Examination Pattern

The University adopts the system of continuous evaluation consisting of Progress Review Examination (PRE) during the semester and End Semester Examination (ESE) for assessing the performance of the students during the programme of study. It is mandatory to appear in ESE failing which result will be declared “Failed” for that particular subject.
The University conducts examinations for all such academic programmes approved by the Academic Council and as it may notify from time to time for awarding Bachelor’s Degrees /Master’s Degrees. Under-graduate /Post-graduate, Diploma, as the case may be, as per the prescribed Schemes of Teaching & Examinations and Syllabi are approved by the Academic Council.
Examinations of the University shall be open to regular students i.e. candidates who have undergone a course of study in the University for a period specified for that programme of study in the Scheme of Teaching & Examination and Syllabi.
The Academic council may allow any other category of candidates to take the University Examination for any specified academic programme subject to the fulfilment of such conditions as may be laid down by the Academic Council from time to time. Provided further, that a student may be debarred from appearing in the End Semester Examination as provided in Clause 8 of this Ordinance or as provided in any other Ordinance of the University.


BBA/ B. Com./ Diploma- (n-2) Year:

A student shall be allowed to carry the backlog of subjects of the preceding semester but shall not be permitted to carry any backlog of (n-2) Year where ‘n’ is the current year in which the student is to take the admission.

A student seeking admission in 3rd semester should not carry any backlog of 1st semester.

B.Tech.- (n-3) semester :

A student shall be allowed to carry the backlog of subjects of the preceding semester but shall not be permitted to carry any backlog of (n-3) semester where ‘n’ is the current semester in which the student is to take the admission.

M.Tech. (n-2) semester:

A student shall be allowed to carry the backlog of subjects of the preceding semester but shall not be permitted to carry any backlog of (n-2) semester where ‘n’ is the current semester in which the student is to take the admission.

A student will not be promoted to the 4th Semester until and unless he/she clears all the theory/laboratory course/Seminar etc. of the first year.

A student will not be allowed to submit his/her project until he/she clears all the theory/laboratory course /seminars etc. of all the previous semesters.

B.Tech. Lateral:

Required Bridge courses must be cleared before 5th semester.


Each Theory Course, Laboratory Course, Project, Dissertation, Seminar etc. shall have specified credits, as indicated in the Course Scheme (For details please refer scheme of your branch/Semester/School).

Examination for Theory/Lab Courses:

  • Teacher Assessments (20%)
  • Mid Semester Examination (MSE) (30%)

For each Lab course the weightage of PRE (Progress Review Examination) is 60%:

The Grading System

For SOE (B. Tech. /M. Tech./Diploma ), SOM ( BBA & MBA), SOS ( B.Sc. & M.Sc. )Students admitted in 2019 batch and onwards.

Range of marks (Theory & Practical ) [PRE + ESE]
M ≥ 90
80 ≤ M < 90
70 ≤ M < 80
60 ≤ M < 70
50 ≤ M < 60
40 ≤ M < 50
M < 40

Minimum Passing Marks (weightage)

School Theory Practical
SOE 30% 30% 40% 30% 30% 40%
SOM 30% 30% 40% --- --- 40%
SOS --- --- 40% --- --- 40%

For Example:

School Theory Practical
SOE 15/15 15/15 40/100 18/16 12/40 40/100
SOM 15/50 15/50 40/100 --- --- 40/100
SOS --- --- 40/100 --- --- 20/50

Note: The Grading system will remain unchanged for old batch students admitted in 2015 to 2018 Sessions where relative grading is applicable as has been followed earlier.

SGPA/CGPA Calculations


♦   NPTEL Course grading procedure [Download]

♦   Moderation policy (Assessment & Question papers) [Download]

♦   SOP for Revaulation [Download]

♦   Regulation to Use or Attempt Unfair means and Disorderly Conduct at an Examination by a Candidate [Download]

♦   Minutes of Meeting (Review of regulations of three schools)[Download]

♦    Revised Lateral Entry Course [Download]

♦    Implementation of revised Ph.D. Coursework Scheme [Download]

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Admission Open 2025 - 26