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OPJU Innovation Center: December monthly activity report

30th December, 2023

Congratulations, Dr. Deepayan Priyadarshi, on your appointment as the Mentor of e-Cell at IIT Bombay! Your commitment and expertise are sure to shape the journey of aspiring entrepreneurs, fostering growth and success.

December monthly activity report 2023: Click here     

ओपी जिंदल विश्वविद्यालय के दो-दिवसीय अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन (ISMS-2023)

23rd-24th December

ओपी जिंदल विश्वविद्यालय के दो-दिवसीय अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन (ISMS-2023) का आयोजन सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर की संगोष्ठी प्रतिभागियों को शोध के नए आयाम से परिचित कराती हैं जो कि अनुसन्धान एवं विकास के स्तर को बढ़ाता है एवं बहु-विषयक अनुसंधान को बढ़ावा देकर युवाओं के लिए नए अवसर प्रदान करता है। उच्च स्तर के अनुसंधान से विकसित भारत की परिकल्पना को साकार करने में मदद मिलेगी।- डॉ. आर. डी. पाटीदार, कुलपति- ओपी जिंदल विश्वविद्यालय

Report on ISMS-2023: Click here     

4th International Conference on The Role of Innovation Entrepreneurship and Management for Sustainable Development (ICRIEMSD-2023)

3rd-4th November, 2023

The fourth international conference on The Role of Innovation Entrepreneurship and Management for Sustainable Development (ICRIEMSD-2023) held on 3rd and 4th November, 2023 at OP Jindal University, Raigarh in Hybrid Mode. The conference brought together 300 plus participants from various academic institutes, universities and industry across the globe. This was a two-day international conference organized by the School of Management, OP Jindal University in association with Sohar University Oman and Jose Maria College Philippines.

A Report Summary on ICRIEMSD-2023 : Click here     

Cycle Race organized by the Sports Club of OPJU

31st October, 2023

Cycle Race was organized by the Sports Club committee of OPJU for the students, faculty and staff members of OPJU on occasion National Unity Day. In which more than 20 participants registered for this event and out 20 participants only 6 members were participated in the Cycle Race. The race was started by flag off by Dr. Sanjay Singh, Professor and Dean Student welfare and participants have to complete 5 round of the campus around 7Km. All the participants participated in the race with full enthusiasm and complete the race in a happy manner and enjoy the Cycle ride. A good coordination and team work were seen during this event.

Report on Cycle Race organized by the Sports Club of OPJU -2023: Click here     

Fatafat E-sports Tournament – 2023

26th - 28th September, 2023

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) :- The tournament started on 26th September , 2023 with 20 teams participating. All the teams were instructed to play from there respective hostel rooms or any place where they find good network. On Day 1, 17 teams managed it to qualify for the Final round. On Day 2, after the 3 matches we got the winner of our first ever Fatafat Esports Tournament – 2023 (BGMI) that is ‘Team Silent’

Fatafat E-sports Tournament Report -2023: Click here     

Fatafat Tournament 2023-24

12th - 14th September, 2023

Sports and games are an integral part of the total education system. It helps in the attainment of the ultimate aim of education to achieve holistic development. Sports play a vital role in the student’s life to develop discipline, spirit of sportsmanship and inculcates the qualities of team spirit and leadership quality among the students. Fatafat sports tournament is organized for first-year students and the purpose of the tournament is to fresher students show their hidden talent in the field of sports and games and also interact with other students and socialize with them. This fatafat tournament helps the sports team members to list out the talented students for the inter-branch and inter-university tournaments.

Report on Fatafat Tournament 2023-24: Click here     

Induction Program for Freshmen Batch of OPJU-2023

23rd August - 2nd September, 2023

OP Jindal University organized an Orientation Program for Freshmen batch students of OPJU from 23rdAugust to 2nd September, 2023. This induction program played an important role in providing opportunities to the students to interact and understand each other and to know the sports activities, University facilities and ambience of the campus and develop some of the good habits which help them for career building.

In the orientation program we have included Morning Fitness, Self Defense, Aerobic, Fire & Safety, Army Training, Health & Hygiene, Mandala Art, Posture & deformities, personality development and Motivational talk to the students.

