1. No examinee shall leave the examination hall within half an hour of the start of the examination for any purpose whatsoever and no late comer will be permitted for the examination after 15 minutes of its commencement.
2. Examinees desirous of leaving the examination hall temporarily shall be permitted to do so for a maximum period of 5 minutes. The absence shall be recorded and if the examinee fails to return within this limit of 5 minutes, he/she shall not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall unless he/she gives convincing explanation.
3. A candidate found talking during the examination hours shall be warned not to do so. If the candidate continues talking in spite of the warning by the invigilator, then UFM case can be registered and the answer book of such examinee shall be withdrawn and a second answer book shall be issued.
4. The Examination Superintendent shall take action against an examinee who is found assisting or attempting to use any type of unfair means in the examination hall or within the premises of the examination centre during the hours of examination in the following manner: