Chandran Smitha & Mohanty Seemita. (2019). "Using Sports Vocabulary to Strengthen English Language Skills of Engineering Students." The Journal of English Language Teaching (India). Vol. LXI, No.1, pp. 25-32.
Smitha Chandran, Kashish Akhtar Ali, Syed Zareena (2024). "Sport, Choice and Social Class: Reading Indian Female Sports Life Writings" South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (ISSN: 2197-5248)Volume XXV S1 2024.
'Choice of Sports as a Classed Practice: A Bourdieuan Approach to Reading Female Sports Autobiographies' at Raw.Con - 2015, Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad, Telengana.
Body as the Main Site of Identity: Desires, Motives, Pressures and Role-Conflicts among Indian Sportspersons' at Eighth International Conference on Sport and Society and the Sport and Society - 2017 - Imperial College , London.
2017: Received the Emerging Scholar Award in the 8th International Conference on Sport and Society held at Imperial College, London, UK. My duty as an awardee was to chair the sessions.
2015-17:Received ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Sciences Research) scholarship for my PhD work.