Faculty Profile

Dr. S. Das

HOD & Steel Chair Professor

Ph.D (IIT, Kanpur), M.Tech (IIT, Kanpur), B.E.)


  •  Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur - 1989.
  •  M.Tech in Metallurgical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur – 1983.
  •  BE in Metallurgical Engineering from Bihar Institute of Technology (BIT) Sindri, Dhanbad - 1980.
  •  Worked as an Adjunct Faculty in MANIT Bhopal, MP, from January 2019 to December 2021.
  •  Worked as a Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute Of Technology, Kanpur from May 2017 to April 2018.
  •  Worked as a Director in CSIR-AMPRI Bhopal from 31 March 2015 to 31 January 2017.
  •  Worked as a Scientist in various levels at CSIR-AMPRI Bhopal from 6 September 1983 to 30 March 2015.
  •  Solidification Sciences of metals, alloys, and composites.
  •  Deformation behavior of metals and alloys.
  •  Phase transformation in metals and alloys
  •  Metallurgical thermodynamics and rate Process
  •  Selection and Design of Materials
Sl. No. Title Inventors Patent No. Granted Date Country
1 "A process for the manufacture of Al graphite particulate composite using un-coated graphite particles for automobile and engineering applications" P.K.Rohatgi, T.K. Dan, S.C. Arya, S.V. Prasad, S. Das, A.K. Gupta, B.K. Prasad and A.K. Jha. 780 DEL 86   190, 024,  8720585.2,  77685/87 2.9.86 7.8.90 14.3.90 23.05.91 India USA U.K. Australia
2 An Improved Process for the Preparation of Metal Matrix Composites S. Das, A.K. Jha, B.K. Prasad, O.P. Modi, R. Dasgupta, A.H. Yegneswaran 196946 23/06/2006 India
3 A Process of Making Thermal Conducting Metallic Multi stages Useful for the Manufacture of Industrial Components O. P. Modi, S. Das, R. Dasgupta, A.H. Yegneswaran A. K. Jha, B. K. Prasad 232126 15/03/2009 India
4 A Process for the Manufacture of Aluminium Alloy Composites Reinforced with Finer Size Hard Ceramic Particles S. Das, D.P. Mondal, N. Ramakrishnan 264685   15/01/ 2015 India
5 A Process for Making Light Weight Cenosphere Reinforced Metal Syntactic Foam D.P.Mondal, S. Das, K.U. Bhaskar, N. Ramakrishnan 2012(Filed) Appl. No. 0042NF2010 India
6 A process for making open cell Al foam using melt route Dr. S. Das, Dr. D.P. Mondal,and Dr. N. Ramakrishnan March 5, 2008 Appln. No. 523DEL2008 India
7  A Composition of Metal Bearing Industrial Waste Vitrified Ceramic Aggregates Useful in Concrete Construction  I.B Singh, S. Das, A.K. Jha and R.K. Morchhale 24 January 2014 0191 DEL / 2013 India
8 A novel process for making “advanced non-toxic radiation shielding materials” utilizing tailored brine sludge S. S. Amritphale, Avneesh Anshul, Sarika Verma, Mohammed Akram Khan,  Satyabrata  Das 6th August 2015. .0208NF2015 India
9 A novel process for   making “advanced cement-free concrete and panels” by utilizing sea sand and seawater S.S. Amritphale, Sarika Verma, Mohammed Akram Khan, Prabha Padmakaran, Avneesh Anshul, Satyabrata Das 31st July 2015 0193NF2015 India
10 A novel process for chemically designed multi-functional advanced materials, using geo polymerized brine sludge S.S. Amritphale, SarikaVerma, Mohammed Akram Khan, Avneesh Anshul, Satyabrata Das 17th July 2015. 201611000546, Filed on 07 January 2016   India
11 A novel process for making functionalized “brine sludge’’ material for broad application spectrum. S.S Amritphale, Sarika Verma, Satyabrata Das.   6th July   2015. Ref.No.0176NF2015 India
12 A novel process for making advanced nano-phosphatic hybrid inorganic-organic geo-polymeric corrosion resistant coating material for mild steel substrate” Amritphale Sudhir Sitaram, Mishra Deepti, Singh Archana, Anshul Avneesh, Das Satyabrata 18thJan   2015. 0018NF2015, India
13 Utilization of brine sludge and fly ash together, for making, non-toxic, homogeneous, radiation shielding glass by an energy-efficient process S. S Amritphale, Sarika Verma,Satyabrata Das 17th February 2016 0059NF2016 India
14 A novel multifunctional material for addressing the issue of workability of the geo polymeric system and the process thereof”. S.S Amritphale, Ramesh Chouhan, Manish Mudgal, SarikaVerma, Satyabrata Das.   21st March 2016. 0088NF2016 India
15 A novel process for making an advanced tailored hybrid material  utilizing glass fiber reinforced plastic waste and geo-polymeric matrix, useful for broad application spectrum S.A.R Hashmi, S. S. Amritphale, Mohammed Akram Khan, Sarika Verma, Satyabrata Das 27th January 2016. 0044NF2016 India
  S. No.   Title of the Project   Year Sponsored Role
1. Role of matrix microstructure on the Graphite film formation in the Al-Si alloy-graphite particle composites 1983-88 CSIR, New Delhi (cost: 20 lakhs) Team member Completed
2. Effect of Inclusions on the Deep-Drawability and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys 1990 BALCO, Korba (cost: 0.2 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
3. High-temperature strength of Al-Si (LM13 alloy) 1990 BALCO, Korba (cost: 0.2 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
4. Bonding characteristics of Babbitt metal to mild steel pad in the thrust bearing 1990 BHEL, Bhopal (cost: 2.5 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
5. Development of a process to make high integrity castings of Al alloy-SiC composites 1991 DMRL (cost:  5 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
6. Metallographic examination of 'G' finned heat exchanger tube 1991 General Engg., Bhopal (cost:   0.3 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
7. Improving the life of Mine Implement through Tribological studies, through CMPDIL, Ranchi 1993-97 Dept. of Coal (cost: 50 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
8. Failure Analysis of Boiler Tubes and Super Heater Tubes of MPEB, Korba 1994 MPEB, Korba (cost:  0.5 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
9. Failure Analysis of the Radial Crest of Gate Shutter of Bargi dam 1994 NVDC, Jabalpur (cost: 1 lakhs) Team member Completed
10. Literature and Market Survey on Surface Modification Techniques for Improving the Wear Resistance of Mine and Farm Implements 1995 TIFAC, DST, New Delhi (cost: 2 lakhs) Team member Completed
11. Development of Al alloy - SiC composite brake drum for Jonga Jeep 1993-95 interaction with VRDE, Ahmednagar and Rasmi Die Castings Ltd., Hyderabad  (cost: 10 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
12. Preparation of   Zn-Al Alloy Bushes for Bearing Application 1993-95 In-house Project (cost: 5 lakhs) Team Member Completed
13. Quantitative Analysis of Micro Diamond Content in Kimborllite Drill Core Samples 1993-98 NMDC, Hyderabad (cost: 5 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
14. Analysis of Bonding Phenomenon in Tri-metallic Thrust bearing for Hydro Generator 1996-98 BHEL, Bhopal (cost: 3 lakhs) Team member Completed
15. Surface Modification and Reconditioning of Farm Implements for Improved Performance 1996 ICAR, New Delhi (cost: 50 lakhs) Team member Completed
16. Failure investigation of superheater tubes 1996-97 MPEB, Korba, East bank (cost: 2 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
17. Analysis of internal and external deposits of failed super-heated tubes 1996-97 MPEB, Korba, West bank (cost: 2 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
18. Development of Al- alloy - SiC brake drum for Maruti Omni 1996-97 RRL- CSIR (cost:  10 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
19. Development of Cost & Energy Effective Materials for Mining Industries 1996 Min. of Mines, DST, CSIR (cost:  50 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
20. Simulation Assisted Development of Metal Matrix Composites for Defence Automobile Application 1997 DRDO, New Delhi (cost: 10 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
21. Development of Al alloy composite components for Automobile and Engineering Applications on a pilot-scale basis 1997 TIFAC, RDCL, RRL (cost: 25 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
22. Preparation of Al alloy composite components for Automobile and Engineering Applications 1998 RDCL (cost:  10 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
23. Synthesis of Aluminium hard particle composite using solidification process for Armour Applications 2000 ARMREB, DRDO (cost: 8 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
24. Synthesis and characterization of mechanical properties and fatigue behaviour of Aluminium matrix composite 2000 DRDO (cost:  20 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
25. Wear Performance study of Fe-TiC MMCs Produced by Thermit Reaction Process (SHS) 2001 NMRL, DRDO, Ambernath (cost:  10 lakhs) Team member Completed
26. Development of Improved Performance Shovel Teeth and Bushes for Shovels of Iron Ore Mines 2001 NMDC, Hyderabad (cost: 15 lakhs) Team member Completed
27. Development of Cost & Energy effective Material Components for Sugar Mills 2001 STM, New Delhi (cost: 15 lakhs) Team member Completed
