Central Instrumentation Facility

OP Jindal University (OPJU) has set up the Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) with the prime objective to support the research and development activities carried out by the faculty, staff, research scholars and students. The sophisticated instruments and advanced facilities in the CIF are a part of various Centre of Excellences established by the University. To promote quality research and innovative solutions, CIF is established with an aim to promote research in the universities, industries and other organizations in and around Chhattisgarh. CIF is housing a wide range of sophisticated analytical and fabrication equipment/techniques for chemical/ mechanical/ metallurgical characterization of a range of materials. CIF is envisaged to nourish collaborative research between OPJU and other academic and Industrial organizations. These facilities will help the faculties, research scholars and students to carry out quality research in fundamental and applied sciences. This subsequently, will help the beneficiaries to publish their research findings in peer reviewed high impact factor journals and also produce high quality dissertations/reports. CIF is responsible to maintain these equipment and ensure a fair utilization among the research community. CIF runs under the purview of Research and Development Cell (RDC) established by the university and also hopes for expansion of the facilities each year and making it a core research facility for the benefit of industries, academic institutes and other organizations in this central part of the nation. A nominal charge is posed on sample testing and analysis and utilization of the facility for research purpose. CIF is expected to self-sustain by revenue generation for the upkeep and maintenance of the facilities.

Objectives of CIF :

  • To test and analyse the samples received from the in-house members and other organizations.
  • To sign memorandum of understanding (MoU) for collaborative research.
  • To promote quality research by providing high end testing and research facilities to the beneficiaries.
  • To be a helping hand in solving various industrial problems.
  • To provide instrumentation facilities to accelerate fundamental and advanced research.
  • To deliver high end results thus converting them to innovative patents or publish in high impact journals.
  • To showcase the importance of research to the younger minds of the nation.
  • To provide possible solutions for the neighbourhood society wherever necessary.
  • To provide guidance and training to the personnel for acquisition of data, operation and maintenance of sophisticated instruments.
  • To organize hands on workshops, seminars, conferences and symposia along with research partners.
  • To organize certification programmes on various sophisticated instrumentations and associated topics.
  • To work together for synergistic growth of the university with other organizations.
  • To provide expertise guidance on data interpretation, characterization, instrumentation and solutions to the industrial experts.

Procedures :

  • Initially the requisition form is to be filled by the beneficiary and should submit the form to the Head, CIF.
  • Once the requisition form is received the time slot (Time and Date of test) will be informed to the beneficiary within 48 hours.
  • In case of utilization of the facilities, the testing/analysis of the samples which are a part of external and internal funding projects will be given first priority. The projects should have in- house faculty/staff members as one of the investigators.
  • Any emergency analysis, a special approval should be recommended by the concerned head of the institution/Research guide to the Vice Chancellor. On receiving the recommendation to the CIF team from the VC Office necessary arrangements will be made on priority basis.
  • If the samples are not claimed till 30 days of receipt by the university the samples will be retained by the university. The concerned member will come to the university and collect the samples or provide the charge for transit or will make necessary arrangements.
  • In case of Metallurgical analysis, CIF suggest the beneficiaries to send the samples with minimum preparation along with the exact status of the sample preparation. Detailed data on sample preparation should also be provided while sending the sample. In case the sample needs preparation, a nominal charge will be posed for the sample preparation.
  • Beneficiaries will be contacted by email / phone after the samples are tested and analysed.
  • For detailed data processing and interpretation the CIF will provide facility on first come first serve basis. If the data interpretation is to be carried out by the CIF personnel then separate charge may be posed. CIF has rights to change the decision whenever required.
  • The users are also given chance to use the software that comes along with the instrument in presence of an CIF member. The facility will be provided on time slot basis. CIF has all rights to change the time slots whenever required.
  • As per the need and whenever required the instruments will be periodically calibrated as per the required standards.
  • All samples will be held for a maximum period of 20 days under room temperature (or refrigerated at 0-10°C) if specified by the user in the requisition form unless and otherwise instructed.
  • In case there is any issue in the sample testing CIF will email the reason to the beneficiary and have rights to cancel the test. In case of cancellation the beneficiary should again proceed for new time slot booking.

Note: Note: Please refer CIF rate sheet for the associated charges for equipment usage. Samples required coatings for SEM characterization need to pay extra charge of Rs. 500/- per sample. Sputter coater will be used for the coating of the sample.

CIF working hours :

CIF will be open for testing and analysis on all working days (from 9:15 AM to 06:30 PM). During the Specified holidays of the university the facility will remain close for testing and also for any visits. In any month, Fourth and Fifth Saturdays will be reserved for maintenance of systems, meetings and events (workshops/certificate programmes etc.). The timing for sample submission to CIF during the morning hours will be 9:15 AM to 11:00 AM and the timing for collection of samples will be 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. CIF has all rights to change the timings as per the instructions of higher authorities.

CIF Team :

Dr. Makkuva Kalyan Phani
Head, CIF
Sr. Associate Professor, META
Ph.D., B.Tech.
Experience:13 Years

Dr. S. Das
Member, CIF
HOD & Steel Chair Professor, MME
Ph.D(IIT, Kanpur), M.Tech, B.Tech
Experience:35 Years

Dr. G Madhusudhana Rao
Member, CIF
Professor & Head,

Ph.D (JNTUH), MTech, B.E.
Experience:22 Years

Dr. Siddharth Chakrabarti
Member, CIF
Associate Dean Faculty of Mechanical & Professor ,
Ph.D., M.Tech., B.E.
Experience:22 Years

Dr. Girish C Mishra
Member, CIF
Associate Dean & Professor, SoS
Ph.D., M.Sc.
Experience:23 Years

Dr. Mahasakti Mahamaya
Member, CIF
Sr. Assistant Professor & Head
Ph.D., B.Tech.
Experience:08 Years

Dr. Satish Kanhed
Member, CIF
Sr. Assistant Professor
Ph.D (IIT Kanpur), M.Tech, B.E
Experience:15 Years

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