Nexus between Foreign Exchange rate and Stock Market: Evidence From India, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 20, Issue 3(Scopus Q-2 & ABDC-B).
The Ripple Effect: Exchange Rate Volatility’s Influence on Indian Sectoral Indices, Indian Journal of Finance, Volume 18, Issue 2 (Scopus –Q3).
Board Characteristics and Risk Disclosure Quality by Integrated Reporters: Evidence from Indian Banks, Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management. Volume 15, Issue 5 (Scopus Q-2).
Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Indian Stock Market, Special Issue of Empirical Economics Letters, 20, Special Issue-1 27-36, 2021 (ABDC-C).
Dynamic relationship between Indian Stock Index and Commodity Derivatives: With special reference to Metals, Int. J. of Economics and Accounting, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2021 (Inderscience Publication - ABDC –C & UGC Care-1).
Investigating the Strategic Interactions Among Gartner’s Eight Building Blocks of Successful Customer Relationship Management, Indian Journal of Marketing, 54(5), pp. 8–25. (Scopus Q3, ABDC-C)
Comparison of International Stock Market Volatility: An Empirical Analysis During Economic Crisis 2008 and COVID-19, conference proceeding of ECS Transactions, 107 (1), 2022 (Scopus).
Impact of Sectoral Indices’ Fluctuation on Sensex, IJRTE, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019 (Scopus- Q4).
Global Research on Women as Board of Directors _ A Bibliometric Analysis, European Economic Letters (EEL) 13 (4), 673-692, 2023 (ABDC-C).
The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on volatility of Indian stock market: evidence from top 10 stocks of Bombay Stock Exchange, African J. of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 8(1), 91-105, 2022 ( Inderscience Publication- ABDC-C & WoS).
Influence of behavioral biases while making decision on mutual fund investment, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 43(7), 1733-1747, 2022 (WoS, ABDC-C).
Global Research On Green Finance: A Bibliometric Analysis, World Journal Of Management And Economics (ABDC-C) Volume 14 Issue-1, 2022 (ABDC-C).
Perceived Benefits for Small Retail Outlets with the Advancement of Cashless Economy, Special Issue of Empirical Economics Letters, 20, Special Issue-1, 149-161, (ABDC-C).
Impact of CSR Committee on ESG Reporting Quality: Evidence from India, Orissa Journal of Commerce, 43,04, 2022 (UGC Care-1).
Stock price prediction using ARIMA model, International Journal of Marketing & Human Resource Research 2 (2), 98-107, 2021.
Presented a research paper titled “ Impact of Currency Fluctuation on Indian Sectoral Indices” at IIM Sambalpur (PANIIM Conference 2024).
Presented a Paper titled “ A Study On Volatility Spillover Of Metaverse Stocks On Indian Stock Market” at IIM Ranchi of ISDSI Global Conference-2023.
Presented a Paper titled “ESG disclosure and corporate governance : A systematic review of literature using PRISMA” at IIM Indore (CERE-2023).
Presented a paper titled “Effects of Behavioural Biases on Investment decisions of Indian Investors” at IIM , Jammu- 2021.
Presented a paper titled “Moderation on Entrepreneurial Orientation and Enterprise Performance- A Structural Equation Modeling Approach” in IIM Raipur- 2019.
Presented a paper entitled “A Study on Sustainable Development in Financial Management” at Fakir Mohan University, Baleswar- 2018.
Presented a paper entitled “Global Economic Turmoil-Redefining Indian business: A study on Management of Global Financial Meltdown” at the national seminar of GIMS, Gunupur- 2014.
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Exploration of Nascent Pedagogical Tools for Updating Teachers of Management, by ATAL from 21st October to 26th October 2024.
Financial Modelling using Excel, by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy from 08th February 2022 to 12th February 2022.
Basic Econometric: Tools and Techniques held from 27th to 31st 2022, Organized by Department of Economics, University of Allahbad.
FDP organized by FOSTIIMA Business School “Time Series Analysis through RStudio” from 3rd to 4th January 2022.
Research in Finance using EViews, organized by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy from 4th January 2021 to 08th January 2021 at PSGR Krishnammal College for Women.
6-days STTP on Foundation of Financial Markets and Fianncial Technologies, organized by Maulana Abulkal Azad University of Technology in association with BSE India from 21st February- 26th February 2022.
FDP Organised by LBKB on Plagiarism in Academic Research from 15th to 25th May 2022.
Advanced Panel Data Analysis, conducted by JS Institute of Commerce and Analytics from 8th June to 12th June 2020.
Advanced Time Series Analysis and Panel Data Analysis, organized by BPIT, New Delhi from 02nd May to 7th May 2020.
FDP on “Time Series & Panel Data Analysis” by Indian Accounting Association (IAA) Bhubaneswar Branch, Odisha from 18th to 19th August 2020.
FDP on “ Outcome based education and road map for accreditation” organized by Sriram Engineering college , Bengaluru.
MDP “ Data Analytics using Excel” organized by RDIAS, New Delhi on 16th May 2020.
FDP on Research Methodology and Data Analysis using SPSS by CMR Technical Campus Hydrabad from 11th to 16th July 2022.
FDP on "E-Faculty Development Programme on Changing research landscape in Uncertainties" Organized by Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies Delhi from 25th to 30th May 2020.
Invited as resource person for a workshop titled “Buzz of Stock Market” organized by Research Foundation of India from 11th March 2022 to 17th March 2022.