28.                   Development of Suitable Material to Combat Excessive Abrasive Wear in Coal Grinding Mix Component                                                                                  2002 Min. of Power (CPRI) (cost:  24 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
29.  Simulation Assisted Development of Aluminium Metal Foam through Liquid Metallurgy Route for Engineering Applications 2004-2007 DOM, DRDO, DST (cost: 80 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
30. Study of cell wall bending and rapture during compressive deformation behaviour of Al-SiC composite foam 2004-2007 DST (cost: 9 lakhs) Co-principal investigator Completed
31. Developing and Sustaining High Science and Technology for National Aerospace Programmes 2004-2008 CSIR Network Project. 10th plan (cost: 200 lakhs) Project Leader Completed
32. Development of lightweight metallic materials for engineering applications 2007-2012 CSIR Network project. The proposed 11th plan cost 45 crore Nodal Officer Completed
33. Non-Oxide Ceramic based Advanced Structural Materials for Application in Armour (NWP-0029) 2009-2012 CSIR Network project. Proposed 11th. Plan cost 150 lakhs Project Leader Completed
   34 Novel Energy Effective Metallic Materials for Automotive and General Engineering Application 2012-2017 CSIR Network project. Under the 12th plan proposed cost 1870.296 Lakhs Nodal Officer Ongoing
  35 Advanced Composite Armour for Protection Against Medium Calibre Threats   2012-2017 CSIR Network project. Under the 12th plan proposed cost 32.502 Lakhs Project Leader Ongoing
  36 Development of Aluminum Alloy Silicon Carbide Metal Matrix Composites & Analysis 2014 NSTL, DRDO, Visakhapatnam 22 Lakhs Project Leader completed
  37 Development of Al MMC brake drum through a pressure die casting 2016 Tata Motors, Pune Project Coordinator
 38 Development of advanced material utilizing Malanjkhand Copper ore tailing by Hindustan Copper Limited Malanjkhand,  Balaghat, M.P. 2015-16 Hindustan Copper Limited Malajkhand, Balaghat, M.P. Project Coordinator
 39 Assessment of the impact of leaching on downstream of existing ash dykes 2015-16 Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station, Umaria, MP Project Coordinator
 40 Use of Fly ash in Agriculture at Adani Power  Ltd., Tirora, Gondia, Maharashtra ADANI POWER                                                     2015-16 ADANI POWER Project Coordinator
 41 R&D studies on the development of advanced geo-polymeric casting materials for protection of corrosion of mild steel reinforcement used in the concrete structure.  2015-16 (MPCST) Project Coordinator
 42 Development of Fly ash based advanced Ligno-Silico-AluminiousGeopolymeric binder useful for making Cement Free Concrete 2016 (BMTPC)                                                                           Project Coordinator
 43 Use of Cenosphere for making cost-effective AluminiumCenosphereSyntactic foam for engineering applications and Metal artifacts 2016 (MPCST). Project Coordinator
44 Rolling behaviour of 5083 Aluminium alloy 2018 B Tech Project, IIT Kanpur MSE Department
Sl.No. Title of the Thesis Name of the Candidate Year University
1. Aluminium Matrix Particle composites: Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Wear Behaviour Shri G. Dixit (Prof. MANIT, BHOPAL) Degree Awarded 1997 MACT, Bhopal
2. Mechanism     of      Material Removal during Abrasive Wear of Aluminium Alloy Composites Mrs.    Sunita    Sawla (Project Assist. RRL Bhopal) Degree Awarded 2002 Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
3. Corrosion     and      Erosive- Corrosive         Wear         of Aluminium Alloy Hard Particle Composites Mrs. Y.L. Saraswathi (CSIR    SRF,     RRL Bhopal) Degree Awarded 2005 Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
4. Evaluation      of      Al-alloy Composites for Automotive Brake Application Shri              Ameenur Rehman         Siddiqui (Prof.            MANIT, Bhopal) Degree Awarded on 2004 Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
5. Sliding Wear Behaviour of Al-Alloy SiC Particle Composites Shri R. Narshima Rao (Associate. Prof. NIT   Warangal)      (Thesis Submitted to RGPV, Bhopal) Degree Awarded March 2005 Rajeev Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
6. Influence of Particle Size, Nature and Heat Treatment on the Mechanical   Properties   of Al-Alloy Composites Shri Sanjay Asst. Prof. Bhopal) Soni, (MANIT Degree Awarded 2012 Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
7 Evaluation     of         Al-SiC composite as disc brake for two-wheelers at different speeds.   Mr.    Amit Asst. Prof., Bhopal Telang, MANIT, Degree Awarded 2012 MANIT, Bhopal
8 Machinability Studies of Aluminium Alloy SiC particle composites Mr.Rajesh Bhushan, Associate Pro Central Kumar fessor Univ Bilaspur Degree Awarded 2011 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University(Jammu And Kashmir)
9. Evolution of Texture during thermomechanical processing of Aluminium alloys and composites Mrs. Aruna Patel Project Assistant Degree Awarded 2013 Barkatullaha University, Bhopal
10   Ultrafine                   Particle dispersion Al composites   Mr.       RS       Rana, Assistant           Professor MANIT Bhopal Degree Awarded 2014 MANIT Bhopal
11   Energy                Absorption Characteristics of Foam- Filled Structure   Mr.    Dipen    Kumar Rajak Research Student,  ISM Dhanbad. Degree Awarded Feb. 2017 IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
12 Abrasive Wear Behaviour of   Al    alloy    and    Al    alloy Composites Mr Raj Kumar Singh,   Research      Student, MANIT Bhopal Degree Awarded. November 2017 MANIT Bhopal
13 Aluminiumcenosphere hybrid foam Mr.    Shyam           Birla (2014),           Research student AcSIR Degree Awarded 2019 AcSIR CSIR-AMPRI Bhopal
14 Structure-Property Correlation of Thixocast Aluminium Alloys Anoop Kumar   Tuli,   Asst      Prof      Govt. Polytechnic) Degree Awarded 2019 Barkatullaha University, Bhopal
15 Aluminium based Metal Matrix Composites: Improvement in Properties   Through    Processing    and Design Mr. Amitava Rudra (2015) Degree Awarded 2020 AcSIR CSIR-AMPRI Bhopal
Sl.No Authors Paper details
1 P.K.  Rohatgi, R. Asthana & S. Das, Solidification, structure, and properties of cast metal-ceramic particle composites, International Metals Reviews, 31 (3) (1986) pp. 115- 139.
2 S. Das, T.K. Dan,S.V. Prasad and P.K. Rohatgi Aluminium alloy-rice husk ash particle composites J. Mater. Sci. Lett., Vol. 5 (1986) pp. 562-564.
3 N. Chand, S. Das, P.K. Rohatgi Mechanical behaviour of rapidly solidified Al-Si ribbon-polyester composite, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., Vol. 5 (1986) pp. 823 – 826.
4 S. Das, T.K. Dan,and P.K.  Rohatgi Solidification of Al-Si alloy in the presence of graphite particles, R. Asthana, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., Vol. 5 (1986) pp. 1083 – 1086.
5 S. Das, A.H. Yegneswaran & P.K. Rohatgi, Characterization of rapidly solidified Al-Si alloys, J. Mater. Sci., Vol. 22 (1987) pp. 3173-3177.
6 P.K. Rohatgi, S. Das & T.K. Dan Cast Al – graphite particle composites – A potential engineering material, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 67, Part MM2, March (1987) pp. 77-83.
7 S. Das, S.V. Prasad, P.K. Rohatgi& T.R. Ramachandran, Some observation on the matrix microstructure of Al-Si alloy – graphite particle composites, Met. Trans., Vol. 19A, May (1988) pp. 1365-1367.
8 S.Das,   T.R. Ramachandran & S.V. Prasad The microstructure of rapidly solidified Al-Si– Graphite composites, Scripta Met., Vol. 23 (1989) pp. 3-6.
9 S. Das, S.V. Prasad and T.R. Ramachandran, Microstructure and Wear of Cast Al-Si alloy – Graphite composites, Wear, Vol. 133 (1989), pp. 173-187.  
10 P.K. Rohatgi, S. Das, S.V. Prasad, and R. Asthana, Some modified structures of the matrix in cast Al-alloy-graphite particle composites, Z. Metallkde, Bd. 80 (1989), H.6. pp. 444-446.
11 S. Das, S.V. Prasad & T.R. Ramachandran Tribology of Al-Si alloy- graphite composites: Tribo induced graphite films & the role of silicon morphology, Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. A138 (1990)  pp. 123-132. 
12 S. Das, S.V. Prasad, T.R. Ramachandran, P.K.Rohatgi The microstructure of cast Al-Si alloys in presence of dispersed graphite particles, Materials Trans., Japan Institute of Metal, Vol. 32 (2) (1991) pp. 189-194.
13 B.K. Prasad and S. Das The significance of the matrix microstructure on the solid lubrication characteristics of graphite in aluminum alloy, Materials Science, and Engineering, Vol. A144 (1991) pp. 229-235. 
14 S. Das and B.K. Prasad, Tribological behaviour of Aluminium Alloy Composites: a comparative study with a copper-based alloy, Wear, Vol. 162-164 (1993) pp. 64-74.
15 S. Das, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, O.P. Modi, and A.H. Yegneswaran Three-body abrasive wear of 0.98% C steel, Wear, Vol. 162-164 (1993) pp. 802-810.
16 O.P. Modi, B.K. Prasad, S. Das, A.K. Jha, and A.H. Yegneswaran, Abrasive wear behaviour of an AISI 5132 steel under low stresses, Materials Trans., Japan Institute of Metals, Vol. 35, No.1  (1994) pp. 67-73. 
