Muthukumaran Ramasamy, “Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy Storage Devices”, Chapter 31, Materials for Sustainable Energy Storage at the Nanoscale, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9781032405438 (2023). (Scopus indexed).
Muthukumaran Ramasamy, Ajith Arul Daniel, Nithya M, “Investigation on Surface Roughness of Aluminium (Al7050/TiC/BN) Composite through wire electric discharge machining”, Recent Advances in Materials and Modern Manufacturing, pp. 933 – 941, 2022 Springer publication. (Web of Science, Scopus Indexed)
Muthukumaran Ramasamy, Ajith Arul Daniel, Nithya M, “Application of natural fiber reinforced composite in additive manufacturing”, Chapter 8 in Functional Composite Materials, Bentham Science Publishers. (Sep 2021) DOI: 10.2174/97898150398941220101, eISBN: 978-981-5039-89-4, 2022. (Scopus Indexed)
Girisha L, Gunji Venkata Punna Rao, Muthukumaran Ramasamy, “Application of Medical Robotics in Healthcare Sector”, Medical Robotics and Ai-Assisted Diagnostics for A High-Tech Healthcare Industry, IGI Global Publisher, Nov 2023, DOI: 10.4018/979- 8-3693-2105-8. ISBN:9798369321058 (Scopus Indexed).
COPYRIGHT: Secured a copyright on "Rubrics for Game-Based Teaching-Learning in Engineering" (Application No. 6424/2023-CO/L) on 17 March 2023.
PATENT: Lean operation techniques: Filed a patent titled "Design and implementation of lean operation techniques in the production cycle to be sustainable" (application no. 202341009791) on 24 february 2023.
Muthukumaran R, Ajith Arul Daniel, Nithya M, “Characterization on Properties of Al7050/TiC/BN Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite", AIP Advances, Vol.14, Issue 4, 2024.
A. Anbuchezian, S. Suresh Pungaiah, R. Muthukumaran, M. Nithya, “Influence of Siliceous rock dust on mechanical, Thermal, and Flammability behaviour of Himalayan Nettle fibre reinforced Vinyl Ester composite”, Polym. Bull. 81, 16949–16964 2024.
Nithya M, A.K. Priya, Muthukumaran R, Arunvivek G.K, “Properties of concrete containing waste foundry sand for partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete”, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 162 -166, April 2017.
Scopus Indexed Journal
Bhavana Godavarthi, Nirmalajyothi Narisetty, Kalpana Gudikandhula, Muthukumaran R, “Cloud computing enabled business model innovation”, Journal of High Technology Management Research, volume 34, 2023, 100469.
Muthukumaran R, Ajith Arul Daniel, Nithya M, “Investigation on Surface Roughness of Aluminium Hybrid Metal Matrix”, 11 February 2021, Materials Today: Proceedings, (IF 0.97) ISSN: 2214-7853. Volume 46, Part 1, 2021, Pp. 852-856.
Muthukumaran R, Ajith Arul Daniel, Nithya M, “Aluminium (Al7050) Metal Matrix Composites: A Review of Reinforcement and Mechanical Characteristics”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2358, 020003 (2021).
Muthukumaran R, Ajith Arul Daniel, Nithya M, “A review on Aluminium (Al7050) Metal Matrix Composite Characteristics reinforced with Titanium”, Materials Today, (IF0.97) (Scopus indexed) ISSN:2214-7853. Volume 43, Part 2, 2021, pp. 1720- 1723
Muthukumaran R, Ajith Arul Daniel, Nithya M, Satheesh Kumar S, “Characterization of Natural - Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Composite - Hybridization of Kenaf fiber and Kevlar Fiber”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 37, pp. 1699 – 1705.
Nithya M, Muthukumaran R, “Additive manufacturing of Geopolymer structures: A review”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2393, 020044 (2022);
Nithya M, Muthukumaran R, “Sustainability in Construction Industry through Zero Waste Technology in India”, Materials Today: Proceedings, (IF 0.97) ISSN: 2214-7853. Volume 46, Part 1, 2021, Pages 849-851.
CH. Nithin Chakravarthy, S.Sathees Kumar, R.Muthalagu, Muthukumaran R, “Experimental investigation and optimization on surface parameters of ZrO2 nano particles reinforced Al-7050 Metal matrix composites for aeronautical applications”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 37, pp. 2406 – 2414.
“Characterization of Jute Fibre Reinforced Concrete Composites: A review”, ICIRMST International Conference on Inventive Research in Material Science and Technology, RVS Technical Campus, pp. 145 -151, 2023.
“Characterization on Microstructure and Mechanical properties of Al7050/TiC/BN hybrid metal matrix composite”, ICIRMST International Conference on Inventive Research in Material Science and Technology, RVS Technical Campus, pp. 104 -115, 2023.
“Experimental Study of Solar Powered Vapour Absorption Refrigeration”, RISE Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management – A National Conference, KITS Kakinada, pp. 82 – 85, 2022.
“Design and Development of Automatic Paint Spraying Equipment”, RISE Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management – A National Conference, KITS Kakinada, pp. 82 – 85, 2022.
“Compressive strength modeling using ANN for concrete with Waste Foundry Sand as partial fine aggregate”, ICACMS International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems, IIT Madras, Chennai, pp. 137 - 141, 2017.
Delivered a Guest lecture on “Game Pedagogy for Teaching Learning and Case study on framing questions for PO5 – PO12”, during the FDP on “Implementation of Examination Reforms Policy of AICTE” at D. Y. Patil College of engineering, Akrudi in association with AICTE during 20 – 25 Feb 2023.