Career Support

Great Education
Great Experience
Great Careers

Strong Career Support Program
Personalized to Student's Needs

The Career Development Center (CDC) broadly plays two important roles in shaping the careers of the young students at OP Jindal University :

  • CDC acts as an interface between the industry and the students, and facilitate the campus recruitment drives of all the companies as per their requirements. CDC liaisons with industries and corporate organizations to provide suitable jobs and internship opportunities for all the candidates completing their studies from OP Jindal University. This is accomplished through building a strong bridge between industry and academia.

  • CDC ensures the right kind of support, guidance and mentoring to the students to select most appropriate career option for the life. The CDC continuously strives to support students in pursuing their career goals by acquiring employment seeking skills and ultimately to attain desired career / employment. OPJU uniquely places equal emphasis on academic placement, meticulously grooming interested students for higher studies and actively supporting their efforts to secure admission in reputed institutions. CDC also plays special focus on encouraging the students for entrepreneurship.

Core Objectives -

  • To empower students with life long career decision making skills.

  • To generate awareness in the students regarding future career options available to them.

  • To assist students to develop and implement successful job search strategies.

  • To help Upgrading the students’ skill sets commensurate with expectation of the industry.

  • To guide student to develop/clarify their academic and career interests and their short and long term goals through individual counseling and group discussions.

Digital Initiatives :                                                                                       
Admission Open 2025 - 26