17 B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, O.P. Modi, S. Das and A.H. Yegneswaran Abrasive wear characteristics of a Zn-37.2 Al – 2.5 Cu – 0.2 Mg Alloy dispersed with SiC particles, Materials Trans., Japan Institute of Metals, Vol. 36 (1995) pp. 1048-1057.
18 A.K. Jha, S. Das, O.P. Modi, B.K. Prasad, R. Dasgupta, and A.H. Yegneswaran Development of materials for shovel teeth for mining industries, MINETECH, Vol. 17 No. 2 & 3 (1996) pp. 78-82
19 S. Das The influence of matrix microstructure and particle reinforcement on the two-body abrasive wear of cast Al-Si-Alloy composites, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., Vol. 16 (1997) pp. 1757-1760.
20 B.K. Prasad, S. Das, A.K. Jha, O.P.Modi, R. Dasgupta, and A.H. Yegneswaran Factors Controlling the Abrasive Wear Response of a Zinc-Based Alloy Silicon Carbide Particle Composite, Composites A, Vol. 28A (1997), 301-308.
21 R. Dasgupta, B.K. Prasad, O.P. Modi, S.  Das, A.K. Jha and A.H.Yegneswaran, Surface Engineering for Improving Performance of Mining and Agricultural Implements, Surface Engineering, (1997) Vol. 13 No. 2, 123-127.
22 R. Dasgupta, A.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, O.P. Modi, S. Das, and A.H. Yegneswaran, Slurry erosive wear characteristics of hard-faced steel: Effect of experimental parameters, Wear, Vol. 213 (1997) pp. 41-46.
23 R. Dasgupta, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, O.P. Modi, S. Das and A.H. Yegneswaran, Wear characteristics of hard-faced steel in slurry –Wear, Vol. 209 (1997) pp. 255-262.
24 B.K. Prasad, K. Venkateshwarlu, S. Das, A.K. Jha, and R. Dasgupta Influence of SiC reinforcement on the abrasive wear response of an Al-Cu alloy under the conditions of varying the abrasive size and applied load, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol.16 (1997) pp.1113-1115.
25 R. Dasgupta, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, S. Das, O.P. Modi and A.H. Yegneswaran, Wear characteristics of hard-faced steel in the slurry, Wear, Vol. 209 (1997) pp. 255-262.
26 O.P. Modi, MohiniSaxena, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, S. Das and A.H. Yegneswaran, Role of alloy matrix and dispersoid on corrosion behaviour of cast Al alloy composites by Corrosion. Vol. 54, No. 2 (1998) pp. 129-134.
27 R. Dasgupta, B.K. Prasad, O.P. Modi, A.K. Jha, S. Das and A.H. Yegneswaran Low-stress abrasives wear behaviour of hard-faced steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 7, No. 2, (1998), pp. 221-226.
28 B.K. Prasad, K.Venkateshwarlu, O.P. Modi, A.K. Jha, S. Das, RupaDasgupta and A.H. Yegneswaran, Sliding wear behaviour of some Al-Si alloys: Role of shape and size of Si particles and test conditions, Metallurgical Transactions, Vol. 29A, 11 (1998), pp. 2747 – 2752.
29 B.K. Prasad, K. Venkateshwarlu, O.P. Modi, A.K. Jha, S. Das, R. Dasgupta and A.H. Yegneswaran The Effects of Primary Silicon Particles on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium-Silicon Alloys, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 17 (1998), pp. 1381-1383.
30 B.K. Prasad, K. Venkateshwarlu, O.P. Modi, A.K. Jha, S. Das, R. Dasgupta and A.H. Yegneswaran, Sliding Wear Response of an Al-Cu Alloy: The Influence of SiC Particle Reinforcement and Test Parameters, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 17 (1998), pp. 1121-1123.
31 B.K. Prasad, K. Venkateshwarlu, O.P. Modi, A.K. Jha, S. Das, R. Dasgupta and A.H. Yegneswaran, Two-Body Abrasion Characteristics of a Zinc-Based Alloy: Effects of SiC Particle Reinforcement and Related Fields, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 17 (1998), pp. 901-903.
32 R. Dasgupta, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, O.P. Modi, S. Das,    A.H. Yegneswaran Surface Engineering: An Avenue for Improving Life of Agricultural Implements, Institute of Engineers, MM, Vol. 79, Dec. (1998) pp. 36-43
33 R. Dasgupta, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, O.P. Modi, S. Das and A.H. Yegneswaran Hard facing: A Technique for Combating Abrasive/ Erosive Wear, Materials Trans., Japan Institute of Metals, Vol. 39, No. 12, (1998) pp. 1191-1196.         
34 D.P. Mondal, S. Das, A.K. Jha, A.H.Yegneswaran, Abrasive wear of Al alloy-Al2O3 particle composite: A study on the combined effect of load and size of abrasive, Wear, Vol. 223 (1998) pp. 131-138.
35 D.P. Mondal, S. Das, B.K.Prasad Study of erosive-corrosive wear characteristics of an aluminium alloy composite through the factorial design of experiments, Wear, Vol. 217 (1998) pp. 1-6.
36 R. Dasgupta, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, O.P. Modi, S. Das and A.H. Yegneswaran, Effect of Sand Concentration on Slurry Erosion of Steels, Materials Trans., Japan Institute of Metals, Vol. 39, No. 12 (1998) pp. 1185-1190.
37 D.P. Mondal, K.K. Roy, and S. Das The strength of ferrite in annealed ARMCO Iron and hypereutectoid steels, Z. Metallkunde, Vol. 89 (9) (1998) pp. 635-641.  
38 O.P. Modi, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, S. Das, RupaDasgupta and M.Singh Slurry Erosion-Corrosion of Aluminium (Al-Cu) Alloy-Silicon Carbide Composites: Effects of Some Material and Experimental Variables, Z. Metallkd., Vol. 90, 3, (1999) pp. 189-194.
39 B.K. Prasad, S. Das, O.P. Modi, A.K. Jha, R. Dasgupta and A.H. Yegneswaran Wear response of a Zn-base Alloy in the Presence of SiC Particle Reinforcement: A Comparative Study with a Copper-Base Alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 8(6), Dec. (1999) pp. 693-700.
40 B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, S. Das, O.P. Modi,  R. Dasgupta, A.H. Yegneswaran Sliding wear response of a Zinc-Aluminium alloy as affected by SiC particle dispersion and test conditions, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 18 (1999) pp. 1731-1734.
41 O.P. Modi, R.P. Yadav, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, S. Das and A.H. Yegneswaran Microstructure and Wear of Zinc-Aluminium Alloys: Influence of Secondary Processing and Alloy Composition, Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, Vol. 90 (6) (1999) pp. 439-443.
42 S. Das, D.P. Mondal, O.P. Modi and R. Dasgupta Influence of Experimental Parameters on the Erosive-Corrosive Wear of Al-SiC Particle Composite, Wear, Vol. 231 (1999) pp. 195-205
43 S. Das, D.P. Mondal, R. Dasgupta and B.K. Prasad Mechanism of material removal during erosion-corrosion of an Al-SiC particle composite, Wear, Vol. 236 (1999) pp. 295-302
44 S. Das, S. Gupta, D.P. Mondal and B.K. Prasad Influence of Load and Abrasive Size on the Two-Body Abrasive Wear of Al-SiC Composites, Aluminium Trans., Vol. 2 (2000) pp. 27-36.
45    M. Singh, A.K. Jha, S. Das and A.H. Yegneswaran Preparation and Properties of Cast Al alloy – Granite Particle Composite, J. Mater. Sci., Vol. 35, issue no. 17 (2000), pp. 4421-4426
46 D.P. Mondal, S. Das, Y.L. Saraswati and A.H. Yegneswaran The effect of heat treatment on the Erosive – Corrosive Wear of Aluminium and Aluminium Matrix Composites, Aluminium Trans., Vol. 2, (2000) pp. 215-224.
47 A.K. Jha, S. Das, O.P. Modi,     B.K. Prasad, R. Dasgupta and A.H. Yegneswaran Role of Materials Engineering Towards Controlling the Working Efficiency of Coal Mining and Processing Industries, Minetech, Vol. 21, No. 3 & 4, (2000), pp. 72-77.
48 S. Das, D.P. Mondal,and G. Dixit Correlation of Abrasive Wear with Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Pressure Die Cast Aluminium Hard Particle Composite, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction, Vol. 32A, No. 3 (2001) pp. 633-642
49 O.P. Modi, R.P. Yadav, D.P. Mondal, R. Dasgupta, S. Das, A.H. Yegneswaran Abrasive Wear behaviour of Zinc-Aluminium alloy – 10wt% Al2O3 Composite through Factorial Design of Experiment, Journal of Material Science, Vol. 36 (2001) pp. 1601-1607.
50 M. Singh, D.P. Mondal, A.K. Jha, S. Das, A.H. Yegneswaran Preparation and properties of Cast Aluminium Alloy-Sillimanite Particle Composite, Composites: Part A, Vol. 32 (2001) pp. 787-795.
51 Y.L. Saraswathi, S. Das, and D.P. Mondal A comparative study of corrosion behaviour of Al-SiCp composite with cast iron, Corrosion, Vol. 57, No. 7, (2001), pp. 643-653.
52 B.K. Prasad, O.P. Modi, A.K. Jha, R. Dasgupta, S. Das, D.P. Mondal and A.H. Yegneswaran Erosion-Corrosion-Abrasion Characteristics of a Zinc-Based Alloy and Its Composite Containing Alumina Particle Dispersoid, Materials Science & Technology, U.K., Vol. 17 (2001), pp. 1444-1450.
