"Centre of Excellence for Power Electronics and Power System" is one of the O P Jindal University (OPJU) Raigarh centers created in the year 2022 by the Department of Electrical Engineering. It is one of emerging center in the OPJU which includes innovations in power electronics, electrical drives, power system protection, clean and renewable energy system. The goal is to establish a platform with a multi-disciplinary environment for experts, researchers, academicians, students, and business in the field of power electronics and power system engineering.

"Centre of Excellence for Power Electronics and Power System" is one of the O P Jindal University (OPJU) Raigarh centers created in the year 2022 by the Department of Electrical Engineering. It is one of emerging center in the OPJU which includes innovations in power electronics, electrical drives, power system protection, clean and renewable energy system. The goal is to establish a platform with a multi-disciplinary environment for experts, researchers, academicians, students, and business in the field of power electronics and power system engineering.

  • Electrical grid infrastructure research and development yields solutions that are adaptable, dependable, resilient, secure, and long-lasting.

  • Using computational technology, numerical methods, scientific data management, and artificial intelligence to solve power system problems.

  • Research on integration of power electronics based renewable into power system.

  • Design and development of cost-effective, energy-efficient, and affordable public transit electric vehicle and mobility technologies.

  • Application of IoT in power system and power system cyber security.

  • To establish a powerful expert association with a wide range of experiences in order to share knowledge and ideas.

  • Conduct technical initiatives in pertinent areas such as training, workshops, seminars, conferences, expert talks, and FDPs.

  • Design of power electronics controllers to improve the power quality.

  • Distribution system planning and protection.

  • To assist industry partners in developing innovative and integrated systems.

The key focus areas covered under center of excellence are:

Power system protection, cyber-security in power system, Power Quality Improvement using Active Power Filter and STATCOM, Reactive Power Control, Distributed Generation System, DG-Grid Interfaced System, Power Electronics Application in Renewable Energy, Solar PV applications, Power Electronics Converters, Electrical Vehicle Charging Applications, Power quality improvement by using robust and adaptive hybrid series active power filter, Modeling and Control of Electrical Drives, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks to control of Electrical Drives, distribution system planning, power system optimization

  • Advance Simulation Laboratory

    • MATLAB

    • EMTDC/PSCAD-5.0

    • Mi-Power

  • Real-Time Simulator and HIL Laboratory

    • Opal-RT Real-Time Digital Simulator with access to hardware-in-the-loop capabilities

  • High Voltage Laboratory

Sl.No. Name Qualification Designation Role
1 Dr. R. D. Patidar Ph.D. Vice-Chancellor & Professor,Electrical Engineering Member
2 Dr. G. M. Rao Ph.D. Professor & Head, ElectricalEngineering Member
3 Dr. Deepak Singh Ph.D. Assoc. Professor, Electrical Engineering Member
4 Dr. Sandeep Biswal Ph.D. Senior Assistant Professor, ElectricalEngineering Coordinator (In-charge)
5 Dr. Sushree D. Swain Ph.D. Assoc. Professor, Electrical Engineering Member
6 Dr. Prasant Kumar Jena Ph.D. Assistant Professor, ElectricalEngineering Member
7 Mr. Shasikant Kaushley Ph.D. Assistant Professor, ElectricalEngineering Member
8 Dr. AnkireddyNarendra Ph.D. Assistant Professor, ElectricalEngineering Member
    Sl.No. Name Qualification Designation
    1 Dr. Madhu Singh Ph.D. Assoc. Professor, Electrical Engineering, NITJamshedpur, India
    2 Dr. Om Hari Gupta Ph.D. Asst.. Professor, Electrical Engineering, NIT Jamshedpur,India
    3 Dr. P K Ray Ph.D. Professor, Electrical Engineering, NITRourkela, India
    4 Dr. Gayadhar Panda Ph.D. Director NIT Meghalya, India
    5 Dr. Sauvik Biswas Ph.D. Research Scientist, GE Greater Noida,India
    6 Dr. Subhodh Behari Lal Seksena Ph.D. Former Director, N. I. T., Jamshedpur
    7 Mr. Hardial Singh M.Tech Retired General Manager, Bhilai SteelPlant, C.G.
Various research works have been conducted by the departmental faculties under this CoE are listed below:
Sl.No. ResearchWork/Project/Consultancy/Journals/Conference Nameof the Faculty
1 A reconstruction based adaptive faultdetection scheme for distribution system containing AC microgrid,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 147,2023, 108801 Dr. Sandeep Biswal
2 Impedance based directional relaying forsmart power networks integrating with converter interfaced photovoltaicplants.” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 213, 2022 Dr. Sandeep Biswal
3 Intrinsic Time Decomposition BasedDifferential Protection with Adaptive Threshold for UPFC CompensatedTransmission Line” 2022, International Journal of Emerging Electric PowerSystems Dr. Sandeep Biswal & Prof. (Dr.) R.D. Patidar
4 Taylor series based protection startingelement for STATCOM compensated transmission line,” Electric Power SystemsResearch, vol. 204, 2022 Dr. Sandeep Biswal
5 Kullback-Leibler Divergence BasedDifferential Protection Scheme for Shunt Compensated Transmission Line,” IETGeneration, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 15, no.12, pp. 1808-1819,2021 Dr. Sandeep Biswal & Prof. (Dr.) R.D. Patidar
6 An Integrated Wide Area Backup ProtectionAlgorithm during Stressed Power System Condition in Presence of Wind Farm,”Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Electric Power Systems Research,10, 2021 Dr. Sandeep Biswal, Prof. (Dr.) R. D.Patidar & Dr. Sushree D. Swain
7 Amplitude based directional relayingscheme for UPFC compensated line during single pole tripping,” Electric PowerSystems Research, Vol. 184, 2020 Dr. Sandeep Biswal
8 Isolated Bidirectional Dual ActiveBridge (DAB) Converter for Photovoltaic System: An overview” CRC Press,Taylor & Francis Group. DOI:10.1201/9781003321897-14 Mr. AnkireddyNarendra
9 Designing of Neuro-Fuzzy Controllers forBrushless DC Motor Drives Operating with Multiswitch Three-Phase Topology.,SCOPUS indexed Journal of Hindawi Journal of Electrical and ComputerEngineering. Prof. (Dr.) Gurrala Madhusudhan Rao
10 Parameter optimization of PV integratedShunt Active power filter with Taguchi SNR. International Journal of EmergingElectric Power Systems. Prof. (Dr.) R. D. Patidar & Dr.Sushree D. Swain
11 SAPF Parameter Optimization with theApplication of Taguchi SNR Method. Electronics, 11(3), 348. Prof. (Dr.) R. D. Patidar & Dr.Sushree D. Swain
12 Adaptive controller-based shunt activepower filters for power quality enhancement in grid-integrated PV systems. InMicrogrid Cyberphysical Systems (pp. 203-232). Elsevier. Prof. (Dr.) R. D. Patidar & Dr.Sushree D. Swain
13 Power quality improvement by using PVintegrated DSTATCOM, Book: Linear and nonlinear System modelling, Wiley (inpress) Mrs. Pushpanjali Hota & Dr. SushreeD. Swain

Contact for Collaboration and Association

Dr. Sandeep Biswal
Sr. Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
OP Jindal University, Punjipathra, Raigarh - 496 109, Chhattisgarh, INDIA
Mob: +91 9179339691
Member- IEEE Young Professionals, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE Power Electronics Society
POSOCO Power System Awardee-2019
ORCID-ID- 0000-0002-4735-9761
Scopus Author ID: 57194432343
Researcher ID: Y-5279-2018

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