Report on Induction Program for Freshmen Batch of OPJU-2023: Click here     

9th International Yoga Day

June 21, 2023

OPJU celebrated 9th International Yoga day by the students, security housing colony members and the teachers of OPJU on 21st June 2023 with full enthusiasm and motivation. The function began with a brief introduction of Yoga Day and importance of Yoga in daily life by Mr. Sambit Sahu and Ms. Jyoti Sahu (Yog Guru).

Yoga Day is celebrated among the youth and children to make them aware and importance of Yoga in their life. It will help the students and staff members to understand how to maintain harmony between body and mind. Regular practice of Yoga will help the students to achieve better mental and physical health.

  Objectives: International Yoga Day

  • To connect people to the nature by practicing yoga

  • To make people get used of meditation through yoga

  • To draw attention of people worldwide towards the holistic benefits of yoga

  • To reduce the rate of health challenging diseases all over the world

  • To bring communities much close together to spend a day for health from busy schedule

  • To help people in their bad situations themselves by getting relief from stress through yoga

  • To strengthen the global coordination among people through yoga

Report on 9th International Yoga Day: Click here     

2nd Virtual International Conference on Innovation and Research in Science & Technology for Sustainable Development

May 25-26, 2023

School of Science, OP Jindal University organized 2nd Virtual International Conference on Innovation and Research in Science & Technology for Sustainable Development during 25-26 May 2023. The conference themed around four tracks viz Applied Science, Engineering & Technology, Disaster management and other related theme.

  The objectives of the conference were:

  • To provide a forum to the science and technology faculty, researchers and teacher educators to share their research work, innovative practices and emerging trends in science.

  • To make recommendations for future courses of action for the promotion of quality research and innovation in the field of science and technology in general and applied sciences in particular.

  • To document the best innovations and researches in the field of science and technology to disseminate the same.

2nd Virtual International Conference on Innovation and Research in Science & Technology for Sustainable Development Report: Click here     

TECHNOROLLIX-2023 : National Level Annual Techno-Cultural Fest

March 1-3, 2023

OP Jindal University (OPJU), Raigarh has organized the 12th edition of its National Level Annual Techno-Cultural Fest “TECHNOROLLIX 2023” along with the program “The Spirit”- Celebrity DJ Night from March 1st to 3rd, 2023.

The prime objective of Tech-Fest is to bring together dynamic, innovative, and enterprising students from various Engineering, Management, and Science institutions across the country on a common platform to showcase their talent and exchange ideas.

The Annual Techno-Cultural Fest started on 1st March with an Opening ceremony by the Chief Guest of the event Mr. Diwakar Kaushik (Executive Director, NTPC Lara, Raigarh) near Babuji Chowk, & the inaugural session was conducted on the same day at OPJU college ground, the chief guest & and the guest of Honor for the evening is Mr. Sanjay Madan (Former Regional Executive Director (west-II & SR) NTPC Raipur & Mr. Yogendra Sahu (General Manager, POWER GRID, Gharghoda, Raigarh).

Technorollix-2023 Report: Click here     

OTCON 2.0 : OPJU INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE On Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development (OTCON 2.0)

February 8-10, 2023

OTCON 2.0 is the second version of IEEE conference organised by OPJU, Raigarh. It is technically sponsored by IEEE MP Sub Section, and sponsored by CGCost Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Initially more than 800 technical papers were submitted to this conference for pre-screening from more than 24 countries, and 600 technical papers are peer reviewed by the experts from premium Institutions in India and abroad. Out of which 157 papers are selected for the oral presentation in both physical and online mode. Total 155 papers are presented during 8 Feb to 10 Feb 2023, in 17 different tracks.

On the first day of the conference, Dr. R. D. Patidar - Vice Chancellor, OP Jindal University Raigarh just welcomed the guests and shared the objectives and other details of the conference with everyone. Dr. Patidar informed that the conference aims to bring together academicians, researchers, industrialists and other stakeholders from all over the world on one platform related to developments in the areas of innovative technology, bridging the gap between industry and academia; and taking the initiative to formulate a meaningful plan after deliberating and contemplating on various issues; and to provide opportunities for sharing related research and knowledge with each other.

OTCON 2.0 : Click here     

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Admission Open 2025 - 26