53 S. Das, D.P. Mondal, S. Sawla and S. Dixit High-Stress Abrasive Wear Mechanism of LM13-SiC Composite under Varying Experimental Conditions, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, Vol. 33A (2002), pp. 3031-3044.
54 A.K. Jha, B.K. Prasad,    O.P. Modi, S. Das and A.H. Yegneswaran Correlating Microstructural Features and Mechanical Properties with Abrasion Resistance of a High Strength Low Alloy Steel, Wear, UK, Vol. 254 (2003), pp. 120-128.
55 R. Dasgupta, H.Meenai, and S. Das Age hardening of Al 201-alloy and 2014-SiC composites, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 22 (2003) pp. 391-394.
56 B.K. Prasad, O.P. Modi, S. Das, A.K. Jha, R. Dasgupta and A.H. Yegneswaran Zinc-Based Alloys: A Potential Engineering Material System, Indian Foundry Journal, Vol. 19 (2003), pp. 19-23.
57 S. Das, D.P.Mondal and S. Sawla Solid Particle Erosion of Al-Alloy and Al-Alloy Composites: Effect of Heat Treatment &    Angle of Impingement” by, Metallurgical and Material Transitions A, Vol. 35A, April 2004, pp.1369-79
58 S. Das Development of Aluminium Alloy Composites for Engineering Applications, Transaction IIM, Vol. 57, No.4, August 2004. 325- 334.
59 S. Sawla and S. Das The combined effect of reinforcement and heat treatment on the two-body abrasive wear of aluminium alloy and aluminium composites, Wear, Vol.  257 No. 5-6, Sept.  (2004) 556-561.
60 Y.L. Saraswathi, S. Das, and DP Mondal Erosion – Corrosion behavior of SiC particle reinforced Al-Si alloy in NaOH Slurry (Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, volume 36 A, August (2005) 2259-2262)
61 D.P. Mondal, S. Das, R.N.Rao, M. Singh Effect of SiC addition and running-in-wear on the sliding wears behavior of Al-Zn-Mg Aluminium alloy.  (Materials Science and Engineering A 402(2005)307-319)
62 D.P. Mondal, S. Das, V. Rajput Effect of zinc concentration and experimental parameters on high stress abrasive wears behavior of Al-Zn alloys. (Materials Science and Engineering A 406 (2005) 24-33).
63 D. P. Mondal, S. Das, and V. Rajput Synthesis and characterization of Al-Zn Alloys with varying Aluminum and Zinc Concentrations. (Indian Foundry Journal) Vol. 51, No. 10/October, (2005).
64 S. Das, Y.L. Saraswathi, D.P. Mondal Erosive-corrosive wear of aluminum alloy composites: Influence of slurry composition and speed. (Wear 261 (2006) 180-190.
65 DP Mondal and S. Das High-Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Hard Particle Composites: Effect of Experimental Parameters, Particle Size and Volume Fraction, (Tribology International) 39 (2006) 470-478.
66 M. Singh, D. P. Mondal,and S. Das Abrasive wears response of Aluminum Alloy- Siliminite Particles Reinforced composites under low-stress condition, Material Science Engg. A, 419 (2006) 59-68).
67 Y.L. Saraswathi,  S. Das, D.P. Mondal Influence of microstructure and experimental parameters on the erosion-corrosion behaviour of aluminium alloy composites, Materials Science Engineering A, 425 (2006)244-254.
68 D.P.Mondal, N. Ramakrishnan, S.Das FEM modeling of the Interface and Its Effect on the elastoplastic behaviour of metal matrix composites, Mater. Sci. Engg. A 433(2006), 286-290.
69 D.P. Mondal, N.V. Ganesh, V.S. Muneshwar, S.Das, and N. Ramakrishnan. Effect of SiC Concentration and strain rate on the compressive deformation behaviour of 2014 Al-SiCp composites. Materials Science and Engineering; Volume 433, Issues 1-2, (2006). Pages 18-31.
70 DP Mondal, S. Das, KS Suresh, N Ramakrishnan Compressive deformation behaviour of coarse SiC particle reinforced composite: Effect of age hardening and SiC content, Material Science, and Engg. A 460-461 (2007) 550-560
71 S. Sawla, S.Das, D.P. Mondal, N. Ramakrishnan Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al alloy and Al alloy-SiCp composite foam, Transactions of IIM, Vol. 60, No. 5, October (2007), pp.495-504.
72 D.P. Mondal, N. Ramakrishnan, K.S. Suresh and S. Das On the moduli of closed-cell Aluminium foam, Scripta Mater, 57(2007) 929-932
73 V. Rajput, D.P. Mondal, S. Das and N. Ramakrishnan Effect of SiC addition on age-hardening of Aluminium composite and closed-cell Aluminium composite foam J. Mater Sci. Engg,  42 (2007) 7408-7414.
74 S. Das, D.P.Mondal, S. Sawla, and N. Ramakrishnan Synergic effect of reinforcement and heat treatment on the two-body abrasive wear of an Al-Si alloy under varying loads and abrasive sizes. Wear 264 (2008) 47-59.
75 D.P. Mondal, E.M. Vinod, S. Das& T S V C Rao High-stress abrasive wear behaviour of shot-peened AA2014 Al-alloy. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, Vol. 15, February 2008, pp. 41-50.
76 I.B. Singh, D.P. Mondal, M. Singh and S. Das Influence of SiC particles addition on the corrosion behavior of 2014 Al-Cu alloy in 3.5% NaCl solution”, Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 234-241.
77 R.N. Rao, S.Das, D.P. Mondal, G. Dixit Dry sliding wear behavior of cast high strength aluminium alloy (Al-Zn-Mg) and hard particle composite”,  Wear, 267(2009)1688-1695
78 D.P. Mondal, M.D. Goel, S. Das Effect of strain rate and relative density on the compressive deformation behaviour of closed-cell Aluminium-fly ash composite foam”, Materials and design, vol. 30,(4) (2009) pp. 1268-1274.
79 D.P.Mondal, S. Das and Nidhi Jha Dry sliding wear behaviour of aluminum syntactic foam, Materials and Design, vol. 30 (2009) pp. 2563-2568.
80 D.P.Mondal, S. Das, N. Ramakrishnan and K. Udaybhaskar, Cenosphere filled Aluminum Syntactic Foam made Through Stir Casting technique Composites Part A,       vol.40 (3) (2009) p. 279-288.
81 D.P. Mondal, MD Goel, S. Das Compressive Deformation and Energy absorption behaviour of Closed Cell Aluminum-fly ash composite foam”, Mater. Sci. Engg. A vol. 507 (1-2), (2009) p. 102-109
82   Rajesh Kumar Bhushan, Sudhir Kumar, Dr. S. Das Optimization of porosity of 7075 Al alloy 10% SiC composite produced by stir casting process through Taguchi method” Int. J. Materials Engineering Innovation, Vol. 1, No. 1, (2009)116-129.
83 D. P. Mondal, S.Das, Ansul Bodkul and Nidhi Jha Modeling of Evaporative Cooling of Porous Medium filled with Evaporative liquid, CMC, vol.404 (1), 2010, pp.1-20
84 D.P.Mondal and S.Das Effect of Thickening agent, foaming agent and foaming temperature on the Micro-architecture and deformation behaviour of closed-cell aluminum foam, Materials Science and  Engineering  Technology”, vol.41(5),  May,2010, pp.276–282
85 R.N. Rao and S. Das  Effect of matrix alloy and influence of SiC particle on the sliding wear characteristics of aluminium alloy composites” Materials and Design 31(2010)1200-1207
86 R.N. Rao, S. Das, D.P Mondal and G Dixit Effect of heat treatment on the sliding wear behaviour of aluminium alloy (Al-Zn-Mg) hard particle composite”, Tribology International 43 (2010) pp. 330-339
87 Rajesh Kumar Bhushan, Sudhir Kumar, S. Das Effect of machining parameters on surface roughness and tool wear for 7075 Alloy SiC composites”, International J Advanced Manuf. Technology, Vol. 50 (5-8), 2010, pp. 459-469
88 R.N. Rao and S. Das Wear coefficient and reliability of sliding wear test procedure for high strength aluminium alloy and composite, Materials and design 31(2010) pp. 3227-3233
89 Rajesh Kumar Bhushan, Sudhir Kumar,and S. Das Cutting Forces and surface roughness analysis of Aluminium – Silicon alloy–SiC Composite, Int. Jr.     Manu. Tech. and Ind. Engg., 1 (1), June 2010, pp-57-66.
90 Sanjay Soni, S.Das, G Dixit Effect of SiC content on mechanical and Tribological properties of Al alloy SiC Composites, Engineering Today Quarterly Journal, Vol. II (4) (2010) pp. 51-59
91 Nidhi Jha, Anshul Badkul, D.P. Mondal, S. Das, M. Singh Sliding Wear behaviour of aluminium syntactic foam: A comparison with Al-10wt% SiC Composites, Tribology International, 44 (2010) pp. 220-231
92 R. Dasgupta, S. Das, S. Chaturvedi, A.K. Jha Effect of extrusion on properties of the Al-based composite, Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, vol. 20,2010,pp.2229-2233
93 Rajesh Kumar Bhushan, Sudhir Kumar, and S. Das Effect of process parameters on Microstructure, Compression Strength and CTE of 7075 Al alloy composites: Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Industrial Engineering (JMTR) vol. 1, issue 1-2, (2010) pp. 77-92
94 I B Singh, M Singh, S Das & A. H. Yegneswaran   Corrosion behaviour of sol-gel Al2O3 coated Al-Si alloy in 3.5% NaCl solution, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology vol. 17, November 2010, pp. 419-424
95 R. N. Rao, S. Das Effect of applied pressure on the tribology behaviour of SiCp reinforced AA2024 alloy, Journal of Tribology International,44 (2011) pp.454-462
96 R.N. Rao, S. Das Effect of sliding distance on the wear and friction behaviour of as-cast and heat-treated Al-SiCp composites, Materials and Design, 32(2011) pp. 3051-3058.
