Center of Excellence in Steel Technology (CoEST)

The Indian Iron and Steel industries face numerous challenges in terms of energy consumption, quality, productivity and environmental issues. The steel sector is also witnessing a rapid growth, with India poised to become the second largest steel producer globally. Therefore, there is a large demand for highly skilled manpower for the steel industry to sustain this expected rapid growth. The Center of Excellence in Steel Technology (COEST) is a vital vertical under the Center for Sustainable Technology and Product Development (CSTPD)has been established at OP Jindal University (OPJU), Raigarh to cater to the needs of the entire Indian Iron & Steel producers and User Industries.


The objectives and activities of COEST will include performing industry relevant research and development on various aspects of steel technology; developing highly skilled manpower for steel industry, providing consultancy to the industry, organizing training programs for refreshing and updating knowledge, organizing international conferences on steel technology and network with other organizations involved in steel technology.


The center will broadly focus on creation of high quality manpower for the steel industry and focused R&D on steel technology

  • Development of innovative or path-breaking technologies for utilization of Indian iron ore fines/ slimes and non-coking coal.

  • Beneficiation/ up-gradation of lowgrade iron ore, coal etc. and agglomeration.

  • utilization of steel plant and mine wastes including LD/ EAF Slag as secondary source.

  • Improving the properties of various grades of steels like Ultra High Strength Steel, High Strength High Formable Steel, Trip steels etc.

  • Development of innovative methods for controlled cooling rate and improving the properties of Rail Steels.

  • Recovery of trace elements from metallurgical waste.

  • Development of low carbon technology.

  • Development of innovative technology in utilizing metallurgical waste as a coating material for high temperature application.

  • Development of innovative solutions for addressing the challenges faced by the iron & steel industry.

  • Development of innovative technologies pertaining to green steel making.

  • Ferrous Process Metallurgy

  • Process Modelling

  • Thermo-mechanical processing of Steels

  • Structure PropertyCorrelations

  • Corrosion Protection of Steels

  • Metallurgical solid Waste Management

  • Steel quality management

Thrust Areas
Resource Person
Resource Person/Organization
    1   Steel Technology Dr M. Kalyan Phani
Dr Trinath Talapaneni
Prof. Md. Izhar Hussain
Dr Sibnath Kayal
Dr Vatsala Chaturvedi
Prof. Neeraj Verma
Prof. N. Acharjee
Dr G.G. Roy, IIT Kharagpur
Dr S. Das, IIT Kharagpur
Dr Ajay Shukla, IIT Madras
Dr M. Kamaraj, IIT Madras
Dr K.C. Hari, IIT Madras
Dr Somnath Basu, IIT Bombay
Dr N. N. Viswanathan, IIT Bombay
Dr Manoj Chopkar, NIT Raipur
Dr K. Bhanu S. Rao, Steel Chair Professor MGIT, Hyderabad
Dr Ranjit Prasad, NIT Jamshedpur
Dr Anish Kumar, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Dr S Chandra, Tata Steel Ltd., JSR
Representatives from JSPL & NSPL
  • 2 Year M Tech program in Steel Technology with a focus on solving industry problems. Academic work will be jointly done with academic partners from premier institutes from across the globe.

  • A full time PhD Program with a focus on creating new knowledge in the field of steel technology with industry and academic input from subject matter experts from our partner ecosystem.

  • Post Graduate Diploma Programs, and other short term training initiatives for capacity building in the field of Steel Technology.

Advisory Committee


Mr Henk Reiminik
Director, Industry Excellence,
World Steel Assoication,

Mr Ronald E. Ashburn
Executive Director
Association for Iron and Steel Technology,(AIST)

Mr Scott Chubbs
Steel University,

Prof. David K. Matlock
University Emeritus Professor
Colorado School of Mines,

Mr Cees ten Broek
Director, World Auto Steel
World Steel Association,

Mr Eva Sundin
Chief Executive Officer
Swerea MEFOS,

Dr Florian Kongoli
Executive President (CEO)

Mr Haichuan Wang
Anhui University of Technology,

Dr Shangui Hu
Vice Director
Anhui University of Technology,

Dr Lifeng Zhang
University of Science and Technology,
Beijing, China

Mr Ruipeng Pang

Sinosteel Jemeco,


Dr Indranil Chattoraj
CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur,

Prof. Partha Pratim Chattopadhyay
NIFFT Ranchi,

Dr B. K. Mishra
Indian Institutes of Technology

Prof. Ajit Kumar Chaturvedi
Indian Institutes of Technology

Mr R. V. Sridhar
Executive Director & CEO
Essar Steel India Limited (Pune Facility),
New Delhi

Mr Prasad RKSV Kannuri
Chief Executive Officer
Amtek Auto Ltd.
New Delhi

Mr Prashant Jain
Joint Managing Director & CEO
JSW Energy Ltd.

