL, Raigarh
Current Status:  Design is ready and procurement of items related to project will complete by end of June 23

  Project Title: Design and Development of calibration system for hydraulic servomotor to control pitch angle blade of PA fan
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Mahesh Bhiwapurkar (Professor), Prof. L. R. Bhandarkar (Asst. Prof.), Department of Mechanical Engineering, OPJU
Unit Name: Jindal Power Ltd. (JPL), Tamnar
Current Status:  Project reported submitted to JIPT for review

  Project Title: Productivity Improvement by Reducing the Section Change Time of the Rolling Mill at Nalwa Steel & Power Limited (NSPL), Raigarh.
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Mukesh S Desai (Associate Professor), Dr. B. P. Panda (Professor), School of Management, OPJU
Unit Name: JSPL, Raigarh
Current Status:  Project is completed. Submitted the Proposal and waiting for the Fund from NSPL

  Project Title: To improve the life of convener and reduction of wear in CHP belt convener
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Mahesh Bhiwapurkar (Professor), Prof. L R Bhandarkar (Asst. Prof.), Department of Mechanical Engineering, OPJU
Unit Name: Jindal Power Ltd. (JPL) Tamnar
Current Status:  Project report submitted to JIPT for review

  Project Title: Prediction and optimization technique for condenser vacuum in thermal Power plant
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Siddharth S Chakrabarti (Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg.), Dr. Saroj Chandra (Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE), Prof. L. R. Bhandarkar (Asst. Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engg.) Prof. Akash Pandey (Asst. Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engg.), OPJU
Unit Name: Jindal Power Ltd. (JPL), Tamnar
Current Status:  The Project has been completed and the report is submitted to JPL. Further working in other AI Optimization Techniques and results will be marked to JPL

  Project Title: Boiler Tube Failure Analysis (AFBC Boiler 2x55 MW)
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. M. Kalyan Phani (Associate Professor), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Sahu (Asst. Professor), ), Dr. S.S. Chakrabarti (Professor), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. S. Das (Professor), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, OPJU
Unit Name: JSPL, Raigarh
Current Status:  Samples have been received for testing

  Project Title: Improving the slurry ability of bottom ash slurry
Name of the Faculty and Role: Prof. Akash Pandey, Dr Siddharth S Chakrabarti, Department of Mechanical Engg, OPJU and Dr Satish Kumar, NIT Jamshedpur
Unit Name: JPL Tamnar
Current Status:  Preliminary discussions made on 18th April 2023

  Project Title: An investigation to analyze the erosion wear of pipelines during hydraulic transportation of coal ash slurry
Name of the Faculty and Role: Dr. Siddharth Chakrabarti, Prof. Mech. Engg., Dr M. Kalyan Phani, Associate Professor, Meta, Dr. R. D. Patidar, Professor, EE
Unit Name: JPL Tamnar and CSIR-IMMT
Current Status:  Discussions have been initiated proposal made with mutual interest

Research Areas

Computer Science and Engineering

Current Key Research Areas Concerned Faculty Name
Mobile Cloud Computing Prof. Pradeep Kumar Shriwas
Cryptography andInformation Security Algorithm Compression Techniques Dr. Amit Jain
Blockchain Technology Prof. PrincyDiwan
Design and Analysis of Dielectric Resonator Antenna Optical Communication Internet of Things Dr. Arti Vaish
Wireless Sensor Network Internet of Things Network Security Prof. UmaShankar Pandey
MAC and routing protocolsWSN, WBANsDistributed ComputingBlockchain Technologies Dr. Gulshan Soni
Machine Learning Optimization Techniques Dimensionality Reduction techniques Dr. Abhilasha Chaudhuri
Cryptography Network Security Data Mining Dr. Rakesh Nayak
Cloud ComputingHigh Performance Computingand Resource Management Autonomic Computing Dr. Bhupesh Kumar Dewangan
Mobile Adhoc Networks Wireless Sensor Network Internet of Things, DataMining Dr. R N Shukla
Digital Image Processing Fractional Calculus Deep Learning, DataScience. Dr. Saroj Kumar Chandra
Routing Queue management in Computer Network Text Clustering Machine Learning. Prof. Asim Kiran Dandapat

