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Industrial Tour of Sixth Semester Mechanical students to Hasdeo Bango Hydel Power Plant, Korba

April 24 - April 25, 2018

With an aim to explore beyond academic arenas, Mechanical Engineering Department, School of Engineering, organized an industrial tour to Hasdeo Bango Hydel Power Project, Korba on 24-25th April 2018 for sixth-semester students.

The total installed capacity of the project is 120 MW, having three units of 40 MW capacity. Overall it was a great learning experience for our students, as for the first time they have witnessed hydropower sector units. Students had an opportunity to see all the basic parts and components of Hydel power plant like the hydraulic turbine, penstock, governing system, generator, gathered knowledge on the location and rating of the equipment, control room working, and functions of switchyard and distribution systems. The tour was successful and appreciated by each and every student with well-coordinated and executed by Prof Akash Pandey and Prof Surendra Dwiwedi.


April 12 - April 13, 2018

OP Jindal University, Raigarh organized a two-day Industry-Academia Conclave (IAC-2018) on “Realigning Education towards Industry Needs” at the University Campus during April 12-13, 2018 in association with Jindal Steel and Power Limited, Raigarh. The objective of the Conclave was bridging the gap between the industry needs and the academic community; and provide a common platform for the exchange of ideas and set up a system to increase collaboration between the two. A large number of top echelons of industry, academicians, scholars, engineering and management students from different parts of the country took part in the conclave. About 40 key speakers from different industries and academia delivered their talks on “Realigning Education towards Industry Needs” and interacted in panel discussions with the faculty and students.

The other attractions of the conclave were the Plenary, parallel sessions and discussion on important key issues of Industry-Academia Needs and Collaboration. The event was also witnessed by poster exhibition which was well appreciated by all the key industry leaders. A Memorandum of Understanding between OP Jindal University (OPJU), Raigarh (Chhattisgarh) and Fronius India Pvt. Ltd.. (FIPL), Pune was inked for setting up of "Welding Centre of Excellence" in the campus of OPJU.

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A workshop on ‘Recent trends in iron and steel making (RTISM)'

April 10 - April 11, 2018

A two days workshop on “Recent trends in iron and steel making (RTISM)” is organized by Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering during April 10-11, 2018 at OPJU premises in association with Indian Institute of Metals (IIM), Raigarh Chapter and Material Advantage, USA. The main objective of this workshop was to understand the recent advancements as well as future outlook in iron and steel making. Around 70 students along with the faculty have participated in this workshop. Four eminent speakers have shared their expertise areas during the workshop.

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International Academic Conference on Business, Entrepreneurship and Economics

April 09 - April 11, 2018

Dr Shesadev Nayak, Professor and Head, School of Management had presented a paper entitled “Effectiveness of Teaching-Learning Method in Entrepreneurship Education: a case of Innovative Pedagogy used in teaching Entrepreneurship” at the International Academic Conference on Business, Entrepreneurship and Economics” held on April 9-11, 2018 at Dubai, United Arab Emirates organized by Citations International.

Expert Lecture on Image Processing and Text classification using Machine Learning and Data Mining

April 06, 2018

Department of Computer Science & Engineering organized an expert lecture by Dr. Ayan Seal, IIITDM, Jabalpur on 6th April 2018. Dr. Seal discussed several topics of image processing in the first half of lecture including object and image recognition by image processing application In the second half, he discussed text classification and how does it work. He also told how to classify text, what kind of challenges lie ahead in this field etc. After the completion of the lecture, students of B.Tech and M.Tech had an interaction with him and he resolved their queries related to the topic and encouraged students to pursue research on both these fields. This lecture was coordinated by Soumya Mukherjee, Asst. Professor and Asim Kiran Dandapath, Asst. Professor,Dept. of CSE. Around 100 students attended the session from B.Tech and M.Tech.

A workshop on ‘Data Science and Machine Learning'

March 28, 2018

A workshop on 'Data Science and Machine Learning', a highly useful subject for students, was organised at OP Jindal University, Raigarh during March 20-21, 2018. School of Engineering’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering hosted the programme. Main trainers from ARDENT COMPUTECH PVT LTD, Kolkata Stuti Kumari and Upashak Pal provided hands on training to the students in the workshop and discussed in details about Big Data, Big Data Characteristics, Data Processing Challenges, Distributed File System (DFS), Hadoop, HDFS, Big Data Processing with Map Reduce, Hive vs. Pig, Big Data Processing using Apache Spark, Hadoop Ecosystem and how to Construct a Machine Learning Model using Python and Spark, etc. 110 students of M.Tech., Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering participated in the workshop.

One Week Training Programme on Computer Aided Engineering Software (ANSYS)

March 19 - March 24, 2018

Department of Mechanical Engineering has organized a One Week training program on “ANSYS Software” for Mechanical engineering student during March 19-24, 2018 at OPJU Campus in association with Indo Danish Tool Room (IDTR), Patna which is extension center of IDTR, Jamshedpur.