97 Nidhi Jha, D. P. Mondal, S.Das, Ansul Badkul, M.S.Yadav Sliding wear behaviour of aluminum syntactic foam: A comparison with Al–10 wt% SiC composites, Tribology International, Vol. 44, 2011, pp.  220-231
98 D.P. Mondal Nidhi Jha, Anshul Badkul, S. Das, M.S. Yadav,and PK. Jain Effect of Calcium Addition on the microstructure and Compressive Deformation Behaviour of 7178 Aluminum Alloy Mater. And Design Volume 32, Issue 5, May 2011, pp. 2803-2812
99 Anshul Badkul, Nidhi Jha, D P Mondal, S Das& M S Yadav, Age hardening behaviour of 2014 Al alloy-SiC composites: Effect of porosity and strontium addition Indian Journal of Engineering& Materials Sciences Vol. 18   No 1, Feb 2011, pp 79-85
100 Aruna Patel, S.Das, B.K.Prasad  “Compressive deformation of Al (2014) – 10wt%. SiC composites: Effect of strain rates and temperatures”, Material Science. & Eng. A530 (2011) 225-232.
101 DP Mondal, J. Datta Majumdar, Nidhi Jha, Ansul Badkul, S. Das, Aruna Patel, Gaurav Gupta Titanium-cenosphere syntactic foam made through powder metallurgy route”, Material & Design 34 (2012) pp. 82-89.
102 IB Singh, M Singh, S Das and Anil K Gupta A comparative corrosion studies of LM13 alloy, LM13-10wt% SiCp composite and cast iron in NaCl solution, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, November 2012)Vol.19 pp. 385-391.
103 R.S. Rana, Rajesh Purohit, and S. Das Review of the influence of alloying elements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Aluminium alloys and Aluminium, Inter. Jr. of Scientific & Research Publication (June 2012) Vol. 2 Issue 6, 
104 S. Das and BK Prasad Al and Mg-based Lightweight Metallic Materials for Automobile Applications, Invertis Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 5, No. 2 (2012) pp.1-10
105 R.K. Bhushan, S. Kumar, and S. Das GA Approach for Optimization of Surface Roughness Parameters in Machining of Al alloy SiC Particle Composites, J Mater. Engg & Perfor.4 November 2011, pp. 1-11 (DOI:10.1007/s11665-011-0066-2)
106 D.P.Mondal, Nidhi Jha, AnshulBadkul, S. Das and Raghavendra Khedle High-Temperature compressive deformation behaviour of Aluminium syntactic foam, Mater. Sci Engg A, Volume 534, (2012). 521-529
107 Rupa Dasgupta, S. Das, A.K. Jha Sliding Wear Behaviour of Al-7075 based Metal Matrix Composites: Effect of Processing Parameters, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 504-506 (2012) pp. 556-560, Trans Tech Publication Switzerland
108 A Rehman, S. Das, and G. Dixit Analysis of stir die-cast Al – SiC composite brake drums based on the coefficient of friction, Tribology International, Vol 51, (July 2012) pp. 36-41
109 RN Rao, S. Das, D.P. Mondal and G. Dixit Mechanism of material removal during tribological behaviour of aluminium matrix (Al-Zn-Mg-Cu) composites Tribology International Volume 53, (April 2012), pp. 179–184.
110 AK Gupta, BK Prasad, RK Pajnoo and S. Das Effect of T6 heat treatment on mechanical, abrasive and erosive – corrosive wear properties of eutectic Al-Si alloy, Trans. Nonferrous Met Soc China, 22 (2012) pp. 1041-1050.
111 R.S. Rana, Rajesh Purohit, and S. Das Review of recent studies in Al matrix composites, Inter. Jr. of Scientific & Engg. Res. Vol. 3 Issue 6, (June 2012)
112 Rajesh Kumar Bhushan, Sudhir Kumar, S. Das Fabrication and Characterization of 7075 Al Alloy Reinforced with SiC Particulates, the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology  March 2013, Volume 65, Issue 5, pp 611-624
113 DP Mondal, Nidhi Jha, Bilal Gull, S. Das, Anshul Badkul Microarchitecture and compressive deformation behaviour of Al alloy (LM13) – cenosphere hybrid Al foam prepared using CaCO3 as a foaming agent, Mater. Sci & Engg, A 560 (2013) pp. 601-610.
114 R.N. Rao, S. Das, D.P. Mondal, G. Dixit, S.L. Tulasi Devi Dry sliding wear maps for AA7010 (Al-Zn-Mg-Cu) aluminium matrix compositeTribology  International, Volume 60, (April 2013)pp. 77-82.
115 Rupa Dasgupta, AK Jha, and S. Das Effect of Addition of Fine SiC Particles on the Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Extruded 2014 Al-Alloy,” ISRN Tribology, vol. Article ID: 648524, (2013), doi:10.5402/2013/648524.
116 Mondal, D P, Jha, Nidh, Badkul, A, Das, S, Gul Bilal Effect of Age-hardening on Compressive Deformation Behaviour of Al-Alloy (LM13)-Cenosphere Hybrid foam prepared using CaCO3 as Foaming Agent has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Materials Research. (2013)
117 N. Jha, D.P. Mondal, M.D.Goel, J.D. Majumder, S. Das, O. P. Modi, Titanium cenosphere syntactic foam with coarser cenosphere fabricated by powder metallurgy at lower compaction load, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 24 (2014) 89−99.
118 Aruna Patel, S. Das, and BK Prasad Hot Deformation Behaviour of AA2014 – 10wt. % SiC composite, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals: Volume 67, Issue 4 (2014), 521-530
119 Sonika Sahu, M.D. Goel, D.P. Mondal and S. Das High-Temperature Compressive Deformation Behaviour of ZA27-SiC foam, Mater. Sci. & Engg., A 607, (March2014) 162-172.
120 D.P. Mondal, Mahesh Patel, S. Das, A.K. Jha, Hemant Jain, G. Gupta, S.B. Arya, Titanium foam with coarser cell size and a wide range of porosity using different types of evaporative space holders through powder metallurgy route, Materials & Design, Volume 63, (November 2014)89-99.
121 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L.A. Kumaraswamidhas, and S. Das, Mechanical Behaviour and energy absorption foam-filled structures of the square section under compression loading, Applied Mechanics, and Materials, Trans Tech Publication, Vol. 592-594 (2014) pp – 1109-1113
122 R.N. Rao, S.  Das, and S.L.T. Devi Seizure pressure and sliding velocity diagrams on tribological behaviour of Al alloy composites in as-cast and heat-treated conditions, Tribology International, Volume 80, Year (2014) 1-6.
123 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L.A. Kumaraswamidhas, and S. Das An energy absorption behavior of the foam-filled structure, Procedia Materials Science, Elsevier Vol 5 (2014) 164-172
124 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L.A. Kumaraswamidhas, and S. Das Energy absorption capabilities of Aluminium foam-filled square tube, Advanced Materials Letter, 6(1), (2014) 80-85.
125 DP. Mondal, Mahesh Patel, Hemant Jain, A.K.Jha, S. Das and R.Dasgupta The Effect of the Particle Shape and Strain Rate on Microstructure and Compressive Deformation Response of Pure Ti-Foam made using Acrowax as Space Holder” Mater. Sci. Engg. A, 625, (2015) 331-342.
126 DK Rajak, LA Kumaraswamidhas, S. Das The energy absorption capacity of empty and foam-filled mild steel tube under low strain rate at room temperature, Advanced Materials Letters 6 (6), (2015)   548-553
127 Amulya Bihari Pattnaik, Satyabrata Das, Bharat Bhushan Jha, Nedumbilly Prasantha Effect of Al–5Ti–1B grain refiner on the microstructure, mechanical properties and acoustic emission characteristics of Al5052 Aluminium alloy, Jr. of Mater. Res. And Tech. 4(2), (2015) 171-179.
128 A.K. Barnwal, D.P. Mondal, H. Jain, S. Das, A.K. Jha, R. Dasgupta and P. Banerjee Al2O3nano-particle reinforced Aluminium matrix composites through stir casting technique, Materials Science, an Indian Journal, Volume 13, Year (2015) 49-63.
129 I.B. Singh, M. Singh, and S. Das Comparative corrosion behaviour of Mg, AZ31 and AZ91 alloys in 3.5% NaCl solution, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, Volume 3, Year (2015) 142-148.