Mr Rajeev Bhaduria
Director JSPL, Group HR
Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.
New Delhi

Mr Naushad Ansari
Chief Executive Officer-Steel
Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.
New Delhi

Dr G Padmanabham
International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials, Hyderabad

Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi
Indian Institutes of Technology

Dr Indranil Manna
Ex - Director
Indian Institutes of Technology

Roles of the Advisory Committee

  • Promote CSTPD to reach its mission and goals.

  • Provide strategic direction for the overall growth of the centre.

  • Guide and stimulate for the innovative research in the related thrust areas.

  • Endorse for the development of new products or implementing new technology in the center.

  • Moral support for designing curriculum to encourage the research programs and activities.

Research Committee


Dr. Ir. B.C.De Cooman
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Republic of Korea

Prof. Dr. Bin Yang
Professor, Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology
University of Science & Technology (USTB),
Beijing, China

Dr. Koh-ichi Sugimoto
Emeritus Professor
Shinshu University,

Dr. Valdiney Domingos de Oliveira
Director of Metallurgy & Engineering
Viridis.iQ GmbH,

Dr. C. (Ravi) Ravindran
Past President, ASM International,Professor, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Ryerson University, Canada

Dr. John G. Speer
Director, Advanced Steel Processing & Product Research Center (ASPPRC)
Colorado School of Mines, USA

Prof. Brian Uy
Head of School of Civil Engineering
The University of Sydney,

Prof. Jung II Song
Changwon National University,
South Korea

Prof. Jianliang Zhang
University of Science & Technology Beijing,

Dr. George Vander Voort
Vander voort LLC & Struers A/S,

Prof. Alberto Conejo
University of Science and Technology Beijing,

Mr. Peter Wang

Sino steel Corporation,

Mr. Liqiang Zhang

Anhui University of Technology,

Mr. Li Cheng
Sino steel Corporation,


Prof. Ajay Shukla
IIT Madras,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)

Prof. G.G. Roy
Professor,Associate Dean, SRIC
IIT Kharaghpur,
West Bengal(India)

Dr. Anish Kumar
Head - Ultrasonic Measurement Section
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu (India)

Prof. K. Bhanu Shankar Rao
Steel Chair Professor
Hyderabad (India)

Prof. M. Kamaraj
IIT Madras,
Tamil Nadu (India)

Prof. S. Das
IIT Kharaghpur,
West Bengal(India)

Prof. K. C. Hari
IIT Madras,
Tamil Nadu (India)

Dr. Somnath Basu
IIT Bombay,

Dr. N N Viswanathan
IIT Bombay,

Dr. Atanu Pal
Chief Process Research
Tata Steel Ltd. JSR,

Dr. B. Ravi Kumar
Principal Scientist

Mr. Pradip Patra
Vice President
JSW Dolvi,

Dr. B. C. Ray
Dean of Faculty
NIT Rourkela,

Dr. Manoj Chopkar
Head, MME
NIT Raipur,

Dr. Ranjit Prasad
Head, MME
NIT Jamshedpur,

Roles of the Research Committee

  • To advise the CSTPD on the implementation of programs and policies instituted for the support of research.

  • To receive and disseminate information from the CSTPD Office on issues that impact research.

  • To serve as a forum for the discussion of improvement and expansion of research activity.

  • To communicate needs or problems related to research and the research environment to the CSTPD Office.

  • To make recommendations for the coordination of programs to enhance research and the research environment.

  • To make recommendations for the coordination of activities with other committees involved with research.

  • To promote the dissemination of information regarding research at the center.

  • To promote collaborative research and publication.

Internal  Members

External  Members


Name of Faculty


Name of Faculty

Head of COE   Member1 Dr. A Majumdar, Kazi Nazrul University
Coordinator  Dr. M K Phani Member2 Dr. A. Kamaraj, NML
Co-Coordinator  Prof. Md Izhar Hussain Member3 Dr. Balachandran, JSW
Member1  Dr. Trinath Talapaneni Member4 Mr. Amit Khokhar, JSPL
Member2 Dr. Vatsala Chaturvedi Member5 Mr. M. Borkar, JSPL
Member3  Dr. Sibnath Kayal    
Member4  Mr. Hrishikesh Shastri    

International Partners

Sino Steel Corporation, China

Anhui University of Technology

Changwon National University, South Korea

Colorado School of Mines, USA

UT Dallas, USA

National Partners

JSW Dolvi & Salem

Jindal Saw, Bellary

JSPL, Raigarh

JSL, Hisar

Fronius, India

Roles of the Partners

  • Develop and align with the allied research domain of the centre.

  • Effectively manage the resources and research support to the centre.

  • Contribute and synergy for the outstanding research, teaching and learning activities of the centre.

  • Associate and provide the joint PhD guides related to research projects.

  • Facilitate the equipment and resources for the utilization of mutual research activities.

  • Encourage collaborative and multi-disciplinary research.

  • Support and arrange research funding to the centre for mutual interest.

  • Support and contribute for the joint publications to mobilize knowledge and branding.

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Admission Open 2025 - 26