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Current Key Research Areas Concerned Faculty Name
Solidification Sciences of metals, alloys, and composites Metallurgical thermodynamics and rate Process Dr. S. Das
Advanced Porous Materials for Sustainable Clean Energy Technology. Carbon Capture, Natural Gas Storage, Adsorption CoolingSystem. Nano-materials for Biomedical Applications. Dr. Sibnath Kayal
Materials Informatics. Process Metallurgy Thermodynamic Modelling Dr. Rajesh Jha
Advanced High Strength Steels Characterization of Materials Superalloys and Light metals Structure-property correlations in materials Dr. M. Kalyan Phani
Physical Metallurgy. Surface Engineering Iron and Steel Making Dr. Guru Prakash
Process Metallurgy. Metallurgical Waste Management Modelling and Simulation Dr. Trinath Talapaneni
Metal Casting.Mechanical Metallurgy. Dr Vatsala Chaturvedi
Composite Materials and Alloy Development Advanced Materials (Nanostructured materials Dr. Nidhi Khobragade
Grain Growth Behaviour Crystallography Texture Structure–Property Correlation Dr. Deepankar Panda
Advanced Metal Casting and Solidification Technology Physical Metallurgy, Materials Characterization, Testingof Materials, Tribology Simulation and Optimization (Ansys-CFD Based) Dr. Prasenjit Biswas
Corrosion Engineering Synthesis and characterization of Nanomaterials Metal Matrix Composites Prof. Neeraj Kumar Verma
Ceramic Composite Materials (CMC) synthesis and development. Nano-refractory and Refractory Castable. Powder Metallurgy. Prof. Nandalal Acharjee

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Current Key Research Areas Concerned Faculty Name
Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics Human Response to Vibration Mr Anurag Vijyawargiya
Solar Energy Utilization Evaporative Heat Transfer.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Dr Siddharth Chakrabarti
Condition Monitoring by Vibration, Noise and Thermography.Ergonomics/ Biomechanics.Robotics and Automation. Dr Mahesh K Bhiwapurkar
Production and Industrial Engineering.Setup Time Reduction and Productivity Improvement.Reduction of Ambulance Response Time. Dr. Mukesh Shyamkant Desai
Metal Matrix Composite.Waste Management.Material Characterization. Dr. Surendra K. Dwiwedi
Noise Vibration & Harshness.Machining using coated Tools.Finite Element Analysis. Dr. L.R. Bhandarkar
Advanced Manufacturing Composite MaterialsDesign of Experiments Dr. Umesh Kumar Vishwakarma
Design & Manufacturing processes analysisDecision analysisIndustry 4.0 Mr. Ravindra Singh Saluja
Exergoeconomic/ Thermoeconomic analysis. Energy conversion, Energy, and exergy analysis of thermal systems.Gas turbine and steam turbine power plant. Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Sahu
Materials Processing Techniques.Powder Metallurgy and Metal Forming Processes. Materials Testing and Characterization. Dr. Satish Kanhed
Robotics & Automation Mechatronics, Mobile Robot Navigational Control, Sensor Technology Dr. Saroj Kumar
Solar water distillation Refrigeration and Air conditioning Heat pipes Dr. Kuber Nath Mishra
Compact Heat Exchangers.Energy and Exergy Analysis of thermal systems, Thermalanalysis of welded joints.Solar Energy. Mr Akash Pandey
Composite Materials.Manufacturing Processes Energy Conversion System. Mr Jitesh Singh
TribologyDesign of ExperimentsNano-lubrication Mr. Dharmender Singh Saini

Department of Electrical Engineering

Current Key Research Areas Concerned Faculty Name
Power Quality Improvement using Active Power Filter andSTATCOM. Distributed Generation System. DG-Grid Interfaced System. Dr R D Patidar
Modelling and Control of Electrical Drives. Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks to control ofElectrical Drives.Artificial Intelligence control of BLDC motors. Dr G Madhusudhana Rao
Digital Video Compression.Digital image & video processing.Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing. Dr. Deepak Singh
Transmission line protection schemes, Adaptivedistance protection, Directional protection.Current transformer saturation detection, Power swing andits impact on performance of distance relay.Wide area back up protection algorithm, Protectionalgorithms with inclusion of FACTS controller. Dr Sandeep Biswal
Power quality improvement by using robust and adaptivehybrid series active power filter.Disturbance detection and classification.Corona loss estimation. Dr Sushree Diptimayee Swain
Solar PV applicationsPower Electronics ConvertersElectrical Vehicle Charging Applications Dr. Ankireddy Narendra
Cyber security in power systemsFloating Photovoltaic Systems Dr. Prasanta Kumar Jena
Forecasting.Fuzzy logic and controller design.Optimization. Mr Shashikant
Microcontroller based system design.Solar Photovoltaic Cell Mr. Rakesh Patidar
Power electronics controller designing for power factorcorrectionsOptimum PMU Placement On Interconnected Power System forvoltage security Assessment using Decision TreeSolar Panel operation and integration with DG systems Mrs Pushpanjali Shadangi
Power System Protection.Multilevel Inverter.MPPT Based Boost Converter. Mrs. Bhawana Deshmukh