130 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L. A. Kumaraswamidhas, and S. Das Evaluation of Microstructure and Compression Behaviour of Aluminium-Alloy Foams, International Conference on Chemical, Metallurgy and Material Science Engineering (CMMSE-2015) August 10-11, (2015) Pattaya, Thailand, PP 10-14
131 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L. A. Kumaraswamidhas, and S. Das Improved Deformation Behaviour of Groove Square Mild Steel Tube under Compressive Loading, International Conference on Chemical, Metallurgy and Material Science Engineering (CMMSE-2015) August 10-11, (2015) Pattaya, Thailand, PP23-
132 R. S. Rana, Rajesh Purohit, V. K. Soni and S. Das Characterization of Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Aluminium Alloy-SiC Composites, Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 1149 – 1156
133 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L. A. Kumaraswamidhas, and S. Das Investigation and characterization of aluminium alloy foams with TiH2 as a foaming agent, Materials Science, and Technology, DOI10.1080/02670836.2015.1123846
134 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L.A. Kumaraswamidhas, S. Das, S. Senthil Kumaran,  Characterization and analysis of compression load behaviour of aluminium alloy foam under the diverse strain rate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 656 (2016) 218-225.
135 Sarika Verma, S. S. Amritphale, Satyabrata Das, Synchronizing effect of microwave and Cytosine for the synthesis of hybrid homogenized nanosized cerium oxide and cerium Oxy-carbonate hydrate material, Journal of Chemical Research, (2016) 40(6)
136 R. S. Rana, Rajesh Purohit, V. K. Soni and S. Das Development and Wear Analysis of Al- Nano SiC Composite Automotive Cam, Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (2015) 3586 – 3592
137 Sarika Verma, Sudhir Sitaram Amritphale, Satyabrata Das Synthesis and characterization of Advanced Red Mud and MWCNTs Based EMI Shielding Material via Ceramic Processing Materials Sciences and Applications, (2016)7, 192-201, Published Online April 2016in Sci. Res. HTTP: // www. Scirp. Org /journal/MSA, http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/msa.2016.
138 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L A Kumaraswamidhas, S. Das Experimental analysis to improve Energy absorption properties of rectangular metal section subjected to axial loading, Materials Today: Proceedings 3 (2016) 2207–2212.
139 L A Kumaraswamidhas, Dipen Kumar Rajak, S. Das, Investigation of the axial deformation behaviour of thin-wall unfilled and filled tube with Aluminium alloy (Al-Si7-Mg) foam-reinforced with SiC particles, J Mater. Engg and Performance (DOI: 10.1007/s11665-016-2175-4) June 2016.
140 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L.A. Kumaraswamidhas,  S. Das Technical overview of Aluminium alloy foam, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science,48(1):68-86 · April 2017 
141 Sarika Verma, S.S. Amritphale,  Satyabrata Das Development of advanced, X-ray radiation shielding panels by utilizing red mud-based polymeric organoshielding gel-type material authored by has been accepted for publication in Waste and Biomass Valorization (Springer) WAVE-D-16-00452R1 (September 2016)
142 Sarika Verma, S.S. Amritphale,  MohdAkram Khan, Avneesh Anshul Satyabrata Das Development of Advanced Geopolymerized Brine Sludge Based Composites, J Polym Environ DOI 10.1007/s10924-016-0877-1 Springer. Published online: 28 October 2016
144 Shyam BirlaD.P. Mondal
S. Das,  Anup Khare, Jai Prakash Singh
Effect of chemosphere particle size and relative density on the compressive deformation behavior of aluminum-chemosphere hybrid foam, Materials & Design, Volume 117, (2017) 168–177
145 Shyam Birla, D.P. Mondal, S.Das, N. Prasanth, A.K. Jha, Venkat A.N.Ch Compressive Deformation Behaviour of highly porous AA2014-cenosphere closed-cell hybrid foam prepared using CaH2 as a foaming agent: comparison with aluminium foam and syntactic foam, Accepted in Transaction IIM, Ms No. TIIM 70(7)  (2017)1827-1840
146 Shyam BirlaD.P. Mondal S. Das,  Deepak Kumar Kashyap, Venkat A.N. Ch Effect of chemosphere content on the compressive deformation behavior of aluminium – chemosphere hybrid foam, Mater. Sci. Engg.A, 685 (2017) 213–226
147 Sarika Verma, S.S.  Amritphale,  Satyabrata Das Development of functionalized Nano precursor gel useful for making flexible and moldable radiation shielding material”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (ASM) Accepted January 2017
148 Sarika Verma, SS Amritphale, S K Sanghi, and S. Das Development of Functional material for simultaneous shielding X-ray and EMI radiations using inorganic-organic hybrid gel. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. JOIP-D-16-00606R1, Springer
149 Sarika Verma, SS Amritphale, and S. Das Preparation and Characterization of Novel, Non-Toxic, Radiation Shielding, Self-Healing Smart Gel has been accepted for publication in cellulose, Accepted Journal of Cellulose, Ref no. CELS-D-16-00636R3, 2017, Springer
150 Amit Vishwakarma, D.P. Mondal, Shyam Birla, S. Das, Prasanth N Effect of cenosphere size on the dry sliding wear behavior LM13-cenosphere syntactic foam, Tribology International, 110 (2017) 8–22.
151 Sarika Verma, SS Amritphale, and S. Das Properties of Non-toxic, Self-healing X-ray Radiation Shielding Bandage Developed using Smart Gel.”, Accepted Journal of Cellulose, Springer, Ref no. CELS-D-16-00636R3, April 2017, Springer
152 Sarika Verma, SS Amritphale, and S. Das Improvement of strength and radiation protection properties of biodegradable jute fiber-reinforced materials, Strength of Materials, Vol. 49, No. 5, September 2017
153 R. K. Chauhan, Manish Mudgal, SarikaVerma, S. S. Amritphale, Satyabrata Das, Arvind Shrivastava Development and Design Mix of Radiation Shielding Concrete for Gamma-ray Shielding, J InorgOrganomet Polym, 27 (2017), pp 871–882
154 ·         Manish Mudgal, ·         Ramesh Kumar Chouhan, S . Verma, Sudhir Amritphale, ·         Satyabrata Das, Arvind  Shrivastva ·         Development of Advanced, Non-toxic, Synthetic Radiation Shielding Aggregates.,  Radiochimica Acta 106(1) August 2017 DOI: 10.1515/ract-2016-2715  
155 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L.A. Kumaraswamidhas, S. Das “Investigation of mild steel thin –wall tubes in an unfilled and foam-filled triangle, square and hexagonal cross-sections under compression load” J. of Materials engineering and performance, 1 April 2018, 27(4):1936-1944)
156 Dipen Kumar Rajak, L.A. Kumaraswamidhas, S. Das Experimental fabrication and compression analysis characterization of LM30 Al alloy foam with 5wt% SiCp at room temperature, Mater. Res. Express 5(6) (2018)  066526. https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aac9a0
157 ·         Ashutosh Pandey ·         Shyam Birla, D.P. Mondal ·         S. Das, Venkat Chilla   ·         Compressive deformation behavior and strain rate sensitivity of Al-cenosphere hybrid foam with mono-modal, bi-modal, and tri-modal cenosphere size distribution August 2018, MaterialsCharacterization.DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2018.08.01.1
158 ·         Raj Kumar Singh, Amit Telang, Satyabrata Das ·         Microstructural, Mechanical and Two-Body Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Hypereutectic Al-Si-SiC Composite, Accepted in Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, June 2018, TNMSC-2018-0237.
159 ·         Raj Kumar Singh, Amit Telang,  Satyabrata Das ·         Microstructure, Mechanical, and High-Stress Abrasive Wear Behavior of As-Cast and Heat-Treated Al-Si-SiCp Composite International Journal of Materials Research (formerly: Zeitschriftfuer Metallkunde), Accepted August 2018 MR6693R1
160 Dipen Kumar Rajak, Nikhil N. Mahajan,  S. Das ·           Fabrication and investigation of the influence of CaCO3 as foaming agent on Al-SiCp foam, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol. 34 (4) 2019, 379-384 (Taylor and Francis) (Accepted in September 2018).
161 S. Das, D.P. Mondal and Pradeep  Rohatgi Solidification Behaviour of Al–SiC Composite Foam,  Trans Indian Inst Met (TIIM) Vol. 71 (11) (2018)2861-2866, Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/s12666-018-1414-9
162 Raj Kumar Singh, Amit Telang,  Satyabrata Das Ref.:  Ms. No. MR6693R2 Microstructure, Mechanical, and High-Stress Abrasive Wear Behavior of As-Cast and Heat-Treated Al-Si-SiCp Composite, International Journal of Materials Research (formerly: Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde) Accepted October 12, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3139/146.111727
163 Ajay Kumar P, Gajendra Dixit, Aruna Patel, S. Das Rolling Behaviour of Aluminum Alloy 2014-10wt% SiCp Metal Matrix Composites, Contributed Papers from Materials Science and Technology 2018 (MS&T18) October 14–18, 2018, Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio, USA Copyright © 2018 MS&T18®  DOI 10.7449/2018/MST_2018_1296_1303
164 Rajeev Kumar, D.P. Mondal,  Shyam Birla, Amit Vishwakarma, Anisha Chaudhary, Saroj Kumari and S. Das. Enhanced microwave absorption property of aluminum composites using fly ash derived cenosphere, Advanced Materials Letters, Vol. 9(4), 2018, pp.241-248.  
165 Shyam Birla, D. P. Mondal, S. Das,  Anurag  Kulshrestha, S. L. Ahirwar, A.N.Ch. Venkat and Rajeev Kumar Influence of cell shape anisotropy on the compressive deformation behavior of AA-LM13-cenosphere hybrid foam”. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Accepted Aug-2018.
