About the Conference:

Frontiers of knowledge are expanding very fast. Science and technologies are no exception. They are dynamic, expanding body of knowledge, and covering ever-new domains of experience. In such a progressive society, science can play a truly liberating role, helping people escape from the vicious cycle of poverty, ignorance and misconception. The conference themed around the numerous outstanding results and new difficulties in the applied sciences and technology. This event aims to draw together researchers, specialists, designers, and students from all fields of applied sciences, and technology and provides a global panel for the dissemination of primary study conclusions, new approaches, and developmental practices that focus on both principles and application. The Conference aims at providing a premier interdisciplinary platform to present and discuss the most recent sustainable innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the field of science and technology.

This Conference will play a crucial role brainstorming on various dimensions fulfilling the mission of Viksit Bharat @2047 as envisioned by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. The churned out innovative ideas will be pioneering to the mission with the view of promoting sustainable development. Distinguished speakers from academia and industries will deliver keynote speeches on Applied Sciences, Recent Technologies, Disaster Management and other fields related to Management and Humanities, etc. This two days’ event will include keynote sessions, plenary sessions, paper presentations and technical sessions by expert. Accepted papers will be published in SCI/ SCOPUS indexed Proceeding/ Journal.


  • To provide a forum to the science and technology faculty, researchers and teacher educators to share their research work, innovative practices and emerging trends in science.
  • To make recommendations for future courses of action for the promotion of quality research and innovation in the field of science and technology in general and applied sciences in particular.
  • To document the best innovations and researches in the field of science and technology to disseminate the same with the stakeholders.
  • To look for and record innovative and ground-breaking ideas providing solutions to real life challenges to make the society a better living place.

This conference is also intended for policymakers, professors, senior administrators, specialists, and others, to serve as a comprehensive program that presents and reviews the current findings, mutations, and concerns, as well as functional challenges and resolutions in specific domains of science and technology. This extraordinary conference is bound to be an engaging conference on education and learning that will cover the latest trends in the fields of science and technology, as well as the most effective ways of addressing typical challenges.

Conference Tracks:

Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts and papers. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of sustainable Innovation and Research in Science and technology are cordially invited for presentation at the conference. The conference solicits contributions of abstracts and papers that address themes and topics of the conference, including figures, tables and references of novel research materials. However, the following tracks are being given to help the participants in preparing their papers:

Track 1: Chemical Science

  • Organic Synthesis, Reagents & Catalysts
  • Organometallics
  • Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
  • Green Chemistry
  • Catalysis
  • Electrochemistry
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Supramolecular Chemistry
  • Nanomaterials
  • Solid State Chemistry
  • Crystallography
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Reaction and Mechanism
  • Theoretical & Computational Chemistry
  • Renewable Energy & Energy Storage
  • Spectroscopy and Modern Analytical Techniques
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Machine learning | AI-driven drug design

Track 2: Physical Science

  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Statistical Physics
  • Optoelectronic Materials and Devices
  • Quantum Materials and Topological Insulators
  • Soft Matter Physics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Magnetic Materials
  • Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques for Material Analysis
  • Biophysics
  • Luminescence

Track 3: Mathematical Science

  • Multiscale Modelling and Simulation
  • Mathematical Modelling and Optimization
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Mathematical Optimization Techniques
  • Data Analytics and Machine Learning
  • Informatics and Big Data
  • Fuzzy logic
  • Cryptography
  • Modern Algebra
  • Complex Analysis
  • Fixed Point Theory
  • Graph Theory
  • Operator Theory
  • Relativity & Cosmology
  • Computational Mathematics

Track 4: Biotechnology, Environmental and Health Science

  • Genetic Engineering
  • Nanobiotechnology
  • Immunology
  • Crop improvement and sustainable agriculture
  • Bioremediation and bioenergy
  • Genomics, synthetic biology, and personalized medicine.
  • Industrial biotechnology and bio-based products
  • Marine and aquatic biotechnology
  • Biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration
  • Climate change impacts on ecosystems and public health
  • Medical research, disease management, and public health strategies
  • Nutritional biology and food security
  • Phytoremediation, green technologies, and natural resource management

This is an indicative list; we also welcome any new topic focusing on Sustainable innovations in the area of Science & Technology.

Important Dates:
Last date of submission of abstract 25th March 2025
Notification of acceptance of abstract 30th March 2025
Last date of submission of full-length paper10th April 2025
Notification of acceptance of final paper 15th April 2025
Last date of registration15th April 2025
Conference dates 29-30 May 2025

*Only full papers shall be considered for publication in the proceedings. Abstract shall be considered for Conference Souvenir.

Presentation of Paper :

Participants can present their papers in physical or online mode. (online presentations will be made on Zoom/ Google meet platform)

Seminar Venue (Hybrid mode):

OPJU Campus

Zoom / Google Meet Online Platform

Best Paper Award:

The authors of selected papers as recommended by the Jury Members shall be awarded with the best paper award.

