D. Samal , M R Mishra, A Kalam, "An EOQ model for Inventory System dependent upon on hand inventory without shortages", Journal of Integrated Science and Technology, Aug 2022.
D. Samal , M R Mishra, A Kalam, "Analysis of Inventory Management of Agro-based Industries using EOQ and EPQ Model with Profit Maximization", International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2022, doi : https://doi.org/10.32628/IJSRST229127
D.Samal & A.Kalam (2021) “Analysis of Inventory Managementfor Agro and Organic Product Satisfying Customer with Maximum Profit Using EOQ model”, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences & Technology (IJEAST), Vol 6, No.3,114-117. ISSN 2455-2143.
A.Swain, D.Samal & A.Kalam (2018) “EOQ as a Profit Maximised & Customer Satisfied Tool for Agro Industry Inventory Management”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Vol 6, No.VI,498-501. ISSN2321-9653.
D.Samal, A.Kalam, S.K.Sahu & M.Mishra (2014) “An EOQ models for Deteriorating Items with two component Demand and Price break”, Research journali’s Journal of Mathematics Vol 1, no-3.ISSN 2349-5378.
D.Samal, A.Kalam, S.K.Sahu & M.Mishra (2012) “A Note on an Inventory model forDeteriorating items with Inventory level Dependent Demand rate” IJMA, Vol 4 no.2,215-220.
A.Kalam, D.Samal, S.K.Sahu, M.Mishra (2010) “A Production lot-size Inventory model for Weibull Deterioration Items With Quardratic Demand, Quardratic Production and Shortages, International Journal of computer Science & Communication, Vol 1, No.1,259-262. ISSN 0973-7391 .
D.Samal, A.Kalam, S.K.Sahu & M.Mishra (2010) “A Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with On-hand Inventory Dependent Ramped Type Demand Rate” International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, Vol.2,519-521. ISSN0970-9150 .
D.Samal, A.Kalam, S.K.Sahu & M.Mishra (2009) “An Exponential Production inventory problem with Exponential demand, Time dependent deterioration rate with Partial backlogging” Buttein of pure and applied Science (An international Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol-28-E,No-2,255-303. ISSN 0970-6577 .
D.Samal, A.Kalam, S.K.Sahu, & M.Mishra (2008) “An Exponential Production-Inventory Problem with Exponential Demand, Time Dependent Deterioration Rate with Shortage” International Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol 20(3)M, 699-708. ISSN0973-4562
S.K.Sahu, A.Kalam & D.Samal (2007) “An inventory model with on-hand inventory dependent demand rate without shortage” Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics, Vol-29, No-1 287-297. ISSN0970-5120.
S.K.Sahu, A.Kalam & D.Samal (2006) “An Economic production lot-size inventory model for deterioration items with weibull production and weibull demand rate” Vision Journal of the jayprakask Narayan Institute of Social and Economic Studies, Vol-XXVI.No-3,65-79.
46th Annual Conference of Orissa Mathematical Society: 19-20, Jan 2019, by SIT, BBSR: Paper Presented
National Seminar Advances in Mathematical Analysis and it’s Applicatios: 19-20, Dec,2014 by Department of Mathematics NIST Berhampur.
41st Annual Conference of Orissa Mathematical Society: 4-5, Jan 2014, by KIIT, BBSR.
40th Annual Conference of Orissa Mathematical Society: 29-30, Dec 2012, by Department of Mathematics Sambalpur University: Paper Presented
International Conference on Analysis and Applications-20-21, July, 2012 by Department of Mathematics Berhampur University: Paper Presented
38thAnnual Conference of Orissa Mathematical Society: 8-9, Jan 2011, by SOA, BBSR.
National Conference on NCRTMAA 22-23 Dec 2010, organized by Department of Mathematics, Berhampur University. Paper presented.
International Conference on CAMIST-11-13, Jan 2010, By NIT, Rourkela Paper Presented D.Samal, A.Kalam, S.K.Sahu & M.Mishra (2010) “An EOQ Model for Inventory System Dependent Upon Hand Inventory”, Proceeding of International Conference on Challenges and Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology (CAMIST) 11-12, Feb 608- 612.
36thAnnual Conference of Orissa Mathematical Society: 7-8, Feb 2009, by IMA, BBSR.