Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent & catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the University. It channelizes all efforts & and measures of the university towards promoting its holistic academic excellence. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC is a part of the university system and works towards the realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.

Key Duties :

Followings are the key duties of IQAC in the University:

  • Effective Leadership

  • Decentralization and Participate Management

  • Perspective/Strategic Plan

  • Administrative Setup and e-governance

  • Productiveness of University bodies/ Cells/Committees

  • Sponsorship

  • Career Development

  • Co-curricular and extracurricular activities

  • Academic Administrative Audit (AAA)

  • Participation in various Accreditation and Rankings

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

S. No. Designation Name of the Person
1 Chairman Dr. R. D. Patidar, Vice - Chancellor, OPJU
2 Director-IQAC Dr. M. Kalyan Phani, Sr. Associate Professor, Metallurgical Engineering
3 Deputy Director Dr. Deepak Singh, Sr. Associate Professor, EE
4 Senior Member of Administration 1. Dr. Anurag Vijaywargiya, Registrar
2. Dr. Surendra Dwiwedi, Director - Administration
5 Member Nominated by the Governing Body Dr. B. K. Sthapak, Member of Governing Body Founder Chancellor, OPJU
6 Representatives of Students 1. Mr. Jayant Shekhar Singh, EE - 6th Semester (SoE)
2. Ms. Vishakha Singh, M.Sc.- 2nd Semester (SoS)
3. Mr. Mohit Sharma, MBA - 2nd Semester (SoM)
7 Representatives of Alumni 1. Mr. Gagan Wasan, President Alumni Association, OPJU
2. Mr. R. P. Pandey, DGM (HR), JPL, Tamnar
3. Mr. Kiran Singh, M.Sc. (Physics)
8 Representatives of Industry 1. Mr. B.K., CEO, MSP Raigarh
2. Mr. Rajesh Singh, VP (HR and IR), TRL, Krosaki Belpahar
3. Mr. S.S. Rathi, Director, NSPL, Raigarh
4. Mr. K. N. Pandey, CEO-East Shriram Fortune Solution Ltd.
9 Representatives of Employer 1. Mr. C. N. Singh, ED-JPL
2. Mr. Ajay Agrawal, EVP, JSP
3. Mr. Kaushal Sharma, AVP & Plant Head, SSD-JSP
10 Representatives of Parents 1. Dr. Preeti Singh (SoE)
2. Mr. Sunil Kumar Agarwala (SoM)
3. Dr. Yugal Kishor Chandra (SoS)
11 Representatives of Teachers 1. Dr. Sanjay Singh, Professor-SoS
2. Dr. J. P. Rath, Associate Professor - SoM
3. Dr S. Das, Professor, Metallurgical Engg.
4. Dr. Rakesh Nayak, Professor, CSE
5. Dr G M Rao, Professor, EE
6. Dr. Siddharth S. Chakrabarti, Professor, Mechanical
7. Dr. Mahasakti Mahamaya, Sr. Assistant Professor, Civil
8. Dr. Mukesh S. Desai, Associate Professor, Mechanical
12 Librarian Dr. Manish Sharma
13 Dy. Director- Sports Dr. Amit Paras
14 Hostel Warden Dr. Vikash Kumar
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Admission Open 2025 - 26