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Faculty Profile

Dr. R N Shukla

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

School of Engineering


  •  PhD from LNCT University, Bhopal.
  •  M.Tech in Computer science & Engineering from RGPV, Bhopal - 2009.
  •  BE in Computer science & Engineering from Pt. R. S. S. University Raipur - 2004.
  •  OP Jindal University, Raigarh (C.G), Working as a Assistant Professor from July 2011 to till date.
  •  Worked as a Assistant Professor in TIT, Bhopal from March 2008 to July 2011.
  •  Worked as a Lecturer in All Saints College of Technology, Bhopal from Aug 2004 to Aug 2006.
  •  Mobile Adhoc Networks.
  •  Wireless Sensor Networks.
  •  Internet of Things.
  •  Data Mining.
  •  R.N. Shukla, Vijay Chaudhary, Dr. B.Verma, Paper published “Making DSR more complete for mobile Ad-Hoc Networksâ€� on International Journal on Information and Communication Technologies vol-3,number 1-2, Jan-June2010 ISSN:0973-5836 page 65-72.
  •  D. S. Tomar, R.N. Shukla, Vijay Chaudhary, Dr. B.Verma.Paper, Published “Hybrid versus Table Driven and On Demand A comprehensive survey on ZRPâ€� on International Journal on Information and Communication Technologies vol-3,number 1-2, Jan-June2010 ISSN:0973-5836 page 57-63.
  •  R.N. Shukla, Chandrabhan Pradhan, Deepesh Sharma Paper presented “Reconditioning on DSR for Mobile ad-hoc networks-A Surveyâ€� on National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its application in Engineering and Technology (NCAIET-2012) held at TIT, Bhopal on 15-16th June 2012.
  •  R.N. Shukla, Chandrabhan Pradhan, Deepesh Sharma Paper Published and presented “A Survey: Dynamic Spectrum Access approaches for Spectrum Sensing and Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Regional Area Networks IEEE 802.22â€� on International Conference 2012 held at OPJIT,Raigarh on 1st-3rd November 2012.
  •  R. N. Shukla, Ashok Bhansali, Dr. Asifullah Khan Paper published and presented “Internetwork and intranetwork spectrum sharing approaches in Cognitive Network IEEE 802.22â€� on National Workshop held at CIST, Bhopal on 8-10th November 2012.
  •  Mainak Biswas, S.K.Gupta, R.N.Shukla, A. Bhansali, “Prolonging the network life time of Wireless Sensor Networks using Particle Swarm Optimization with re-route generation,â€� International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (Inderscience), June 2014.
  •  Paper published “Literature Survey on Identification of Author’s Trait Using Textual Dataâ€� authored by Ram Narayan Shukla, Arvind Singh Chandel, Mandikini Kaushik Namdeo on International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER) in Volume 01, Issue 04, [October - 2014] e-ISSN: 2349-9745, p-ISSN: 2393-8161.
  •  Paper published “Survey: Multipath routing for Wireless Sensor Networkâ€� authored by Suneet Kumar Gupta, Ram Narayan Shukla, Asimkiran Dandapat on International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER) in Volume 02, Issue 01, [January - 2015] e-ISSN: 2349-9745, p-ISSN: 2393-8161.
  •  Suneet Kumar Gupta, Mainak Biswas, Ram Narayan Shukla, Ashok Bhansali, Research paper entitled with “PSO-EEMR: Particle Swarm based Energy Efficient Multipath routing for Wireless Sensor Networksâ€� authored by is presented in IEEE sponsored conference KCE2014.
  •  R.N. Shukla, S.K.Gupta, A.S.Chandel, J.Jain, A. Bhansali "GAE3BR: Genetic Algorithm based Energy Efficient and Energy Balanced Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks" presented in ICACCI-2015 and published in Pages: 942 - 947, IEEE Conference Publications.
  •  Ram Narayan Shukla, Kamlesh Chandravanshi, Deepak Singh Tomar, Gaurav Soni, “Traffic Analysis in Location Base Routing System in MANETâ€�, presented in ISDB-WIR 2018 and will be published in Springer Journal.
  •  Arvind Singh Chandel, Pradeep Singh Chauhan, Ram Narayan Shukla, Ashok Bhansali, “Optimizing Training time of ICS-SCA by applying heuristic in handling the overlapping of hypersphereâ€�, Communicated for ICACAT_2018.
  •  Jyotsna Sardar, Pradeep Rusiya and R N Shukla, “A New Adaptive Thresholding Method For Image Denoisingâ€�, selected for presentation in ICACAT_2018 and paper will be published in IEEE explore with any scoupus indexed journal.
  •  Supriya Bawali, Umashankar Pandey and R N Shukla, “SURVEY ON EFFICIENT ROUTING PROTOCOLS AND COVERAGE ISSUES IN WSNâ€�, selected for presentation in ICACAT_2018 and paper will be published in IEEE explore with any scopus indexed journal.
  •  Attended one week faculty development program at IIIT Naya Raipur on Internet of Things from 04th July to 8th July 2018.
  •  Attended one month training on Embedded Technology at Bangalore from May 2017 to June 2017.
  •  Attended one week IEEE and CGCOST sponsored national level workshop on “JAVA EE7 Enterprise Application Developmentâ€� from 27-31st Jan 2015.
  •  Attended two week workshop on “Network and Cyber Securityâ€� under NME-ICT program from 15 July â€� 30 July 2014.
  •  Attended one week workshop on “Computer Networksâ€� under NME-ICT program from 30 June â€� 6 July 2014.
  •  Attended one week coordinatorsâ€� workshop on “Computer Programmingâ€� under NME-ICT program from 21st April 2014 to 26th April 2014 at IIT Bombay.
  •  Conduction of In-House training program at OPJIT.
  •  Matlab workshop by Mathsworks at UTD, RGPV, June-2010.
  •  Faculty Development Program by National Institute Of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) for 15 Days .
  •  Data Mining and Warehousing organized by MANIT Bhopal.
  •  Conduction of one week workshop on Internet of Things for students and faculty at OPJU in March 2017.
  •  Coordinated Two week NMEICT workshop on Computer Programming from 16-21st June 2014.
  •  IBM Rational Rose training program for faculties and students in August 2008.
  •  DB2 training and certification workshop on 30th and 4th Dec 2009.
  •  Best faculty award in year 2014 at OPJIT, Raigarh.
  •  Best mentorship award from NPTEL online courses.
  •  Membership of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG).
  •  Member of the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).
  •  Lifetime member of ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education).
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