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March 16, 2018

90 students of B Tech 6th& 4th semester , Department of Electrical & Electronics Engg. Attended session on PLC/SCADA & PCB designing .Resource person Mr. Kuldeep Mishra (Branch Manager SOFCON PVT LTD, Bhopal) has delivered the lecture with some live industrial application through PLC/SCADA hardware/software programs.He has also covered the communication of PLC/SCADA with IOT.Every student was very happy with the fruitful time spent in the day. Some of the participants expressed their experiences in the lecture. Mrs. Pushpanjali Shadangi (Lecturer, EEE department) & Lab Staff. Mr. Kapol Nashine were associated with the event.

MOU with Innosapien Technologies Pvt Ltd

February 28, 2018

OP Jindal University has established an MOU with Innosapien Technologies Pvt Ltd, Mumbai to foster the innovations and Research in the field of Wearable Computing, Augmented& Virtual Reality (AVR).

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Students Win FIRST Price at IIT BHU on Autonomous Robotics .

February 16, 2018

IIT – BHU (Varanasi) scheduled the workshop on Autonomous Robotics from February 16-18, 2018 where five students of OPJU School of Engineering , Siddharth Upadhyay 2nd Year CSE , Sujeet Soni 2nd Year CSE , Satya Prakash Yadav 2nd Year MECH , Kaushik Malakar 2nd Year EEE , Vishal Singh Rajput 2nd Year MECH , have represented OPJU and secured the first position in the competition among the 29 group or approximately 115 students from all over the India.

OPJU organises Trip to Mainpat

February 11, 2018

Adventure Club OPJU organised a one day Trip to Mainpat (known as Shimla of Chhattisgarh). The student had great learning experience where students visited various tourist spots in Mainpat including the Dhakpo Monastery which is the only Tibetian settlement in Central India. It was completely student driven activity where the students of SOE and SOM showed great enthusiasm and participation.

Two Days Workshop on workshop on MATLAB & simulation on power electronics and control

February 09 - February 12, 2018

Department of Electrical& Electronics Engineering organized a two-day Workshop on MATLAB & simulation on power electronics and controlfrom 9th February to 10th February 2018 at the campus. The aim of the workshop was to create awareness about MATLAB & simulation among students and to highlight how the use the platform for industrial and academic purpose. The resource person of the workshop Mr J.K. Pradhan ( Asst. Professor VSSUT, PhD from IIT bhubneshwar )from BURLA, began the workshop with introduction of MATLAB and covered the topics- Introduction to Matlab fundamentals, Introduction to various loop structure and function, Solving practical problem by using loop structure, Introduction to Simulink tool kits present in power system, Control system design with Matlab and Simulink. Mr. RanjanPramanik (Asst. Professor, OPJU) has also deliver a session on simulation on power electronics and control & its industrial applications. 41 students along with faculty members participated in the workshop. The faculty members Mr. Ranjan Pramanik, Mrs. Vijeta Verma & Mrs. Pushpanjali along with the Lab staff Mr. Kapol Nashine were associated with the program.

Android Club OPJU showcases "Food For Survival" App

February 02, 2018

Students of CSE 3rd year Rishav Kumar, Vishwajeet Thakur and Debdas Barik developed "Food For Survival" App. This app basically is a food delivery app that will be covering entire OPJU campus as well as areas nearby.

Technical Club OPJU organises IOT Workshop

January 22 - January 26, 2018

Technical Club, OPJU organised 3 days Internal workshop on the topic "Introduction to Arduino". It was a complete student oriented workshop that was organised by students and guided by students as well. This workshop was followed by a two days external Workshop on the Topic "Introduction to IOT". The workshop was organised in Association with ELAN and nVision IIT Hyderabad.The objective of this workshop was to boost technical skills of students and to create awareness about trending technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning among students.

Two Students of OPJU have been awarded with certificates by Raigarh District Authority

January 25, 2018

Two Students of OPJU Leepi Verma (Mechanical)and Ayush Sheohare(CSE) have been awarded with certificates by Raigarh District Authority on National Voter's Day for their work as Campus Ambassadors of NSS (National Service Scheme) for spreading awareness on importance of voting in the university.

Three Students of OPJU win the prestigious OPJEMS scholarship

2017-18 academic year

Three students from the School of Engineering, Pragya Pandey, 3rd Year Electrical, Amir Sohail Khan, 4th year Mechanical, and Nikhil Madaan, 2nd year Metallurgy are the proud recepients of the OPJEMS scholarship for the 2017-18 academic year. OPJEMS scholarship is an initiative of the O.P Jindal Group to recognize and support approximately 100 students from the premier engineering and management institutions of the country.

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