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Faculty Profile

Mr. Shrikant Chaini

Assistant Professor

M.Sc., B.Sc.


  •  M. Sc. in Mathematics from Govt. KG Arts and Science College, Raigarh.
  •  B. Sc. in Mathematics from Govt. KG Arts and Science College, Raigarh.
  •   Working as an Assistant Professor in OP Jindal University, Raigarh (C.G), from September 2023 to till date.
  •  Worked as a Lecturer OP Jindal University, Raigarh (C.G), from September 2022 to August 2023.
  •  Five Days workshop on “Power electronics and its Application using OPAL-RT in February 2023
  •  Five Days FDP on “Data Science and its Engineering Application” in May 2023.
  •  Five Days FDP on “Environment management and future pathways” in March 2023.
  •  Five Days International Workshop on “Application of Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence in research and innovation” in May 2023.
  •  One Week International Workshop on “"Mathematics in Real, Applied and Computational Domains"” in July 2023.
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Admission Open 2024 - 25