166 Amitava Rudra, Satyabrata Das, and Rupa Dasgupta Constitutive modeling for hot deformation behavior of Al-5083+SiC composite", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28(1) December 2018) 13-19, Springer
167 A.K. Tuli, S. Das, D.P. Mondal   Microstructure and Tensile behaviour of Thixocast   2014 Alloy: Effect of processing temperature, IJSART, Volume 4(11)  (2018)  55-61.
168 A.K. Tuli, S. Das, D.P. Mondal   Microstructure and tensile behavior of thixocast (LM25-SiC) composite: effect of processing temperature, Indian Foundry Journal, 64(9) (2018) 21-30.
169 Amitava Rudra, Mohammad Ashiq Satyabrata Das, and Rupa Dasgupta "Constitutive Modeling for Predicting High-Temperature Flow Behavior in Aluminum5083+10 wt. % SiCp Composite Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Springer, 50(2) February 2019
170 A.B. Pattnaik, S. Das, & B.B Jha,. Effect of Forging on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Al Alloy (2014): 10 wt.% SiCp Composite, J. of Maters Eng and Perform (10 May, 2019).  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-019-04094-z
171 Amitava Rudra, Mohammad Ashiq, Jitendar Kumar Tiwari, Satyabrata Das, and Rupa Dasgupta Study of processing map and effect of hot rolling on mechanical properties of aluminum-5083 alloy, Transaction IIM (Accepted May 2020) TIIM-D-20-00169R1
172 Amulya Bihari Pattnaik and Satyabrata Das Probability of Formation of Wear Debris during Initial Running-In Period of Sliding Wear of Al-Si (LM13)-10 wt.% Fly Ash Composites, J. of Maters Eng and Perform, 29 (2020) 7480-7487
173 Raj Kumar Singh, Amit Telang,  Satyabrata Das Abrasive wear response of Al-Si–SiCp composite: Effect of friction heat and friction coefficient, International Journal of Materials Research (formerly: Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde) accepted on Mar 16 2021 Ref.:  Ms. No. MR7869R3
174 Raj Kumar Singh, Amit Telang,  Satyabrata Das The influence of abrasive size and applied load on abrasive wear of Al-Si-SiCp composite, Ms No. AJSE-D-20-06218R1, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering October 2021 (Accepted)   
175 Jayashree Baral, S. Das, R Sarbesha An Innovative Process for Synthesizing Mg–Al Alloy Based Composites, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, vol 11, 2022, 245-254  
176 Jayashree Baral, S. Das, Prudhvi Sukowsh Effect of Heat Treatment on the precipitation of Mg17Al12 in Mg-7 Al alloy, Mater Today – Proceedings, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.12.187. December 2022.  
1 Recent advances and technologies of Al-alloy matrix composites, presented in Science & Technology Entrepreneur Park (STEP) program being held at MACT, Bhopal on August 9, 1992.
2 Delivered a lecture on Technology on Al-alloy composites developed at RRL, Bhopal during Technology Awareness Programme (TAP) held at Raipur on 30th and 31st December 1992.
3   Lecture delivered on Tensile properties of Al-Si (LM6) alloy at elevated temperatures, Invited by Bharat Aluminium Company, Korba on 14th November 1992.
4 Lectures on (a) Precipitation hardening & (b) Heat treatment of non-ferrous metals, delivered during ISTE summer school held at MACT, Bhopal, July 5-18, 1993.
5 Metal Matrix Particle Composites-potential Material for Brakedrum Applications presented at Telco, Jamshedpur,  August 12, 1994.
6 SLIZ: A Potential Material for Bush Bearing, at Telco, Jamshedpur, August 12, 1994.
7 RESCA: A Potential Material for Brake drum Application, Presented at Maruti Udyog Ltd., June 28, 1994.
8 Strengthening mechanism in metals & alloys, in the ISTE Summer School, July 10-22, 1995, at MACT, Bhopal.
9 Mechanical Properties of Metals & Alloys, Ibid.
10 Metal Matrix Composites: Recent Trends and Future prospects, Ibid.
11   Aluminium alloy composites: A Potential Material for Automobile Applications, December 22, 1995, Vehicle Factory, Ministry of Defence, Jabalpur.
12 Manufacturing Process of Metal Matrix Composites, Lecture Delivered during Summer School held at MACT, Bhopal in 1996.
13 Al-Alloy Matrix Composites: Potential Material for Automobile and Engineering Applications - Interaction Meeting between R&D Centers and Industries, Organized by The Indian Institute of Metals and Materials Research Society of India, Mandideep, Bhopal, July 27, 1996.
14 Development of Al-Alloy Metal Matrix Composites for Engineering Applications - Recent Developments in Materials Technology, The Indian Institute of Metals and Materials Research Society of India, Itarsi, August 7, 1996.
15   Al alloy matrix composites: Potential materials for Automobile applications, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 8-26, Nishi Waseda, 2-chome, Shinjuku-Ku Tokyo (169), Japan, October 29, 1997.
16 Development of Al-Alloy Composites for Automobile Applications -delivered at Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company Ltd. (TELCO), Pune, October 15, 1997.
17 X-Ray Diffraction Technique for Characterization of Engineering Materials, Lecture delivered during Workshop on Characterization of Engineering Materials, Institute of Engineers, Bhopal on January 11-13, 1997.
18 Al-Alloy Composite: Potential Material for Automobile Piston and Cylinder Block-delivered at M/s Bajaj Auto Ltd., Pune, October 16, 1997.
19 Aluminium Alloy Particle Composites: Potential Material for Automobile and Engineering Applications, National Seminar on Composite Materials (COMPETE - 1998), NML-MRSI, Jamshedpur, March 19, 1998.
20 Development of Al Composite for Automobile and Engineering Applications. Lecture delivered at Thapar Centre for Industrial R&D, Patiala, and September 15, 1998.
21 Presented "Cast aluminium based MMC-development of products: an experience, during Institute Industry Interaction Meet held at University of Roorkee on October 9, 1999
22   Performance Improvement of Mining and Mineral Processing Machinery Components, presented at Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Ltd., Udaipur, February 19, 2000.
23 "Development of Light Weight Energy Efficient Metal Matrix Composites for Engineering Applications", presented on Energy Conservation Day, December 14, 2001, at MACT, Bhopal
24 Lecture on "Heat Treatment of Aluminium Alloys", presented during Winter School on Wear Characteristics and Material Selection for Agricultural Equipment held at Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal during September 4-24, 2001.
25 Lecture on "R&D Activities of RRL, Bhopal" in Extol Techno-Glimpse 2002 held at Extol Institute of Management, Bhopal on January 19, 2002
26 "Development of Aluminium Alloy Composites for Automobile and Mining Industries", delivered during Non-ferrous Meet - 2002 at Taj Residency, Hyderabad, June 29, 2002
27 Lecture on "Elemental Analysis of Materials", presented during Winter School on Production Technology of Agricultural Equipment, held at Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal on September 10, 2002.
28 Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on "Fundamentals of X-Ray Diffraction and        Residual Stress Measurement", presented during Shot Peening Workshop held at MANIT, Bhopal during November 21-23, 2003.
29 Lecture delivered on “Fundamental on X-Ray Diffraction and Issues Related to Drug Molecules”, presented during Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences held at VNS Institute of Pharmacy, Bhopal on January 15, 2004. 
30 Processing and Properties of Advanced Materials, October 8, 2004, in  MANIT,  Bhopal
31 Recent advances in Composite Materials.  Courses on Advanced   Materials. TTTI Bhopal  22 November, 2004
32 Processing & Properties of Advanced Materials, Dept of Mech. Engg., MITS Gwalior, 14th July 2004.
33 Keynote Lecture delivered on Development of metal foam synthesis, properties, and applications, during an international conference on recent advances in materials and processing (RAMP - 2006), held during December 15-16, 2006 in PSG College of Technology Coimbatore, Tamil Naidu
34 Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on Advances in Metal Foam at Trivandrum during 24-26 October 2007.
35 Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on “Advanced Materials for Automotive Industry”, presented during Autofest-2008 at Oriental Institute of Sciences & Technology, Bhopal on 18 March 2008.
36 Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on “Capillary Mass transport in open-cell Aluminium foam” during Short-term program on Recent applications of thermal engineering held in MANIT, Bhopal on 12 August 2008.
37 Lecture delivered by Dr. S. Das on “Advanced materials and processes for automotive industries” during Short-term program on Recent applications of thermal engineering held in MANIT, Bhopal on 14 August 2008.
38 Lecture delivered during Xth Congress of ICSOBA-2008 Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium industry of Austral-Asia and New Technological Advances, November 28-30, 2008, Bhubaneswar. 
39 Aluminium Foam:  A Potential Functional Material NMD-ATM   of Indian Institute of Metals, November 12-15, 2013 IIT, BHU Varanasi Recent Trends and Future Prospects of Light Metals Casting Technologies.
40 The Second International Conference on INTELLIGENT ROBOTICS, AUTOMATION AND MANUFACTURING (IRAM 2013) 16-18 December 2013 at  IIT Indore, MP
41 Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Magnesium Alloys 26-28 February 2014, Int.  Conf.    Emerging Materials and Processes (ICEMP) Bhubaneswar.
