Best Practices: OP Jindal University, Raigarh


 Every new session starts with a “Faculty Leadership Retreat” where-in Vice Chancellor shares the achievements of the previous year and discuss the academic calendar and targets for the new session. Every school, department and center presents its innovative work and best practices with everybody. The financial status along with budget is shared and discussed in length with all the faculties and staff of the University.

 University conducts a three-week orientation program for freshmen batch at the commencement of every new session to make the students acquainted with the people, place, policies and teaching pedagogies. It is a well-designed program consists of life skills, industry excursions, communication skills, self-defense, IT for education and many more foundation modules.

 University has got a very progressive industry linked and research focused curriculum, designed with the help of the Industry practitioners and academic experts and emphasizes on emerging technologies and industry 4.0.

 University encourages and adopts contemporary teaching, learning, assessment pedagogies namely; flipped classroom, blended learning, project based learning, experiential learning, case studies, etc. The core philosophy followed is “Learning by Doing”.

 In order to inculcate a habit of lifelong self-learning university encourages the use of MOOCs, Moodle, ICT and other digital platforms.

 The “Learning Resource Centre” is a fully Wi-Fi and air conditioned Central Library and has got latest books, journals, magazines, news papers, etc., along with digital facilities like dual monitor digital library, OPAC, e-books, e- journals, e-magazines, etc.

 University implements continuous, progressive and transparent examination and evaluation system. Examinations are conducted as per academic calendar declared at the beginning of the session, in a free and fair environment and the answer scripts are shown to the students before declaring the results. Students are encouraged to discuss the queries and doubts with their respective teachers.

 The University is surrounded by 100+ Industries including JSPL, JPL, SSD, NTPC, DB Power, SKS Power, etc. and has strong Industry–Academia eco-system. Every semester students visit these industries and that lays down the foundation for Industry based learning pedagogy. Students undergo one full semester Internship during the coursework.

 The University pays special attention on keeping its faculties abreast of latest technologies and tools in their respective domains. We encourage our faculties to go for FDPs, trainings, conferences, etc. and provide financial assistance and leaves for the same.

 Student mentoring is done in a well-structured manner by the faculties and students. Academically sound students of the university under the supervision of faculties provide handholding support to an academically poor student of his/her or junior batch and progress is maintained and monitored through a template.

 In order to provide international exposure to the students, scholars and young teachers, the University has signed MoUs with many universities abroad for student exchange, study abroad program, research collaborations and curriculum development.

 University has a Centre for Research Excellence to nurture research culture at the university into challenging areas of Engineering, Technology, Science, Humanities and Management, including multidisciplinary fields.

 The students and faculty are encouraged and incentivized for projects, research and publications.

 To reimaging the university as a “Steel University” and to cater the need of the steel industry, we have setup a Centre of Steel Technology and Product Development (CSTPD), Centre for Robotic Welding and Centre for Industry 4.0

 In order to promote the culture of Innovativeness, creativeness, entrepreneurships, out-of-the-box thinking and problem solving ability, the university has following centers :

  • Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Centre for Industry Academia Collaboration
  • Centre for Research
  • Centre for Corporate Education and Training
  • Centre for Social Empowerment


 The University follows best practices of “Swachh Campus” under the “Swachh India” mission. The use of smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the university campus.

 The University follows “Green Practices” and certified as “Green Building”. We regularly conduct the energy audits, employ solar water heaters in the hostels, have bio gas plant, and rain water harvesting and water treatment plant.

 The University maintains a 24x7 manned and digital security arrangement. The entire campus has been covered with CCTV cameras and security personnel do patrolling round the clock.

 University provides various scholarships to bright & meritorious students and financial support to economically poor students.

 The University has various Cells to take care of the stakeholders namely; Student Grievance Redressal Cell, Anti-Ragging, and Internal Complaint Committee for Women and SC/ST cell.

 The University provides excellent gymnasium, yoga center and sports facilities with floodlight playgrounds for football, volleyball, tennis, basketball, etc.

 The University has round the clock operational well-equipped medical facilities with qualified doctors, free medicines and ambulance facilities.

 University has a center for social empowerment, NSS and other clubs to facilitate community development through various programs on Digital Literacy, Education, Good Health, Cleanliness, Voter’s Awareness, etc. The University organizes various programs for women health and empowerment with the help of National Commission for Women (NCW).

 We regularly invite students and teachers from various schools and colleges to visit the state of the art laboratories, library and digital learning facilities. In addition to this the University also organized time to time various activities/competitions for the school students such as Community Innovation Challenge, Self Assessment Test, Essay Competition, etc.

 In order to develop soft skills, managerial skills and negotiation skills the university has following student clubs:

  • Technology club
  • Music club
  • Adventure club
  • Photography club
  • Coding club
  • Cultural club
  • Literary club
  • Sports club

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