Department of Civil Engineering

Current Key Research Areas Concerned Faculty Name
Sustainable Geomaterials and Sustainable construction Industrial waste utilization.Mining. Dr. Mahasakti Mahamaya
Waste management.Renewable energy.Biodiesel production. Dr. Deepayan Priyadarshi
Reinforced Concrete Structures Rehabilitation of RC members Application of FRP composites in construction Dr. Swapnasarit Kar
Performance Based Design Direct Displacement Based Design.Earthquake Engineering. Dr.Anurag Sharma
Structural Engineering.Concrete Technology.Foundation Engineering. Mr Vinod Kumar Nagpure
Earthquake resistance RCC building.Laboratory Model Testing on Shake Table.Waste material uses in concrete. Mrs Tulika Gupta
Current Key Research Areas Concerned Faculty Name
Human Resource Management Organizational Behaviour Dr. Saket Jeswani
Tourism Marketing. Entrepreneurship and Strategy.Change management. Dr. Shesadev Nayak
Operations Management Supply Chain Management Technology Management Dr. Biranchi Prasad Panda
Consumer Behaviour Public Policy Developmental Economics. Dr. Jaya Prakash Rath
Service Quality Management Retail Marketing.Consumer Behaviour Dr. Sukanta Kumar Sahoo
Accounting Standards Dr. Rekha Sharma
Accounting Taxation and Socio-Economical Issues. Dr. Gopal Krishna Rathore
ESG Integrated Reporting Corporate Finance Dr. Puja Kaura
Agriculture Mechanization.Socioeconomic Research.Entrepreneurship. Dr. Vikash Kumar
Employability Skills.Consumer Behaviour.E Commerce. Dr. Himanshu Vaishnaw
Technology adoption and e-governanceMarketing of public Services and policy researchRole of technology in marketing of services Dr. Saurabh Gupta
Marketing of Financial Services.Mutual Funds and its management.Insights of Vedic Management in Contemporary managementsystems. Dr. Mukesh Kumar Sharma
Tourism marketing, Destination brand management andbranding modelingStructural equation modeling (SEM) RIDIT and GRA approach.Systematic and thematic analysis Dr. Navin Kumar
ESGNon-Financial ReportingSustainability Strategy Dr. Ajay Kumar
Financial Inclusion.Financial Behaviour.Operation Management. Mr. Bhupendra Tripathi
EntrepreneurshipBrandingKnowledge Management Mr. Manoj Kumar Mishra
Corporate GovernanceBanking and Finance Ms. Alka Pandey
Green Human Resource Management Ms. Sujata Panda
Current Key Research Areas Concerned Faculty Name
Synthesis of Phosphor materials bySol gel, Solid State reaction, Combustion, Melting technique.Characterization of Phosphors byMechano, Lyo, Photo and Thermoluminescence.Remote Sensing. Dr. Girish Chandra Mishra
Development andcharacterization of some lead based/lead free relaxor materials usingImpedance spectroscopy.Ferroelectrics, Multiferroics.Thin films and Nano Materials. Dr. Karuna Nidhan Singh
Graphene synthesis and applications.Nanomaterials for energy storagedevices, sensors, electrocatalysts, corrosion protection, bipolar plates infuel cells and biomedical applications.Photodetectors and solar cells. Dr. Ram Sevak Singh
LuminescenceOptical Properties (PL , ML , TL )Structure Properties (XRD , SEM ,FTIR& EDX) Dr. Dipti Shukla
Macrocyclic ligand chemistry.Synthesis.Characterization & solutionbehaviour of their metal complexes. Dr. Ankur Rastogi
Medicinal ChemistryBiological, Chemical and AntioxidantProperties of Andrographispaniculata(King of Bitters)Soil Analysis with special referencesto N, P,K Dr. Kavita Patel
Asymmetric Catalysis and Synthesis.DFT Calculations Dr. Deepak Patel
E-waste ManagementAnalysis and remediation of rice milleffluentsBiotechnological approach Ms. Sanjana Dewangan
Environmental Biotechnology andMicrobiologyEnzymology and Enzyme KineticsHydromicrobiology and Hydrochemistry Dr. Taniya Sengupta Rathore
Functional characterization oflncRNAs in Cancer and other diseases.Molecular Biology of Cancer.Phytochemical and antibacterialstudies of less explored plants of Chhattisgarh. Dr. Pranjal Kumar
Magnetohydrodynamics.Heat and Mass Transfer.Convective Flows. Dr. Syed Modassir Hussain
Univalent and Multivalent functions,Differential Subordination & Superordination.Bi-Univalent Functions. Dr. Saumya Singh
CryptographyDigital SignatureRSA Assumption, DLP Dr. Swati Verma
Inventory Control.EOQ Model. Dr Debasmita Samal
Magneto hydrodynamics.Magneto-fluid dynamics.Wavelet Analysis. Mr. Manas Ranjan Mishra
ELT.Indian Writing in English.Communication Skills. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh
Indian Writing in English.Indic Philosophy.English Language Teaching. Dr. Arindam Patra
Indian Writing in English.American English Literature.Cultural Studies. Ms. Suchismita Panda

Quarterly Report

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1. January - March 2024 Download

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