Saluja R.S., Singh V. (2019). Subjective Factors Consideration in the Selection of Welding Technique for Welded Tube Manufacturing. In: Narayanan R., Joshi S., Dixit U. (eds) Advances in Computational Methods in Manufacturing. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore. (SCOPUS Indexed).
Saluja R.S. and Singh V. (2020). MADM-Based Approach for Selection of Welding Process for Aluminum Tube Manufacturing. In: Venkata Rao R., Taler J. (eds) Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 949. Springer, Singapore. (SCOPUS Indexed)
Saluja R. S., Narayanan R. G., Das S. (2012). Cellular automata finite element (CAFE) model to predict forming of friction stir welded blank, International Journal of Computational Material Science 58(2012) 87-100. (Impact Factor: 3.45, SCIE and SCOPUS Indexed)
Saluja, R.S., Mathew M. and Singh, V., (2022). Improved proximity indexed value MCDM method for solving the rank reversal problem: A simulation-based approach, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering. (Impact Factor: 2.8, SCIE and SCOPUS Indexed)
Saluja, R.S. and Singh, V., (Accepted on 26th January, 2023). An improved Fuzzy MULTIMOORA approach and its application in welding process selection, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems. (Impact Factor: 4.08, SCIE and SCOPUS Indexed)
Saluja, R.S. and Singh, V., (2023). Attribute-based characterization, coding, and selection of joining processes using a novel MADM approach, journal OPSEARCH. (ESCI and SCOPUS Indexed)
Saluja, R.S. and Singh, V. (2020) A fuzzy multi-attribute decision making model for selection of welding process for grey cast iron. Materials Today: Proceedings. Vol. 28(2), 1194-1199. (SCOPUS Indexed)
Saluja, R.S. and Singh, V. (Accepted on May 24, 2021). Investigation of the rank reversal problem in some novel objective weight-based MADM methods, International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences. (SCOPUS Indexed)
Saluja, R.S., Narayanan R. G., Das S. (2011). Modelling of material inhomogenities and predicting forming behavior in friction stir welding using CAFE model, International conference on Computational Methods in Manufacturing IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India, Dec. 15-16, 2011.
Saluja, R.S. and Singh, V. (2017). Decision making in selection of welding processes for tube manufacturing 11th ISDSI (Indian Subcontinent Decision Sciences Institute) International conference, IIM, Trichy, Dec. 27-30, 2017.
Saluja, R.S. and Singh, V. (2022). Welding process selection using hybrid BWM-MULTIMOORA MADM method. The Third International Workshop on Best-Worst Method, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, June 09-010, 2022