42 Al Foam: Emerging Materials for crashworthiness and thermal management.  Inter. Conf. on Emerging Trends in Science & Tech impact on Environment & Society for Inclusive Growth 14-15  February  2014 ICETST 14 at AISECT Bhopal
43 Eco-Friendly Design, 19 September 2015, During National Conf. on Green Chemical Technologies at SISTec Bhopal. (Keynote Lecture)
44 Closed-Cell Aluminium Composite Foam: A Multifunctional Ultra-lightweight Material, NMD-ATM,   November 12, 2016, IIT, Kanpur (Invited Lecture)
45 Eco friendly-Design, During Advances in Product Design and Manufacturing (APDM) 6 January 2017. Dept. of Mechanical Engg. MANIT, Bhopal
46 LIGHTWEIGHT  METALLIC  MATERIALS  FOR AUTOMOBILE  & ENGINEERING   APPLICATIONS, During Advances in Smart and Functional Materials (ASFM) 13 January 2017 at CSIR-AMPRI Bhopal
47 ADVANCED LIGHTWEIGHT METALLIC MATERIALS FOR AUTOMOBILE & ENGINEERING   APPLICATIONS (Keynote Lecture), During Advanced Materials and Processing (NSAMP) 20, January 2017 At Govt. Engg.  College, Sreekrishnapuram, Palakkad, Kerala.
48  LIGHTWEIGHT METALLIC MATERIALS FOR AUTOMOBILE & ENGINEERING   APPLICATIONS (Invited Lecture), Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad on 3 February 2017
49 LIGHTWEIGHT METALLIC MATERIALS FOR AUTOMOBILE & ENGINEERING   APPLICATIONS, (Invited Lecture), Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai on 8 February 2017. 
50 ADVANCED LIGHTWEIGHT METALLIC COMPOSITE AND METALLIC FOAM FOR AUTOMOBILE & ENGINEERING   APPLICATIONS, (Keynote Lecture), at CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Trivandrum During National Symposium on Light Metals, Composites and Manufacturing Processes (LMCMP-2017) 3 March 2017.
52 Lecture Delivered on Eco-Design, during Short Term Training Program on 14-18 October 2019, Organized by Radharaman Group of Institutions, Bhopal.
53 Expert Lecture Delivered on Electron Microscope during National Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Materials, (Under TEQIP III) on  04, December 2019 at  Department of Physics, MANIT Bhopal.  
54 Lecture Delivered on Project Proposal on Indian Context during SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL WRITING SKILLS (STWS)” on 16-20 December 2019 At Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, MANIT Bhopal.  
55 Lecture Delivered on ADVANCED LIGHTWEIGHT METALLIC MATERIALS FOR AUTOMOBILE & ENGINEERING   APPLICATIONS, during Short Term Training Program on Recent Advancement in Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences on 25-29 December 2019, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, MANIT, Bhopal.
56 Lecture Delivered on Metal Matrix Composites, on 11 January 2020 at Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal.
57 Expert Lecture Delivered on Scanning Electron Microscope During Advanced Methods of Material Characterization and Surface Analysis (AMCSA-2021) on 27, February 2021 at MANIT Bhopal
58 Texture in Metals and Alloys, Lecture delivered during Short Term Training Course on X-Ray Diffraction during 6 -14 September 2021 at MANIT Bhopal.


1 Awarded in the Metallographic contest held during the 43rd Annual Technical Meeting of The Indian Institute of Metals at Calcutta on November 14-17, 1989.
2 Awarded in the Metallographic contest held during the 45th Annual Technical Meeting of The Indian Institute of Metals at Ranchi on November 14-17, 1991.
3 Awarded during National Conference of Industrial Tribology’ 1995 for Best Paper Presentation in applied science category being held at New Delhi from 22nd to 25th January 1995
4 Best single publication award for the paper titled “Correlation of Abrasive Wear with Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Pressure Die Cast Aluminium Hard Particle Composite”, S. Das, D.P. Mondal, and G. Dixit, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction, Vol. 32A, No. 3 (2001) pp. 633-642, initiated by the laboratory for the year 2002. The award was presented by H.E. The Governor of M.P., Dr. Bhai Mahavir during the CSIR Diamond Jubilee and Foundation Day Celebration.
5 Best single publication award for the paper titled “High-Stress Abrasive Wear Mechanism of LM13-SiC Composite under Varying Experimental Conditions”, S. Das, D.P. Mondal, S. Sawla and S. Dixit, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, Vol. 33A (2002), pp. 3031-3044, initiated by the laboratory for the year 2002. The award was presented by Professor P. Ramachandra Rao, Vice-Chancellor, BHU, Varanasi during the CSIR Foundation Day Celebration on September 26, 2003, at RRL, Bhopal.
6 Received ‘Metallurgist of the Year – 2003’ award, constituted by the Ministry of National Metallurgists’ Day celebration held at Science City, Kolkata on November 14, 2003, for his outstanding contribution in the areas of Metallurgy and Material Science with a special emphasis to the ‘Development of Metal Matrix Composites. The award was given by Shri B.K. Tripathy, Honorable Minister of State for Steel (Independent Charge), Govt. of India
7 Best Initiative Project Award for the project Simulation Assisted Development of Aluminium Metal Foam through Liquid Metallurgy Route for Engineering Applications initiated by the laboratory for the year 2003. The award was presented by Dr. G. Singh, Director CIAE, and Bhopal during the CSIR Foundation Day Celebration on September 26, 2004, at RRL, Bhopal.
8 Best Cell Performance Award for the cell activity Publication and Publicity initiated by the laboratory for the year 2003. The award was presented by Dr. G. Singh, Director CIAE, and Bhopal during the CSIR Foundation Day Celebration on September 26, 2004, at RRL, Bhopal.
9 Award for the best-completed project on 26 September 2006-07, project title “Simulation Assisted Development of Al-Metal Foam through Liquid Metallurgy Route for Engineering Applications”.
10 Received ‘Award for the Best Paper 2007-08’ for “On the moduli of closed-cell aluminum foam” during CSIR Foundation Day Celebration on September 26, 2008
11 Received ‘Award for the Best Initiated Project 2007-08’ for “Demonstration of competence to develop Automobile components using EMF process” during CSIR Foundation Day Celebration on September 26, 2008.
12 Received Binani Gold Medal for adjudging best paper titled “Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al alloy and Al alloy-SiCp composite foam. S. Sawla, S. Das, D.P. Mondal, N. Ramakrishnan, Transactions of IIM, Vol. 60, No. 5, October 2007, pp.495-504” under Nonferrous group by Indian Institute of Metal. The medal was presented during NMD/ATM-2008 held in India Expo Centre, Greater Noida
13 Received Binani Gold Medal for adjudging best paper titled “Compressive Deformation Behaviour of highly porous AA2014-cenosphere closed-cell hybrid foam prepared using CaH2 as a foaming agent: comparison with aluminium foam and syntactic foam. Shyam Birla, D.P. Mondal, S. Das, N. Prasanth, A.K. Jha, Venkat A.N.Ch, Transactions of IIM, Vol. 70, No. 7,  2017, pp.1827-1840” under Nonferrous group by Indian Institute of Metal. The medal was presented during NMD/ATM-2018 held  at Kolkata


1  Advanced Training: Visited Philips Almelo, The Netherlands from 27th June to 3rd July 1993 for Training on PC-APD Software of X-Ray Diffraction
2 DAAD Fellow: Visited Germany elaborate under CSIR- DAAD Exchange of Scientists Programme from May 1, 1995, to June 30, 1995
3 Member of Bilateral Exchange Programme: Visited Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan from October 21 – November 7, 1997, under Bilateral Project on Precision Forging and Technology to Manufacture Near Net Shape Parts
4 Member Bilateral Exchange Programme:        Visited Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan from October 23 – November 7, 1999, under Bilateral Project on Precision Forging and Technology to Manufacture Near Net Shape Parts
5 Visiting Faculty: Visited Materials Department, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA as a Visiting Faculty in March –July 2001.
6 Visited AOTS, Osaka, Japan during 1-14 June 2005 to attend a training program on New Product Design for India – Design Management.
7 Visited MP interconsulting, Le Locle, Switzerland on 29 June-06 July 2009 to attend advanced training and program on Ultrasonically Assisted aluminium Processing.
8 Visited Germany (IFAM, Dresden, HZ Berlin, and GKSS Geesthacht, Hamburg), during 4-10, July 2010 for interaction Meeting on Lightweight Metallic Materials.
9 Visiting Faculty in MSME Department, MANIT, Bhopal, 2009-2010
10 Busan Korea: Attended 7th International conf. on Porous Metals and Metallic Foamsheld at BEXCO, Busan, Korea during 18-21 September 2011 and presented an Invited talk on the Compressive Deformation behavior of Al foam
11 Chairperson Indian Institute of Metals, Bhopal Chapter (2011-17).
  •   Fellow Institute of Engineers (FIE) (India), India
  •   Life Member Indian Institute of Metals
  •   Life Member Materials Research Society of India
  •   Life Member Powder Metallurgy Association of India
  •   Life Member Indian Institute of Mineral Engineering, India
  •   Editorial Member of Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, ISSN:2231-3818
  •   Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Metallurgy and Alloys, Journal Pub, India.
  •   Editorial Board Member of Journal of Mineral, Metal and Material Engineering, Scientific Array Efficient Publishing, 3084 Owls Foot Drive, Mississauga,Ontario L5M 6W5, Canada
  •   Reviewer Trans IIM (springer)
  •   Reviewer Materials Characterization (Elsevier)
  •   Reviewer Materials Science and Engineering A
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