Faculty Profile

Dr. Deepti Moyi Sahoo

Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics

School of Science


  •  Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, India - 2018.
  •  M.Sc. in Mathematics from National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, India – 2010.
  •   B.Sc. in Mathematics from Sambalpur University, Odisha, India - 2008.
  •  OP Jindal University, Raigarh (C.G), Working as a Assistant Professor from June 2018 to till date.
  •  Worked as a lecturer in VIVTECH Engineering College, Bhubaneswar from July 2010 to July 2012.
  •  Interval Analysis and Fuzzy Set Theory.
  •  Artificial Neural Network.
  •  Interval and Fuzzy Neural Network.
  •  Functional Link Neural Network.
  •  Interval Functional Link Neural Network.
  •  Structural System Identification Problems.
  •  S. Chakraverty, Deepti Moyi Sahoo and Nisha Rani Mahato, Concepts of Soft Computing, 1-195, 2019, 978-981-13-7430-2, (Springer).
  •  S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Fuzzy Neural Network Based Response of Uncertain System Subject to Earthquake Motions, Book Chapter on Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering, 44:363-385, 2016, (Springer).
  •  Deepti Moyi Sahoo and S. Chakraverty, Functional Link neural network learning for response prediction of tall shear buildings with respect to earthquake data, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 48(1):1-10, 2017, (IEEE).
  •  Deepti Moyi Sahoo and S. Chakraverty, Functional Link Neural Network approach to solve Structural System Identification Problems, Neural Computing and Applications, 28:1-12, 2017, (Springer).
  •  S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Novel Transformation Based Response Prediction of Shear Building Using Interval Neural Network, Journal of Earth System Science, 126(3):32-38, 2017, (Springer).
  •  S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Structural Parameters Identification of Uncertain Multi-Storey Shear Buildings Using Fuzzy Neural Network Modelling, Inverse Problem in Science and Engineering, 24(3):1-19, 2016, (Taylor and Francis).
  •  S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Interval Artificial Neural Network Based Response of Uncertain System Subject to Earthquake Motions, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 6(3):365-384, 2016, (Iran University of Science & Technology).
  •  S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Fuzzy Neural Network-Based System Identification of Multi-Storey Shear Buildings, Neural Computing and Applications, 27(2):1-16, 2015, (Springer).
  •  Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Abhishek Das and S. Chakraverty, Interval Data Based System Identification of Multi Storey Shear Buildings by Artificial Neural Network Modelling. Architectural Science Review, 58(3):244-254, 2014, (Taylor and Francis).
  •  S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Interval Response Data Based System Identification of Multi Story Shear Buildings Using Interval Neural Network Modeling, Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, 21(2):123-140, 2014, (Polish Academy of Sciences).
  •  Deepti Moyi Sahoo and S. Chakraverty, Fuzzified Data Based Neural Network Modeling for Health Assessment of Multi Storey Shear Buildings, Advances in Artificial Neural Systems, 2013:1-12, 2013, (Hindawi).
  •  Deepti Moyi Sahoo, A. Das and S. Chakraverty, Interval Data Based System Identification of Multi Storey Shear Buildings by Artificial Neural Network Modeling, National Conference on ‘Computational and Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering (CAMSE-2012)’, VNIT Nagpur, Maharastra, Dec. 21-22 (2012).
  •  Deepti Moyi Sahoo and S. Chakraverty, Health Assessment of Two Storey Shear Building by Neural Network Modeling using Fuzzified Data, ‘40th Annual Conference of Orissa Mathematical Society and National Conference on Fourier analysis and Differential equations (OMSNCFD-2012)’, School of Mathematical Sciences, Sambalpur University, Odisha, Dec. 29-30 (2012).
  •  S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Interval Response Data Based System Identification of Two Storey Shear Building Using Interval Neural Network Modelling, ‘Fuzzy and Interval Based Uncertainty Modeling (FIUM-2013)’, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, Aug. 17-19 (2013).
  •  S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Interval Response Prediction of Structural System Subject to Earthquake Motions Using Interval Artificial Neural Network, ‘National Seminar on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization (ANAO-2014)’, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Feb. 15-17 (2014).
  •  S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Identification of Uncertain Mass and Stiffness Matrices of Multi-Storey Shear Buildings Using Fuzzy Neural Network Modelling, ‘Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy and Neuro Computing (FANCCO - 2015)’, Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Hyderabad, Dec. 17-19 (2015) (Springer).
  •  Participated in Short Term Course on Fuzzy Set Theory and its applications organized by Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, Apr. 22-24 2016.
  •  Stood 4th position in Mathematics Honors under Sambalpur University (Jyoti Vihar).
  •  Awarded as the best graduate in college in the year 2007-2008.
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