Conference Registration:

Abstract Submission:
  • The participants need to submit the abstract ( abstract template) to: conference.sos@opju.ac.in
  • After acceptance of the abstract the participants will receive an acknowledgement letter containing a unique Abstract ID which will be required during the registration.
  • Word limit for Abstract: 250 to 300 words.
Steps for Registration:
  • Make the payment of appropriate registration fee using the following link:
  • The screenshot of the receipt generated in pdf/jpg format is to be uploaded while registering.
  • Fill the Registration form here:
Registration Fee:

CATEGORY EarlyBird After Due Date
India Abroad India Abroad
UG/PG Students ₹1000 $25 ₹1500 $30
ResearchScholars ₹2000 $50 ₹2500 $55
Academiaprofessionals (Professors/ Researchers) ₹3000 $75 ₹3500 $80
Corporate researchers/ Industry Personnel ₹5000 $125 ₹5500 $130

* Fee includes conference registration and publication of e-book with ISBN.

Guidelines for Full-length Paper Preparation & Submission:
  • The manuscript should be in English and checked for grammar and language errors.
  • All manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word format only.
  • Word limit for Full Length Paper should be between 3000 to 6000 words including references
  • All submitted papers would be checked for plagiarism.
  • Participants should ensure that the submitted abstracts are their original work and have not been published in any form (hard copy or soft copy) earlier.
  • Failing to adhere to the guidelines may make your submission liable for rejection.
  • Submit your Abstract and Full-Length Paper to: conference.sos@opju.ac.in
Conference Publication:
  • All accepted full-length paper will be published as e-book with ISBN.
  • Selected papers that fulfil the quality standard will be published be considered for publication in SCI / SCOPUS / WOS Conference Proceedings / Journal.

Conference Advisory Board :

1. Prof. Akhtar Kalam, Head of External Engagement Leader- Smart Energy Research Unit, College of Engineering & Science, Victoria University, Victoria, Australia
2. Mr Nitin Mogra, Vice President at Goldman Sachs, Richardson, Texas, USA
3. Dr Sunita Gautam, Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand
4. Dr Shanti Joseph, Queens University Belfast, UK
5. Dr Sudhanshu Sharma, Canada
6. Prof. G. D. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya
7. Prof. N.D.R. Chandra, Vice Chancellor, Nagaland (Central) University, Kohima
8. Prof. H. Chandaliya, (Former Vice-Chancellor, Central University, Haryana), Professor, JRN University, Udaipur, Rajasthan
9. Mr Sanjay Madan, Former Regional Executive Director, NTPC, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
10. Dr Ashish Kr Panda, Deputy Secretary, NITI AYOG, New Delhi
11. Dr Manoj Shukla, Director, Bansal Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal
12. Dr Sanjeev Anand Sahu, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics & Computing, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
13. Dr Atul Mishra, Associate Professor, Department of Technical and Vocational Education, NITTTR Bhopal
14. Dr Varun Rai, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad
15. Er. Avdhesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Invertis University, Bareilly, UP
16. Dr Analkant Jha, Senior Research Scientist (Nanotechnology), University department of Chemistry, TM Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur

Organising Committee:

1. Dr Ankur Rastogi, Sr. Associate Professor, School of Science, OPJU
2. Dr Taniya Sengupta Rathore, Associate Professor, School of Science, OPJU


1. Dr Saumya Singh, Sr. Associate Professor, School of Science, OPJU
2. Dr R. S. Singh, Sr. Associate Professor, School of Science, OPJU

Organising Secretaries:

1. Dr Deepti Shukla, Associate Professor, School of Science, OPJU
2. Dr Swati Verma, Associate Professor, School of Science, OPJU2.
3. Prof. M. R. Mishra, Sr. Assistant Professor, School of Science, OPJU

Jt. Organising Secretaries:

1. Dr Kavita Patel, Sr. Associate Professor, School of Science, OPJU
2. Dr Debasmita Samal, Associate Professor, School of Science, OPJU
3. Dr Deepak Patel, Assistant Professor, School of Science, OPJU
4. Dr Arindam Patra, Assistant Professor, School of Science, OPJU

Organising Members:

1. Dr T Gyatri, Assistant Professor, School of Science, OPJU
2. Dr Shubhashri Kumari, Assistant Professor, School of Science, OPJU
3. Dr Sanjana Dewangan, Assistant Professor, School of Science, OPJU
4. Dr Suchusmita Panda, Assistant Professor, School of Science, OPJU
5. Mr Shivam Pandey Assistant Professor, School of Science, OPJU
6. Mr Shrikant Chaini, Assistant Professor, School of Science, OPJU
7. Ms Sumitra Bai, School of Science, OPJU
8. Ms Monadeepa Sengupta, School of Science, OPJU
9. Mr Hemant Kumar, School of Science, OPJU

Contact us:

Dr Ankur Rastogi

Sr. Associate Professor, School of Science, O.P. Jindal University 📱 : 9755927688

Email- ankur.rastogi@opju.ac.in

Dr Taniya Sengupta Rathore

Associate Professor, School of Science, O.P. Jindal University 📱: 7089410141

Email- taniya.rathore@opju.ac.in