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Centre for Industry-Academia Collaboration
OP Jindal University
Punjipathra, Raigarh, (C.G.), PIN:496109
Tel: 07762-304000


Dr. Himanshu Vaishnaw
Director- CIAC,
Sr. Associate Professor & SoM

Experience:12 Years

Dr. L.R. Bhandarkar
Member of CIAC,
Associate Professor, MECH

M.E ,B.E
Experience:13 Years

Dr. Swapnasarit Kar
Member of CIAC,
Sr. Assistant Professor,Civil

Ph. D, M.Tech.
Experience:09 Years

Dr. AnkiReddy Narendra
Member of CIAC,
Assistant Professor,EE

Ph.D, M.Tech ,B.Tech
Experience:11 Years

Dr. Ram Sevak Singh
Member of CIAC,
Associate Professor,SOS

Ph.D, M.Tech, M.Sc
Experience:10 Years

Mr. Akash Pandey
Member of CIAC,
Assistant Professor,ME

Ph.D(Pursuing), M.Tech ,B.E
Experience:11 Years

Dr. Princy Diwan
Member of CIAC,
Sr. Assistant Professor,CSE

Ph.D, M.Tech ,B.E
Experience:7 Years

Dear All,
Greetings from CIAC – Centre for Industry-Academia Collaboration @ OPJU!
Newly formed CIAC’s vision is - Make OPJUians connected to industry
As a first step, we planned to bring lots of awareness among the students to look up to CIAC as cradle for conceptualizing and building the future.
Hence, there is a serious need to guide them at the early stages.
You being professionally successful former students of this esteemed institute, we are reaching out to you to seek your help and guidance. We will be grateful if you could kindly participate for this noble cause for your juniors. You can participate in any of the following ways or whatever way you can.

  • Participate in career/technical oriented lecture series in person/via Skype/through video conference.

  • Participate in sharing your own experiences and training students for the soft-skills.

  • Help us in networking with organizations for the Internship/career placement.

  • Any constructive suggestions which can help us to function better.

You can fill the below google form to enhance the connectivity

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Industries from all sectors are invited to submit the proposal form for the potential projects they can offer to the center. Kindly fill the details with respect to the project.

Click here...

Digital Initiatives :                                                                                       
Admission Open 2025 - 26